
检索条件"基金资助=China National Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists "
13 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
A finite element approach for seismic design of arch dam-abutment structures
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《Science china(Technological Sciences)》2011年 第3期54卷 516-521页
作者:YANG Qiang LENG KuangDai LIU YaoRuState Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 
We present a 3-D finite element (FE) approach to find the optimal distribution of seismic reinforcement force to secure high arch dam-abutment structures against certain earthquake actions. Nonlinear FE time history a...
An iterative virtual projection method to improve the reconstruction performance for ill-posed emission tomographic problems
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《Chinese Physics B》2015年 第10期24卷 200-212页
作者:柳华蔚 郑树 周怀春Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of EducationDepartment of Thermal EngineeringTsinghua University 
In order to improve the reconstruction performance for ill-posed emission tomographic problems with limited projections, a generalized interpolation method is proposed in this paper, in which the virtual lines of proj...
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《光子学报》2016年 第5期45卷 75-80页
作者:才啟胜 相里斌 方煜 谭政中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系合肥230027 中国科学院光电研究院计算光学成像技术重点实验室北京100094 
Reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization using incremental shifting vector strategy and its application in electronic product design
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《Acta Mechanica Sinica》2018年 第2期34卷 285-302页
作者:Z.L.Huang Y.S.Zhou C.Jiang J.Zheng X.HanSchool of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Hunan City University State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering Hunan University 
Use of multidisciplinary analysis in reliabilitybased design optimization(RBDO) results in the emergence of the important method of reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization(RBMDO). To enhance the effici...
Effect of Variable Selection on Multidisciplinary Design Optimization:a Flight Vehicle Example
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2007年 第1期20卷 86-96页
作者:J.Roshanian Z.KeshavarzMDO LaboratoryAerospace Engineering Department of K.N. Toosi University of Technology East Vafadar blvd 4th Tehranpars sq. 16579 Tehran Iran. 
Different multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) problems are formulated and compared. Two MDO formulations are applied to a sounding rocket in order to optimize the performance of the rocket. In the MDO of the...
Standing surface acoustic wave-assisted fabrication of patterned microstructures for enhancing cell migration
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2020年 第2期3卷 87-97页
作者:Yancheng Wang Yue Wang Deqing Mei Zongkai Yu Dai XueState Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic SystemsSchool of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Zhejiang ProvinceSchool of Mechanical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China Department of Aerospace and Mechanical EngineeringThe George Washington UniversityWashingtonDC 20052USA 
Microfluidic device with patterned microstructures on the substrate surface was used to regulate cell adhesion,morphology,and functions in tissue *** developed a microfluidic device which employing microscale patterne...
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《Science Bulletin》2023年 第19期68卷 2180-2189,M0004页
作者:王维康 白岩 杨品 袁帅 李飞阳 赵为为 金贝贝 张璇 刘淑娟 袁大强 赵强State Key Laboratory of Organic Electronics and Information Displays&Jiangsu Key Laboratory for BiosensorsInstitute of Advanced Materials(IAM)Nanjing University of Posts&TelecommunicationsNanjing 210023China College of Electronic and Optical Engineering&College of Flexible Electronics(Future Technology)Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center for Fabrication and Application of Special Optical Fiber Materials and DevicesNanjing University of Posts&TelecommunicationsNanjing 210023China State Key Laboratory of Structural ChemistryFujian Institute of Research on the Structure of MatterChinese Academy of SciencesFuzhou 350002China School of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringNanjing UniversityNanjing 210023China School of Environmental and Chemical EngineeringJiangsu University of Science and TechnologyZhenjiang 212100China 
Source and hazard identification of heavy metals in soils of Changsha based on TIN model and direct exposure method
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of china2011年 第3期21卷 642-651页
作者:陈建群 王振兴 吴勰 朱建军 周文斌中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院长沙410083 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院长沙410083 江西水利规划设计院南昌330029 
A total of 153 soil samples were collected from Changsha City, china, to analyze the contents of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. A combination of sampling data, multivariate statistical method, geostatistical a...
Lifetime-tunable organic persistent roomtemperature phosphorescent salts for large-area security printing
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《Science china Materials》2021年 第6期64卷 1485-1494页
作者:Pengfei She Yanyan Qin Yun Ma Feiyang Li Jinyu Lu Peiling Dai Hao Hu Xiangjie Liu Shujuan Liu Wei Huang Qiang ZhaoKey Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays&Jiangsu Key Laboratory for BiosensorsInstitute of Advanced Materials(IAM)Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(NUPT)Nanjing 210023China Frontiers Science Center for Flexible Electronics(FSCFE)MIIT Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics(KLoFE)Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Flexible ElectronicsXi’an Key Laboratory of Flexible ElectronicsXi’an Key Laboratory of Biomedical Materials&EngineeringXi’an Institute of Flexible ElectronicsInstitute of Flexible Electronics(IFE)Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityXi’an 710072China 
Organic persistent room-temperature phosphorescent(RTP)materials are promising for applications requiring the secure recording and anti-counterfeiting features owing to their appealing optical *** critical challenges,...
Regeneration of activated carbon adsorbed EDTA by electrochemical method
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《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of china2013年 第3期23卷 855-860页
作者:尤翔宇 柴立元 王云燕 苏艳蓉 赵娜 舒余德中南大学冶金科学与工程学院长沙410083 国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心长沙410083 湖南省环境保护科学研究院长沙410004 中机国际工程设计研究院有限责任公司长沙410007 长沙有色冶金设计研究院长沙410011 
Activated carbon after saturated adsorption of EDTA was used as particle electrode in a three-dimensional electrode reactor to treat EDTA-containing *** method was used to regenerate activated carbon after many times ...
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