
检索条件"作者=Xiao-Hu Zhang"
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Design and synthesis of novel triazole antifungal derivatives based on the active site of fungal lanosterol 14a-demethylase(CYP51)
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2009年 第8期20卷 935-938页
作者:Zhi Gang Dan Jun zhang Shi Chong Yu Hong Gang hu xiao Yun Chai Qing Yan Sun Qiu Ye WuDepartment of Organic Chemistry School of Pharmacy Second Military Medical University Shanghai 200433 China 
A series of 1-(1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-yl)-2-(2,4-difluoropheny1)-3-(N-isoproy1-N-substituted-amino)-2-propanols have been designed and synthesized on the basis of the active site of lanosterol 14a-demethylase (CY...
Ultra-sensitive graphene strain sensor for sound signal acquisition and recognition
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《Nano Research》2015年 第5期8卷 1627-1636页
作者:Yan Wang Tingting Yang Junchao Lao Rujing zhang Yangyang zhang Miao Zhu xiao Li xiaobei Zang Kunlin Wang Wenjian YU hu Jin Li Wang Hongwei ZhuDepartment of Physics and Institute for Advanced Study Nanchang University Nanchang 330031 China Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China School of Materials Science and Engineering State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing Key Laboratory ot Materials Processing Technology of MOE Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China Department of ComputerScience and Technology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2D Carbon Graphene Material Co. Ltd. Changzhou 213149 China 
A wearable and high-precision sensor for sound signal acquisition and recognition was fabricated from thin films of specially designed graphene woven fabrics (GWFs). Upon being stretched, a high density of random cr...
Understanding the origin of high oxygen evolution reaction activity in the high Sr-doped perovskite
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2020年 第4期41卷 592-597页
作者:Sanzhao Song Jing Zhou Jian Sun Shiyu zhang xiao Lin Zhiwei hu Jun hu Linjuan zhang Jian-Qiang WangKey Laboratory of Interfacial Physics and TechnologyShanghai Institute of Applied PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201800China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Dalian National Laboratory for Clean EnergyDalian 116023LiaoningChina Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of SolidsNöthnitzer Strasse 40Dresden 01187Germany 
Effective electrocatalysis is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of water splitting to obtain clean ***,we report a system of interesting and high-performance Sr-doped perovskite electrocatalysts with porous structu...
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《图书馆论坛》2014年 第6期34卷 21-25页
作者:段小虎 张梅 李清 刘亚玲 惠涓澈西安文理学院图书馆 西安石油大学图书馆 西北政法大学图书馆 陕西科技大学图书馆 
Design of compensation pixel circuit with In-Zn-O thin film transistor for active-matrix organic light-emitting diode 3D display
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《Frontiers of Optoelectronics》2017年 第1期10卷 45-50页
作者:xiao hu Xingheng XIA Lei ZHOU Lirong zhang Weijing WUState Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China Guangzhou New Vision Opto-Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. Guangzhou 510530 China 
This paper presents a new compensation pixe] circuit suitable for active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) stereoscopic three dimensional (3D~ displays with shutter glasses. The simultaneous emissio~ met...
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《计算机科学》2021年 第1期48卷 182-189页
作者:张扬 马小虎苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院江苏苏州215000 
针对已有的动漫人物头像生成方法中生成结果的多样性较差,且难以准确地按照用户想法按类生成或按局部细节生成的问题,基于含辅助分类器的对抗生成网络(ACGAN),结合互信息理论、多尺度判别等提出了一种改进模型LMV-ACGAN(Latent label at...
An intelligent method to design laser resonator with particle swarm optimization algorithm
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2018年 第6期14卷 425-428页
作者:HAN Ke-zhen huANG Yan LIU Fang-fang PANG Xin hu Ping LIU Guo-wei QIN hua zhang Fang GE xiao-lu LIU xiao-juan GENG XueSchool of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering Shandong University of Technology 
In order to design a complex laser resonator with multi-parameters, the method of particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is employed. The parameters influencing the resonator stability and mode size distribution a...
Design and fabrication of 25-channel 200 GHz AWG based on Si nanowire waveguides
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2017年 第4期13卷 241-244页
作者:LI Kai-li zhang Jia-shun AN Jun-ming LI Jian-guang WANG Liang-liang WANG Yue WU Yuan-da YIN xiao-jie hu Xiong-weiState Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100083 China College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100083 China 
A 25-channel 200 GHz arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) based on Si nanowire wavegnides is designed, simulated and fab- ricated. Transfer function method is used in the simulation and error analysis of AWG with width f...
Design, methodology, and preliminary results of the follow-up of a population-based cohort study in rural area of northern China:Handan Eye Study
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《Chinese Medical Journal》2019年 第18期132卷 2157-2167页
作者:Kai Cao Jie Hao Ye zhang Ai-Lian hu xiao-hui Yang Si-Zhen Li Bing-Song Wang Qing zhang Jian-Ping hu Cai-Xia Lin Mayinuer Yusufu Ning-Li Wang Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology Beijing Tongren Eye Center Beijing Tongren Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing 100730 China Clinical Research Center Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology Beijing Tongren Eye Center Beijing Tongren Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing 100730 China Beijing Tongren Eye Center Beijing Tongren Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing 100730 China Nanjing Aier Eye Hospital Nanjing Jiangsu 210000 China the Handan Eye Study Group 
Background:Handan Eye Study (HES),a large population-based cohort study in rural area of northern China,was one of the few studies focusing on the major eye diseases of rural Chinese *** aim of this study was to intro...
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《矿业研究与开发》2025年 第2期45卷 57-65页
作者:张培森 鞠照强 胡昕 许大强 肖鹏 徐泽林 方家鑫山东科技大学矿山灾害预防控制国家重点实验室培育基地 山东科技大学矿业工程国家级实验教学示范中心 中国电力工程顾问集团西北电力设计院有限公司 
为优化充填材料性能的同时降低充填成本,开展充填材料配比研究。基于RSM-CCD法设计4因素5水平试验,构建粉煤灰质量分数A、水泥质量分数B、碳酸钙质量分数C、料浆质量分数D为因子,充填料浆坍落度及充填体7 d、28 d单轴抗压强度分别为...
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