范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:A series of 1-(1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-yl)-2-(2,4-difluoropheny1)-3-(N-isoproy1-N-substituted-amino)-2-propanols have been designed and synthesized on the basis of the active site of lanosterol 14a-demethylase (CYP51). Their structures were confirmed by MS and ^1H NMR. In vitro antifungal activities of these synthesized compounds were evaluated against eight human pathogenic fungi. The results showed that all title compounds exhibited activity against fungi tested to some extent. Compounds 3c, 3d, 7a, 7b and 7e exhibited more potent antifungal activities against nearly all fungi tested except AspergiUus fumigatus than fluconazole. ?2009 Qiu Ye Wu. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All fights reserved.
摘要:A wearable and high-precision sensor for sound signal acquisition and recognition was fabricated from thin films of specially designed graphene woven fabrics (GWFs). Upon being stretched, a high density of random cracks appears in the network, which decreases the current pathways, thereby increasing the resistance. Therefore, the film could act as a strain sensor on the human throat in order to measure one's speech through muscle movement, regardless of whether or not a sound is produced. The ultra-high sensitivity allows for the realization of rapid and low-frequency speech sampling by extracting the signature characteristics of sound waves. In this study, representative signals of 26 English letters, typical Chinese characters and tones, and even phrases and sentences were tested, revealing obvious and characteristic changes in resistance. Furthermore, resistance changes of the graphene sensor responded perfectly with pre-recorded sounds. By combining artificial intelligence with digital signal processing, we expect that, in the future, this graphene sensor will be able to successfully negotiate complex acoustic systems and large quantities of audio data.
摘要:Effective electrocatalysis is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of water splitting to obtain clean ***,we report a system of interesting and high-performance Sr-doped perovskite electrocatalysts with porous structures,obtained via a facile molten salt method and applied in the oxygen evolution reaction(OER).With increasing the Sr content,the valence states of Co and Fe ions do not clearly increase,according to the Co-L2,3 and Fe-L2,3 as well as the Co-K and the Fe-K X-ray absorption spectroscopy,whereas doped holes are clearly observed in the 0-K ***-resolution transmission electron microscopy indicates the appearance of an amorphous layer after the electrochemical *** conclude that the formation of the amorphous layer at the surface,induced by Sr doping,is crucial for achieving high OER activity,and we offer insights into the self-reconstruction of the OER catalyst.
摘要:This paper presents a new compensation pixe] circuit suitable for active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) stereoscopic three dimensional (3D~ displays with shutter glasses. The simultaneous emissio~ method was used to solve the crosstalk problem, in which the periods of initialization and threshold voltage detectio11 occur for each pixel of whole panel simultaneously. Furthermore, there was no need of the periods of initialization and threshold voltage detection from the second frame beginning by one-time detection method. employing threshold voltage The non-uniformity of the proposed pixel circuit was considerably low with an average value of 8.6% measured from 20 discrete proposed pixel circuits integrated by In-Zn-O thin film transistors (IZO TFTs). It was shown that the OLED current almost remains constant for the number of frames up to 70 even the threshold voltage detection period only exists in the first frame.
摘要:针对已有的动漫人物头像生成方法中生成结果的多样性较差,且难以准确地按照用户想法按类生成或按局部细节生成的问题,基于含辅助分类器的对抗生成网络(ACGAN),结合互信息理论、多尺度判别等提出了一种改进模型LMV-ACGAN(Latent label attached Multi scale ACGAN with improved VGG mode),用于动漫人物头像的生成。文中设计的模型主要包括特征整合的反卷积生成器,多尺度特征提取器以及真假、类别、隐参数,还原3个全连接神经网络。对于网络结构,所提模型除了类别标签外,额外引入了一组连续值的隐参数,用来增强对模型的约束,同时将卷积神经网络部分的VGG模型中的池化层替换为跨步卷积,并且判别器引入了图像的多尺度信息进行特征融合且改进了网络末端结构以及各部分的参数更新方式,以尽可能减弱末端的分类部分、真假判别部分和隐参数还原部分之间的相互影响。实验结果表明,所提模型有效地解决了模式崩塌的问题,同时较ACGAN提高了模型生成指定类型图像的成功率和准确度,对于ACGAN等生成失败或者类型判别错误的图像,可以做到正确生成,且能够通过调整连续的隐参数有效地实现一些简单的图像编辑功能,如人脸的朝向等。
摘要:In order to design a complex laser resonator with multi-parameters, the method of particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is employed. The parameters influencing the resonator stability and mode size distribution are taken into consideration, and the stability criteria index and the mode size distribution are used as target values. The absolute values of the differences between practical and the target values are set as the fitness function for the PSO. By minimizing the fitness function, a laser resonator with the optimized cavity parameters can be found. The analyses for the design example demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the PSO method in the computer aided design of multi-parameters laser resonator. Applying PSO algorithm in the intelligent design of solid state laser resonators can realize the transition from manual trial-and-error to computer intelligent design of the laser resonators.
摘要:A 25-channel 200 GHz arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) based on Si nanowire wavegnides is designed, simulated and fab- ricated. Transfer function method is used in the simulation and error analysis of AWG with width fluctuations. The 25-channel 200 GHz AWG exhibits central channel insertion loss of 6.7 dB, crosstalk of-13 dB, and central wavelength of 1 560.55 nm. The error analysis can explain the experimental results of 25-channel 200 GHz AWG well. By using deep ul- traviolet lithography (DUV) and inductively coupled plasma etching (ICP) technologies, the devices are fabricated on sili- con-on-insulator (SOI) substrate.
摘要:Background:Handan Eye Study (HES),a large population-based cohort study in rural area of northern China,was one of the few studies focusing on the major eye diseases of rural Chinese *** aim of this study was to introduce the design,methodology and to assess the data quality of the follow-up phase of ***:All participants were recruited in Yongnian county of Handan city between 2012 and *** outcomes were measured by visual quality scales and ocular *** performed the Chi-square test to make comparison of categorical data among groups,One-way analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to make comparison of continuous data among groups,a post-hoc test was done to make further pairwise ***-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Kappa coefficients were used to evaluate the consistency between different *** regression was used to explore the influence factors of death,odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to estimate the effect size of each influence ***:The follow-up rate was 85.3%.Subjects were classified into three groups:the follow-up group (n =5394),the loss to follow-up group (n =929),and the dead group (n =507),comparison of their baseline information was *** with the other two groups,age of the dead group (66.52 ± 10.31 years) was the oldest (Z =651.293,P < 0.001),male proportion was the highest (59.0 %)(x2 =42.351,P < 0.001),only 65.9 % of the dead finished middle school education (Z =205.354,P < 0.001).The marriage percentage,body mass index (BMI),best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA),and intra-ocular pressure of the dead group was the lowest *** equivalent error (SER) of the dead group was the ***,history of smoking,hypertension,diabetes,and heart disease were more common in the dead *** analysis showed that age (OR =1.901,95% CI:1.074-1.108),gender (OR =0.317,95% CI:0.224-0.448),and BCVA (OR =0.282,95%
摘要:为优化充填材料性能的同时降低充填成本,开展充填材料配比研究。基于RSM-CCD法设计4因素5水平试验,构建粉煤灰质量分数A、水泥质量分数B、碳酸钙质量分数C、料浆质量分数D为因子,充填料浆坍落度及充填体7 d、28 d单轴抗压强度分别为响应值的响应曲面回归模型,分析单因素及各因素交互作用对材料性能的影响,并在满足性能要求的基础上寻求成本最低的充填材料配比方案。结果表明:(1)高浓度充填料浆坍落度仅受线性单因素影响,交互作用对其无显著影响,坍落度随A、B、C增加先增大后减小,随D的增加而减小;(2)线性及交互作用对高浓度充填体7 d、28 d强度均有显著影响,交互作用AC与充填体强度不存在显著关系,AB、CD为一种因素的增加会促进另一种因素对充填体28 d抗压强度的增强作用,交互作用AD、BC、BD为一种因素的增加会抑制另一种因素对充填体28 d抗压强度的增强作用;(3)考虑性价比的充填材料最优配比方案为粉煤灰质量分数为18.0%,水泥质量分数为10.9%,碳酸钙质量分数为1.3%,料浆质量分数为84.0%,该配比方案满足工程实例膏体充填设计标准。
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