
检索条件"基金资助=China Agriculture Research System"
27 条 记 录,以下是21-30 订阅
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《园艺与种苗》2017年 第3期37卷 26-28页
作者:周芳 贾景丽 刘兆财 李寿如 周吉 贾立君 张昱 徐小虎本溪市马铃薯研究所辽宁本溪117000 
Screening and Evaluation of Different Purple Sweet Potato Varieties Specially Used for Processing
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2015年 第4期16卷 653-658页
作者:梁金平 杨立明 林纪生 张志勇 吴振新 罗远雪 张川福建省龙岩市农业科学研究所福建龙岩364000 连城县绿康紫地瓜种植专业合作社福建连城366200 连城县农业局福建连城366200 连城县福农食品有限公司福建连城366200 
Objective] This study almed to screen high-quality and high-yield purpIe sweet potato varieties special y used for processing which were suitabIe for pIanting in Liancheng County. [Method] By using a randomized bIock ...
Effects of Genotype and Planting Density on Agronomic Traits and Storage Root of Sweetpotato
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2017年 第2期18卷 238-243,246页
作者:闫会 李强 张允刚 后猛 唐维 王欣 刘亚菊 马代夫江苏徐淮地区徐州农业科学研究所/农业部甘薯生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/江苏徐州甘薯研究中心江苏徐州221131 
The effects ol different genotypes and planting densities on main agronomic traits, storage root traits and yield were studied with 6 high-quality sweetpotato varieties as study objects by 2-factor completely random d...
Analysis on Bacterial Community Structure in Mushroom(Agaricus bisporus) Compost Using PCR-DGGE
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2015年 第8期16卷 1778-1784页
作者:郭亚萍 张国庆 陈青君 杨凯北京农学院植物科学技术学院农业应用新技术北京市重点实验室北京102206 北京农学院生物科学与工程学院农业部都市农业(北方)重点实验室北京102206 
This study aimed to investigate the bacterial communities in mushroom compost piles composed of rice straw, corn stover, and cow dung. Bacterial com- munities of samples at the beginning of composting, at the end of f...
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《饲料工业》2016年 第5期37卷 47-51页
作者:院东 邵伟 彭国亮 余雄新疆农业大学动物科学学院新疆肉乳用草食动物营养实验室新疆乌鲁木齐830052 
Study on Optimum Fertilization Model of Potato Intercropped with Sugarcane
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2013年 第1期14卷 138-143页
作者:江泽普 廖青 谭裕模 韦广泼 邢颖 汪羽宁 刘斌 梁潘霞广西农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所广西南宁530007 
[Objective] The paper was to study the effects of different ratios of N, P and K on yield of potato intercropped with sugarcane in Lateritic red earth area of Guangxi, and seek the best N, P and K ratio for nutrition ...
Effect of Cultivation Conditionss on Quality Parameters of High Grade Hybrid Rape of Brassica napus L.
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2013年 第1期14卷 59-68页
作者:赵继献 任廷波 程国平贵州省油菜研究所贵州思南565109 
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the combined effects of sowing date, plant density, nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer on quality parameters of high grade hybrid rapesee...
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