范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:AIM:To develop a new decellularization method depended upon the natural corneal structure and to harvest an ideal scaffold with good biocompatibilities for corneal ***:The acellular cornea matrix (ACM) were prepared from de-epithelium fresh porcine corneas (DFPCs) by incubation with 100% fresh human sera and additional electrophoresis at 4℃. Human corneal epithelial cells (HCEs) were used for the cytotoxicity tests of ACM. ACM were implanted into the Enhanced Green Fluorecence Protein (eGFP) transgenic mouse anterior chamber for evaluation of ***:HE and GSIB4 results showed fresh porcine cornea matrix with 100% human sera and electrophoresis could entirely decellularize stromal cell without reducing its transparency. ACM has no cytotoxic effect ex vivo. Animal test showed there was no rejection for one month after ***:These results provide a decellularizing approach for the study of corneal tissue engineering and had the broader implications for the field of biological tissue engineering in other engineered organ or tissue matrix.
摘要:胃癌是全球第五常见的恶性肿瘤并死亡率较高,严重威胁人类的生命健康。因此,早期识别胃癌病变对早期胃癌诊断至关重要。显微高光谱成像技术作为一种新兴技术,可以在微观层面同时获取生物组织丰富的光谱信息和空间信息,为早期病理切片诊断提供了一种新的思路。利用显微高光谱成像系统,采集了在400~1000 nm波段范围的胃癌显微高光谱病理图像,通过光谱校正等预处理构建了包含230张图像的胃癌显微高光谱数据集。尽管基于空间注意力的方法在图像分类、分割等领域已取得了显著成果,但在处理高光谱图像时仍面临计算复杂度高以及光谱信息利用不充分的问题。为此,提出了基于卷积和注意力机制的混合双分支Transformer(MDBT)的特征提取主干网络模型。该模型通过交替应用空间混合模块和通道混合模块,实现块间和块内的空间和通道特征聚合。具体而言,设计了窗口注意力和卷积双分支以及空间和通道交互结构。这种设计不仅降低了计算复杂度,还通过卷积交互实现了窗口间信息交互和特征融合,从而克服了窗口注意力感受野受限的问题,进一步提高了Transformer的全局建模能力。在进行图像分割实验中,采用UperNet模型作为解码头网络对主干网络提取得到的特征进行还原,以得到最终的分割结果。在采集得到的胃癌高光谱数据集上进行了五折交叉验证实验,结果表明本模型的平均mDice和mIoU分别达到85.39、74.66,性能优于目前UNet、Swin、PVT、VIT等主流图像分割网络模型。同时设计一系列消融实验,验证本文提出空间和通道双混合模块、卷积与窗口注意力双分支等结构对实验结果的优化效果。实验结果表明本文提出的MDBT模型能够有效利用高光谱图像丰富的空间和光谱信息,提高胃癌图像分割准确率,证明显微高光谱成像技术在胃癌诊断方面具有一定的研究意义和应用价值。
摘要:Combination antiretroviral therapy(ART)reduced AIDS-related mortality and increased survival among patients living with HIV by interrupting HIV replication,enhancing immune recovery,and preventing the onset of opportunistic infections[1].In China,ART has rapidly been scaled up since the beginning of the National Free Antiretroviral Treatment Program(NFATP)in 2003[2].By the end of 2016,489,411 individuals diagnosed with HIV were receiving free antiretroviral treatment in *** is firmly committed to reducing overall AIDS-related mortality and HIV incidence within the ***,similar to other low-and middle-income countries,the NFATP is challenged by high mortality and attrition shortly after patients initiate ART[3].
摘要:Based on the information system characteristics of mine, proposed network architecture design of the mine property. And in this framework based on the design of three-dimensional virtual mine described the application of intelligent management platform. Three-dimensional virtual underground mine that shows the situation, the core application is through remote monitoring system of information exchange between devices (material object communication). Internet of things in the framework of mining three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of mine. On coal mine safety in the production process of human, machine and environment, control elements and their harmony and unity. 3D virtual mine management platform integrates personnel positioning, dust control, gas monitoring, roof pressure monitoring, fan-line monitoring and other subsystems. Platform through the underground mine sensing equipment to conduct various types of monitoring data integration, through the transport layer device to transmit the information to the application layer intelligence processing software platform, the system automatically handles the operational status of each subsystem and the need for safe production under the proper introduction of human factors deal with special event. 3D virtual mine management platform to mining, excavation, transport, ventilation and other safety information quickly and accurately transmitted to the ground operation control center. Underground for the first time on the linkage between systems in case of emergencies, to provide safety for management decision support.
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