
检索条件"作者=Yong Wang"
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Photosynthetic biomaterials: applications of photosynthesis in algae as oxygenerator in biomedical therapies
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2021年 第3期4卷 596-611页
作者:yong wang Yanan Xue Tao Zhang Qingqing Fang Mingyuan Jin Xiaofeng wang Zhengcai wang Yanyan Hu Wanyi Zhao Dong Lou Wei-Qiang TanDepartment of Plastic SurgerySir Run Run Shaw HospitalZhejiang University School of Medicine3 East Qingchun RoadHangzhou 310016China Department of Plastic SurgeryThe Fourth Affiliated HospitalZhejiang University School of MedicineN1 Shangcheng RoadYiwu 322000China 
For most organisms,molecular oxygen is indispensable for normal physiological metabolism;in humans,prolonged hypoxia in tissues can induce many diseases,exemplified by cardiovascular disease,chronic wounds,and tissue ...
Cis-acting regulatory elements: from random screening to quantitative design
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《Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China》2015年 第3期10卷 107-114页
作者:Hailin Meng yong wangBioengineering Research Center Guangzhou Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou China CAS Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai China 
The cis-acting regulatory elements, e.g., promoters and ribosome binding sites (RBSs) with various desired properties, are building blocks widely used in synthetic biology for fine tuning gene expression. In the las...
Rational design of hydrogenation catalysts using nitrogen-doped porous carbon
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2019年 第7期40卷 971-979页
作者:Yuzhuo Chen Zhe wang Shanjun Mao yong wang浙江大学催化研究所先进材料与催化课题组浙江杭州310028 
1. Introduction Hydrogenation is one of the most important reactions in the chemical and petroleum refining industries. Since Sabatier [1] first studied the hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds in the presen...
Site requirements of supported W_(2)C nanocatalysts for efficient hydrodeoxygenation of m-cresol to aromatics
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2024年 第12期67卷 91-101页
作者:Yanling Yang Peijie Han Yuanbao Zhang Jingdong Lin Shaolong Wan yong wang Haichao Liu Shuai wangState Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid SurfacesCollaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materialsand College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringXiamen UniversityXiamen 361005FujianChina College of Marine EngineeringJimei UniversityXiamen 361000FujianChina Key Laboratory for Marine Corrosion and Intelligent Protection Materials of XiamenJimei UniversityXiamen 361000FujianChina Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and BioengineeringWashington State UniversityPullmanWA 99164United States Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular SciencesCollege of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringPeking UniversityBeijing 100871China 
Selective hydrodeoxygenation of lignin derivatives into aromatic compounds is a promising route for the upgrading of lignin *** carbide catalysts have exhibited excellent selectivity in hydrodeoxygenation reactions,wh...
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2016年 第11期17卷 911-922页
作者:yong wang Ji-en MA You-tong FANGShanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design InstituteShanghai 200233China College of Electrical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China 
Benchmarking Intrinsic Promoters and Terminators for Plant Synthetic Biology Research
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《BioDesign Research》2022年 第1期2022卷 264-275页
作者:Chenfei Tian Yixin Zhang Jianhua Li yong wangCAS-Key Laboratory of Synthetic BiologyCAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant SciencesInstitute of Plant Physiology and EcologyChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200032China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100039China College of Life ScienceJilin Agricultural UniversityChangchun 130118China 
The emerging plant synthetic metabolic engineering has been exhibiting great promise to produce either value-added metabolitesor therapeutic proteins. However, promoters for plant pathway engineering are generally sel...
Structural optimum design of bistable cylindrical shell for broadband energy harvesting application
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《Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》2015年 第4期5卷 151-154页
作者:yong wang Liming Peng Zhilong HuangDepartment of Engineering Mechanics Zhejiang University 
The shallow cylindrical structure is suitable to develop broadband vibration energy harvesters due to the property of the inherent mechanical bistability. In this letter, the optimum design of the bistable cylindrical...
Coordination environment of active sites and their effect on catalytic performance of heterogeneous catalysts
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《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》2022年 第4期43卷 928-955页
作者:Chunpeng wang Zhe wang Shanjun Mao Zhirong Chen yong wangAdvanced Materials and Catalysis GroupInstitute of CatalysisZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310028ZhejiangChina College of Chemical and Biological EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310028ZhejiangChina Center of Chemistry for Frontier TechnologiesZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310028ZhejiangChina 
The structural complexity of supported metal catalysts,playing significant role in a wide range of chemical technologies,have prevented us from deeply understanding their catalytic mechanisms at atomic level.A fundame...
Development of microfluidic devices for islet transplantation and islet physiologys
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《实用器官移植电子杂志》2016年 第6期4卷 334-340页
作者:Yuan Xing Katherine Xie Manwan Chan Hevin Poon Maggie wang Shusen wang Merigeng Qi yong wangDepartment of Surgery/TransplantUniversity of Illinois at Chicago The Honors CollegeUniversity of Illinois at Chicago Department of organ transplantationKey Laboratory for Critical Care Medicine of the Ministry of HealthTianjin First Center Hospital Department of Translational Research and Cellular TherapeuticsDiabetes and Metabolism Research InstituteBeckman Research Institute of City of Hope 
In silico design of novel proton-pump inhibitors with reduced adverse effects
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《Frontiers of Medicine》2019年 第2期13卷 277-284页
作者:Xiaoyi Li Hong Kang Wensheng Liu Sarita Singhal Na Jiao yong wang Lixin Zhu Ruixin ZhuDepartment of GastroenterologyShanghai East HospitalSchool of Life Sciences and TechnologyTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China School of Biomedical InformaticsThe University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston7000 Fannin StHoustonTX 77030USA Digestive Diseases and Nutrition CenterDepartment of PediatricsThe State University of New York at BuffaloBuffaloNY 14260USA Basic Medical CollegeBeijing University of Chinese MedicineBeijing 100029China GenomeEnvironment and Microbiome Community of ExcellenceThe State University of New York at BuffaloBuffaloNY 14214USA 
The development of new proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) with less adverse effects by lowering the pKa values of nitrogen atoms in pyrimidine rings has been previously suggested by our group. In this work, we proposed tha...
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