范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A large quantity of data in earthquake, well-log, grilling, geology and other non-seismic geophysics, has been accumulated during long period of petroleum prospecting. These data are stored in papery document and managed in low efficient manual management. This paper proposed this petroleum exploration information man-agement system which adopts SQL Server2000 as database server and combines B/S and C/S model based on MapGIS. By the combination of data layer, management layer and application layer, it realized exploration information management and sharing. The experimental experience shows that this system ensures the exploration information be better applied and developed, and provide better decision-making for the leaders.
摘要:The original surveying tools and methods are backward and low efficient and they will also generate lots of errors in the National secondary land surveying. MapSUV rural land surveying palm mapping system (MapSUV palm mapping system) based on 3S techniques, combines MapGIS rural land surveying database management system. It supports the spatial location information collection and attributes data entry. By combining with GPS receiver, it ensures high accuracy in small volume, which greatly facilitates land surveying. This paper main researched system structure, function module design and key techniques. It introduced the practical process of map spot attribute checking and map spot boundary. Then it gave the application assessment. The results shows that this system greatly improves the work efficiency of outdoor surveying and shorten the time of land surveying, database build and updating.
摘要:Fire-tower is effectively applied in forest fire prevention and commanding system, especially in fire monitor and position. After explaining the significance of scientific planning of fire-tower, this paper analyzes GIS`s functions in building forest fire prevention system. This paper uses case study method, which designs a model, fire tower planning and analysis, based on MapGIS platform. After that, it directs us how to realize these functions based on MapGIS-TDE which is a 3D platform belonged to MapGIS. This paper gives us scientific ways to fire tower planning in forest fire system which promotes informationization of forest fire prevention management.
摘要:由于现代社会对测绘成果的更新速度快、使用频率高,传统测绘成果管理技术已难以满足需要。基于MapGIS K9数据中心平台设计的测绘成果管理系统,采用数据仓库技术、中间件技术等,可实现多元异构数据的集成管理,满足现代测绘成果管理的需要。
摘要:在航空重力向下延拓过程中,将重力数据中的系统误差和离散化造成的模型误差用非参数分量表达。在无外部数据的情况下,建立基于半参数核估计方法的重力向下延拓模型,为了改善泊松积分离散后的设计矩阵的病态影响,引入正则化方法,提出了综合半参数核估计和正则化方法的逆泊松积分延拓方法。基于EGM2008(earth gravity model 2008)模型计算了某地空中重力异常,采用线性项和周期项系统误差进行仿真实验,以及美国某地实测重力异常数据,验证了本文方法在改善病态性和分离系统误差方面的有效性。结果表明,本文方法在无外部数据时,能有效地分离系统误差并具有较高的精度。
招生:0574-88222065 88222066