范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:When designing large-sized complex machinery products, the design focus is always on the overall per- formance; however, there exist no design theory and method based on performance driven. In view of the defi- ciency of the existing design theory, according to the performance features of complex mechanical products, the performance indices are introduced into the traditional design theory of "Requirement-Function-Structure" to construct a new five-domain design theory of "Client Requirement-Function-Performance-Structure-Design Parameter". To support design practice based on this new theory, a product data model is established by using per- formance indices and the mapping relationship between them and the other four domains. When the product data model is applied to high-speed train design and combining the existing research result and relevant standards, the corresponding data model and its structure involving five domains of high-speed trains are established, which can provide technical support for studying the relationships between typical performance indices and design parame- ters and the fast achievement of a high-speed train scheme design. The five domains provide a reference for the design specification and evaluation criteria of high speed train and a new idea for the train's parameter design.
摘要:Sensitivity loop shaping using add-on peak filters is a simple and effective method to reject narrow-band disturbances in hard disk drive (HDD) servo systems. The parallel peak filter is introduced to provide high-gain magnitude in the concerned frequency range of open-loop transfer function. Different from almost all the known peak filters that possess second-order structures, we explore in this paper bow high-order peak filters can be designed to improve the loop shaping performance. The main idea is to replace some of the constant coefficients of common second-order peak filter by frequency-related transfer functions, and then differential evolution (DE) algorithm is adopted to perform optimal design. We creatively introduce chromosome coding and fitness function design, which are original and the key steps that lead to the success of DE applications in control system design. In other words, DE is modified to achieve a novel design for hard disk drive control. Owing to the remarkable searching ability of DE, the expected shape of sensitivity function can be achieved by incorporating the resultant high-order peak filter in parallel with baseline feedback controller. As a result, a seventh-order peak filter is designed to compensate for contact-induced vibration in a high-density HDD servo system, where the benefits of high-order filter are clearly demonstrated.
摘要:In this paper,the modeling and control design of a biomimetic robotic fish is *** Anguilliform robotic fish consists of N links and N−1 joints,and the driving forces are the torques applied to the *** kinematic constraints,Lagrangian formulation is used to obtain the dynamics of the fish *** computed torque control method is applied first,which can provide satisfactory tracking responses for fish *** this robotic fish is essentially an underactuated system,the reference trajectories for the orientation of the N links are planned in such a way that,at a neighborhood of the equilibrium point,the tracking task of N angles can be achieved by using N−1 joint *** deal with parameter uncertainties that exist in the actual environment,sliding mode control is *** feasibility and complexity issues,a simplified sliding mode control algorithm is given.A four-link robotic fish is modeled and simulated,and the results validate the effectiveness of reference planning and the proposed controllers.
摘要:选取牛、羊线粒体12S rRNA基因的特异性引物,以新鲜牛、羊乳样品提取模板DNA,建立了基于DNA结合染料(SYBR Green I)的实时荧光定量PCR方法,用于羊乳制品中牛乳成分的掺假鉴别检测。结果表明,该方法最低可检出新鲜羊奶中掺入2.5%的牛乳成分,并应用于11份市售羊乳制品样本中的牛、羊源性成分的鉴别。基于DNA结合染料的定量PCR检测无需电泳分离和设计标记DNA探针,具有快速、灵敏、低成本和高通量等优点,可以作为羊乳及其深加工制品中牛乳源性成分掺入检测的有效手段之一。
摘要:目的 :针对现有的氧浓度监测装置的弊端与不足,设计一种无线氧浓度监测装置。方法 :该装置主要由氧气传感器、氧气传感器连接线、氧浓度监测主机、显示终端4个部分组成。以HT67F489为主控制芯片,采用KE-25氧浓度传感器采集氧气体积分数数据,再通过T82模块将该数据无线传输到显示终端的App软件上。结果:该装置监测的氧气体积分数与设备自带监测装置的氧气体积分数监测值一样精确,不仅减少了患者用氧安全隐患,而且可以使医学工程人员在最短的时间内发现用氧设备的故障,缩短排查时间。结论:该装置安装简单、系统性能稳定、监测氧气体积分数精确度高,可以不受物理环境的影响实现对各种医用用氧设备氧气体积分数的实时监测,具有重大的社会效益和军事效益。
摘要:这份报纸为反复的学习控制(ILC ) 论述一种新反馈前馈控制配置与反馈设计,它由反馈和一个前馈控制部件组成。反馈积分控制器稳定系统,并且在操作,和前馈控制 ILC 期间起主导的作用补偿可重复的非线性 / 未知的变化时间的动力学和骚乱,从而提高性能独自由反馈控制完成了。作为这控制策略的最有利的点,没有作努力到前馈控制 / 反馈获得的 reconfigurate 或重新调律,前馈控制 ILC 和反馈控制能独立地或联合工作。与严密分析,建议学习控制计划沿着重复轴保证 asymptotic 得到集中。
摘要:藤黄酸(gambogic acid,GA)作为中药藤黄中的笼状呫吨酮类活性成分,展现出显著的抗肿瘤活性,现已进入我国肺癌治疗的临床Ⅱ期研究。然而,GA存在水溶性低、靶向性缺乏及毒副作用显著等固有缺陷,严重制约了其临床应用。新型递药系统不仅能克服上述药物缺陷,还可整合多种治疗模式,突破单一疗法的局限性。据此,该研究设计了一种以聚多巴胺(polydopamine,PDA)为基底,经聚乙二醇(polyethylene glycol,PEG)修饰通过配位作用、静电吸附和疏水相互作用依次装载Fe(Ⅲ)离子、葡萄糖氧化酶(glucose oxidase,GOx)和GA的多功能纳米递送系统[PDA-PEG-Fe(Ⅲ)-GOx-GA]。该系统表现出优异的生理稳定性、血液相容性和光热转化效率。值得注意的是,在pH和近红外光双重刺激下,PDA-PEG-Fe(Ⅲ)-GOx-GA实现了GA的可控释放,12 h累积释放率达58.3%,为无刺激条件下的3.6倍。在近红外光照射下,该系统通过PDA触发的光热效应、Fe(Ⅲ)诱导的化学动力学治疗、GOx产生的饥饿效应,以及GA介导的化疗等多重机制的协同作用,有效抑制肿瘤细胞增殖(抑制率91.5%)并诱导其凋亡(凋亡率83.3%),实现了对肺癌的多模式、多途径治疗策略。
摘要:An exact-designed mesh shape with favorable surface accuracy is of practical significance to the performance of large cable-network antenna reflectors. In this study, a novel design approach that could guide the generation of exact spatial parabolic mesh configurations of such reflector was proposed. By incorporating the traditional force density method with the standard finite element method, this proposed approach had taken the deformation effects of flexible ring truss supports into consideration, and searched for the desired mesh shapes that can satisfy the requirement that all the free nodes are exactly located on the objective paraboloid. Compared with the conventional design method,a remarkable improvement of surface accuracy in the obtained mesh shapes had been demonstrated by numerical examples. The present work would provide a helpful technical reference for the mesh shape design of such cable-network antenna reflector in engineering practice.
招生:0574-88222065 88222066