
检索条件"作者=ZHANG Li-zhu"
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Numerical calculation of hydrodynamic characteristics of tidal currents for submarine excavation engineering in coastal area
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《Water Science and Engineering》2016年 第2期9卷 155-164页
作者:Jian-hua li liang-sheng zhu Shan-ju zhangCollege of Civil and Transportation Engineering South China University of Technology 
In coastal areas with complicated flow movement, deposition and scour readily occur in submarine excavation projects. In this study, a smallscale model, with a high resolution in the vertical direction, was used to si...
Rational design of novel ultra-small amorphous Fe_(2)O_(3)nanodots/graphene heterostructures for all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors
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《Nano Research》2021年 第4期14卷 953-960页
作者:Chenxiao Wu Zhifang zhang Zhonghui Chen Zuimin Jiang Huiyu li Haijing Cao Yongsheng liu Yanyan zhu Zebo Fang Xiangrong YuCollege of Mathematics and PhysicsShanghai University of Electric PowerShanghai 200090China Key Lab for Special Functional Materials of Ministry of EducationSchool of Materials Science and EngineeringHenan UniversityKaifeng 475004China Department of PhysicsFudan UniversityShanghai 200433China Department of PhysicsShaoxing UniversityShaoxing 312000China Department of Medical ImagingZhuhai Peoples HospitalZhuhai Hospital affiliated with Jinan UniversityZhuhai 519000China 
Constructing graphene-based heterostructures with large interfacial area is an efficient approach to enhance the electrochemical performance of supercapacitors but remains great challenges in their ***,a novel ultra-s...
Evolution of low-frequency noise passing through a spatial filter in a high power laser system
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《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2011年 第3期54卷 411-415页
作者:SUN PingPing liU DeAn zhang Yanli li XiaoYan zhang Yan zhu JianQiangNational Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai 201800 China 
The theoretical model of spatial noise passing through a spatial filter is established in high power laser system under the small signal approximation. The transmission characteristic for a noise signal passing throug...
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《电气工程学报》2018年 第3期13卷 9-16页
作者:毛福斌 章雪萌 李玉良 祝青 孟祥娟 陈晓峰中国能源建设集团安徽省电力设计院有限公司 
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《机械》2025年 第1期52卷 8-15,36页
作者:朱立飞 马术文 黎荣 张海柱 贺子奕 沈煜华西南交通大学机械工程学院先进设计与制造技术研究所四川成都610031 
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《高师理科学刊》2017年 第10期37卷 101-103,110页
作者:刘丽杰 张东向 金忠民 张珍珠 李珊珊 王芳齐齐哈尔大学生命科学与农林学院黑龙江齐齐哈尔161006 
Six sigma robust design optimization for thermal protection system of hypersonic vehicles based on successive response surface method
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2019年 第9期32卷 2095-2108页
作者:Jingjing zhu Xiaojun WANG Haiguo zhang Yuwen li Ruixing WANG Zhiping QIUInstitute of Solid MechanicsSchool of Aeronautic Science and EngineeringBeihang UniversityBeijing 100083China The 704 Research Institute of CSICShanghai 200031China Institute of MechanicsChinese Academy of ScienceBeijing 100190China 
lightweight design is important for the Thermal Protection System(TPS) of hypersonic vehicles in that it protects the inner structure from severe heating environment. However, due to the existence of uncertainties in ...
Design of Sandwich Transducer Based on the Equivalent Length Algorithm
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《Sound & Vibration》2018年 第6期52卷 23-28页
作者:Xinggang Jiang Xianbin zhu Shanda li Daxi Geng Deyuan zhangSchool of Mechanical Engineering and AutomationBeihang UniversityBeijing 100191China Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical EngineeringBeihang UniversityBeijing 100091China Shandong Economy and Information Technology InstituteNo.134Jiefang RoadJinan250013China 
The sandwich transducer structure is comprised of threecomponents along its main axis: the back metal cap, piezoelectricceramic stack and the horn. The purpose of this work is topresent a simplified method, referred a...
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《系统工程理论与实践》2024年 第3期44卷 1114-1128页
作者:何向 李莉 朱星圳 张华 杨文胜南京邮电大学传媒与艺术学院南京210023 南京理工大学经济管理学院南京210094 扬州大学商学院扬州225127 安徽工业大学管理科学与工程学院马鞍山243032 
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《断块油气田》2025年 第1期32卷 102-107页
作者:杨赟昊 朱博华 冉琦 李晶晶 卢志强 常健强 张胜寒 梁舒瑗 赵军中石化石油物探技术研究院有限公司江苏南京211103 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院上海200092 中国石化西北油田分公司勘探开发研究院新疆乌鲁木齐830011 
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