
检索条件"作者=XinJun Liu"
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Optimal design of a new spatial 3-DOF parallel robot with respect to a frame-free index
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2009年 第4期52卷 986-999页
作者:JinSong Wang xinjun liu Chao WuDepartment of Precision Instruments Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 
Optimal design is one of the most important issues in robots. Since the very beginning, the concepts of the Jacobian matrix, manipulability and condition number, which are used successfully in the field of serial robo...
Optimal Design and Force Control of a Nine-Cable-Driven Parallel Mechanism for Lunar Takeoff Simulation
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《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》2019年 第4期32卷 35-46页
作者:Wangmin Yi Yu Zheng Weifang Wang XiaoqiangTang xinjun liu Fanwei MengDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084China Beijing Institute of Spacecraft EnvironMent Engineering China Academy of Space Technology Beijing 100094 China Beijing Engineering Research Center of the Intelligent AsseMbly Technology and EquipMent for Aerospace Product Beijing Institute of Spacecraft EnvironMent Engineering Beijing 100094China School of Mechanical Engineering and AutoMation Beihang University Beijing 100191China Beijing Institute of Radio MeasureMent Second Research Institute of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Beijing 100854 China 
Traditional simulation methods are unable to meet the requirements of lunar takeo simulations, such as high force output precision, low cost, and repeated use. Considering that cable-driven parallel mechanisms have th...
A new optimum design method of bicycle parameters for a specified rider
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《Chinese Science Bulletin》2012年 第17期57卷 2192-2192页
作者:xinjun liu Jing Wang WeiYang Yu JinHua Wu 
The optimum design of bicycle parameters has been explored by many scholars and institutes since bicycles were first invented. Professor xinjun liu and his group at Tsinghua
Optimal Design of a Main Driving Mechanism for Servo Punch Press Based on Performance Atlases
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《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》2013年 第5期26卷 909-917页
作者:ZHOU Yanhua XIE Fugui liu xinjunDepartment of Precision Instruments and MechanologyTsinghua University Institute of Aircraft EngineeringNaval Aeronautical and Astronautical University Beijing Key Lab of Precision/Ultra-precision Manufacturing Equipments and ControlTsinghua University 
The servomotor drive turret punch press is attracting more attentions and being developed more intensively due to the advantages of high speed,high accuracy,high flexibility,high productivity,low noise,cleaning and en...
Analysis and optimum design of rider-bicycle mechanisms:Design of bicycle parameters for a specified rider
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2011年 第11期54卷 3027-3034页
作者:liu xinjun WANG Jing YU WeiYang WU JinHuaState Key Laboratory of Tribology and Institute of Manufacturing Engineering Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 
Optimum design of rider-bicycle mechanisms is very important for customizing bicycles and plays a crucial role in the improvement of athletes' performances and in protection of the *** the birth of the first bicyc...
Design and experimental study of the SPKM165, a five-axis serial-parallel kinematic milling machine
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《Science China(Technological Sciences)》2011年 第5期54卷 1193-1205页
作者:XIE FuGui liu xinjun ZHANG Hui WANG JinSongState Key Laboratory of Tribology & Institute of Manufacturing Engineering Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 
A five-axis serial-parallel kinematic milling machine, the SPKM 165, is introduced. This machine consists of a three-degree of-freedom parallel module and a two-degree-of-freedom serial table. The SPKM 165 is capable ...
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《机械工程学报》2012年 第1期48卷 135-140页
作者:陈祥 刘辛军清华大学精密仪器与机械学系北京100084 
在连续体拓扑优化领域中,寻求更好的建模方法和更快的求解算法一直是研究人员的研究重点。为此,针对拓扑优化设计方法中的变密度法进行深入分析。研究和比较各向同性惩罚微结构法(Solid isotropic microstructure with penalization,SI...
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《机械工程学报》2014年 第21期50卷 60-68页
作者:徐尤南 刘辛军 汪劲松华东交通大学机电工程学院南昌330013 清华大学机械工程系北京100084 
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《机械工程学报》2000年 第4期36卷 9-13页
作者:高峰 刘辛军 金振林燕山大学机器人研究中心秦皇岛066004 
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《机械工程学报》2015年 第11期51卷 1-7页
作者:周艳华 谢福贵 刘辛军清华大学机械工程系制造工程研究所北京100084 海军航空工程学院飞行器工程系烟台264001 清华大学精密超精密制造装备及控制北京市重点实验室北京100084 
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