范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:为研究秸秆还田年限对土壤磷素分布及淋溶的影响,采用随机区组设计的方法,检测在使用不同年限秸秆还田的大棚中,不同深度的土壤全磷、有效磷、微生物量磷和土壤中性磷酸酶活性数据,分析秸秆还田年限对土壤磷素分布及淋溶的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田可以显著增加0~40 cm土壤全磷、有效磷和微生物量磷的含量,显著提高耕作层土壤中性磷酸酶活性。0~20 cm土壤,J7的全磷、有效磷、微生物量磷、中性磷酸酶活性分别比CK提高41%、125%、85%、42%;20~40 cm土壤,J7分别比CK提高30%、157%、116%、56%,并能够降低土壤中全磷和有效磷向下的迁移,效果为J7>J5>J3>J1>CK。秸秆还田还能显著增加土壤的磷活化系数,促进植物对土壤磷素的有效利用。为有效解决磷淋溶造成的农业面源污染问题提供了更多的解决途径。
摘要:针对流域数据“五多”的特点 ,提出应用主题式点源数据库的设计思想开展数字流域工程建设 ,实现流域海量数据的一体化管理 ,并以主题式点源数据库系统的建立为核心构筑数字流域的“多 S”集成层次开发模式 .
摘要:在光谱三维CT数据中,传统卷积的全局特征捕捉能力不足,而全尺度的自注意力机制则需要大量的计算资源.为了解决这一问题,本文引入一种新视觉注意力范式(wave self-attention,WSA).相比于ViT技术,该机制使用更少的资源获得同等的自注意力信息.此外,为更充分地提取器官间的相对依赖关系并提高模型的鲁棒性和执行速度,本文为WSA机制设计了一种即插即用的模块——波随机编码器(wave random encoder,WRE).该编码器能够生成一对互逆的非对称全局(局部)位置信息矩阵.其中,全局位置矩阵用来对波特征进行全局性的随机取样,局部位置矩阵则用于补充因随机取样而丢失的局部相对依赖.本文在标准数据集Synapse和COVID-19的肾脏和肺实质的分割任务上进行实验.结果表明,本文方法在精度、参数量和推理速率方面均超越了nnFormer、Swin-UNETR等现有模型,达到了SOTA水平.
摘要:由于接触电阻的存在、绝缘材料的性能不佳或制做工艺不完善等原因 ,电力电缆中间接头处极易出现单相接地、相间短路等故障 ,严重地影响了整个供电系统的安全 ,造成了巨大的经济损失 .为克服此缺点 ,提高供电可靠性 ,减少或杜绝故障发生 ,提出了通过测量电缆接头表面温度来监视其运行状态、及时发现其绝缘老化情况、在温度急剧上升超过定值时发出报警信号的检测方案 .应用检测技术、计算机技术和通信技术等先进技术手段 ,设计出了集测量、显示、打印、报警和远传通信等多项功能于一体的集散式电力电缆接头温度监测系统 .
摘要:Rice blast and bacterial blight are important diseases of rice(Oryza sativa)caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and the bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae ***(Xoo),*** rice varieties for broadspectrum resistance is considered the most effective and sustainable approach to controlling both *** dominant resistance genes have been extensively used in rice breeding and production,generating diseaseresistant varieties by altering susceptibility(S)genes that facilitate pathogen compatibility remains ***,using CRISPR/Cas9 technology,we generated loss-of-function mutants of the S genes Pi21 and Bsr-d1 and showed that they had increased resistance to *** also generated a knockout mutant of the S gene Xa5 that showed increased resistance to ***,a triple mutant of all three S genes had significantly enhanced resistance to both *** and ***,the triple mutant was comparable to the wild type in regard to key agronomic traits,including plant height,effective panicle number per plant,grain number per panicle,seed setting rate,and thousand-grain *** results demonstrate that the simultaneous editing of multiple S genes is a powerful strategy for generating new rice varieties with broadspectrum resistance.
摘要:A new series of 7-substituted 3-arylcoumarins was designed, synthesized and evaluated as novel antitumor agents in vitro. It was found that several compounds of them exhibit activity in vitro against SK-HEP-l(hepatocellular carcinoma), HepG2(hepatocellular carcinoma) and SGC7901(gastric carcinoma) cell lines to some extent. Moreover, compounds 5a, 5b, 6a and 6b have better activity against HeLa(cervical carcinoma) cell and their half maximal inhibitory concentration(IC50) values are less than 10μmol/L.
摘要:Since Ko Kung-chen published History of Chinese Journalism with Shanghai Commercial Press in 1927,this work had been published by different publishing houses and reprinted many times amounting to 18 *** are many historical narrative and fact errors of alien press in this work,and up to date these errors are not *** essay aims to revise the omitted errors of alien press in History of Chinese Journalism systematically besides those corrected by other works or essays,and carry on the statistical analysis of the errors to probe new approach for the study of alien periodicals and press in China.
摘要:To correctly capture spatial targets from cluttered and motive celestial background,a new Multi-Target Capture algorithm was proposed,which is a comparative difference algorithm based on the combination of centroid extraction and despun registration of efficient ***,this algorithm was applied in an image processing system based on the DSP featuring high speed and high *** procedures of image processing are as follows:first,label efficient points in the frame and extract their centroids;second,make appropriate despun registration,according to the reference rotation angles provided by Space Robot position system;third,translate and register centroid coordinates of efficient points in reference frames and get the registration points according to the principle that there are the most same centroid coordinates of efficient points when completely registered;finally,eliminate the same background points by using comparative difference *** result shows that this image processing system can meet the needs of the whole system.
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