
检索条件"作者=Washington YOchieng"
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Integrated design of transport infrastructure and public spaces considering human behavior:A review of state-of-the-art methods and tools
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2019年 第4期8卷 429-453页
作者:Liu Yang Koen Hvan Dam Amab Majumdar Bani Anvari washington yochieng Lufeng ZhangCenter of Architecture Research and DesignUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences100190BeijingChina Centre for Transport StudiesDeptof Civil and Environmental EnQineerinqImperial Colleqe LondonLondonSW72AZUK Centre for Process Systems EngineeringDeptof Chemical EngineerinsImperial College LondonLondonSW72AZUK Centre for Transport StudiesDeptof CivilEnvironmental and Geomatic EngineeringUniversity College LondonWC1E 6BTUK 
In order to achieve holistic urban plans incorporating transport infrastructure,public space and the behavior of people in these spaces,integration of urban design and computer modeling is a promising way to provide b...
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