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《英国医学杂志中文版》2021年 第11期24卷 646-655页
作者:Luke Wolfenden Robbie Foy Justin Presseau Jeremy M Grimshaw Noah M Ivers Byron J Powell Monica Taljaard John Wiggers Rachel Sutherland Nicole Nathan Christopher M Williams Melanie Kingsland Andrew Milat Rebecca K Hodder Sze Lin Yoong 玉炫(译) 吴守媛(译) 兰慧(译) 张静怡(译) 李沁原(校) 陈耀龙(校)School of Medicine and Public HealthFaculty of Health and MedicineUniversity of NewcastleCallaghanNSWAustralia Hunter New England Population HealthLocked Bag 10WallsendNSW 2287Australia Leeds Institute of Health SciencesUniversity of LeedsLeedsUK Clinical Epidemiology ProgramOttawa Hospital Research InstituteOttawaONCanada School of Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Department of MedicineUniversity of OttawaOttawaONCanada Women′s College Research InstituteWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Institute for Health Systems Solutions and Virtual CareWomen′s College HospitalTorontoONCanada Department of Family Medicine and Community MedicineFaculty of MedicineUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Institute of Health PolicyManagement and EvaluationUniversity of TorontoTorontoONCanada Brown School and School of MedicineWashington University in St LouisSt LouisMIUSA School of Public HealthFaculty of Medicine and HealthUniversity of SydneySydneyNSWAustralia Swinburne University of TechnologySchool of Health SciencesFaculty HealthArts and DesignHawthornVICAustralia 兰州大学循证医学中心世界卫生组织指南实施与知识转化合作中心 
Excimer laser 6^(th)generation:state of the art and refractive surgical outcomes
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《Eye and Vision》2015年 第1期2卷 44-52页
作者:Mohamed El Bahrawy Jorge L AlióVissum Corporación AlicanteAlicanteSpain Division of OphthalmologyUniversidad Miguel HernándezAlicanteSpain Clinical research fellow in Vissum Corporación AlicanteUniversidad Miguel HernándezAlicanteSpain Avda de Denia s/nEdificio Vissum03016 AlicanteSpain 
After nearly three decades of innovation in excimer laser,today we are presented with a state of the art generation targeting minimally invasive refractive surgery with high speed laser,faster trackers,pupil monitorin...
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《中国慢性病预防与控制》2009年 第5期17卷 476-478页
作者:冯国泽 徐继英 梁伯衡 姜垣 杨焱 李强中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室北京100050 上海市疾病预防控制中心上海200336 广州市疾病预防控制中心广东广州510080 
An oxygenating colloidal bioink for the engineering of biomimetic tissue constructs
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第3期7卷 240-261页
作者:Seol-Ha Jeong Jarno Hiemstra Patrick V.Blokzijl Rebeca Damian-Ferrara Danilo Martins dos Santos Jéssica H.L.da Fonseca Min-Ho Kang Jihyun Kim Dilara Yilmaz-Aykut Mei L.L.Cham-Pérez Jeroen Leijten Su Ryon ShinDivision of Engineering in MedicineDepartment of MedicineBrigham and Women’s HospitalHarvard Medical SchoolBostonMA 02139USA Leijten LabDepartment of Developmental BioEngineeringFaculty of Science and TechnologyTechnical Medical CentreUniversity of TwenteDrienerlolaan 57522 NB EnschedeThe Netherlands Nanotechnology National Laboratory for Agriculture(LNNA)Embrapa InstrumentaçãoSao CarlosSao Paulo 13560-970Brazil Department of Biomedical-Chemical EngineeringThe Catholic University of Korea43 Jibong-roBucheon-siGyeonggi-do 14662Republic of Korea Department of BiotechnologyThe Catholic University of Korea43 Jibong-roBucheon-siGyeonggi-do 14662Republic of Korea 
Ensuring a sufficient oxygen supply is pivotal for the success of bioprinting applications since it fosters tissue integration and natural *** in oxygen concentration among diverse tissues necessitates the precise rec...
Design,synthesis and antifungal activity of carbazole derivatives
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2014年 第2期25卷 229-233页
作者:Shi-Ping Zhu Wen-Ya Wang Kun Fang Zheng-Gang Li Guo-Qiang Dong Zhen-Yuan Miao Jian-Zhong Yao Wan-Nian Zhang Chun-Quan ShengSchool of PharmacySecond Military Medical University 
The incidence of invasive fungal infections is increasing rapidly. Clinically available antifungal agents suffer from limited efficacy and severe resistance. There is an urgent need to discover antifungal lead compoun...
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《激光与光电子学进展》2018年 第6期55卷 382-388页
作者:胡明勇 封志伟 范二荣 赵奇 李明杰合肥工业大学光电技术研究院安徽合肥230000 
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《浙江大学学报(工学版)》2006年 第9期40卷 1638-1642页
作者:李培玉 谭大鹏 张鹏 倪笑斐 林搏宇浙江大学现代制造工程研究所浙江杭州310027 
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《化学工程》2017年 第6期45卷 69-73,78页
作者:唐守胜 任小坤 孙郁 张武中国科学院低温工程学重点实验室(理化技术研究所)北京100190 
控制系统设计是工程设计的重要组成部分,通常根据经验进行设计。但是在某些情况下,采用这种方式设计的控制系统不能满足生产需要。以一个典型的化工尾气回收装置为例,在现场收集的实际生产数据基础上,利用软件Aspen Hysys对甲烷-氮气-...
利用IEC 61850实现继电保护远程校验
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《电力系统自动化》2010年 第3期34卷 63-65,74页
作者:赵勇 韩平 王洪涛 石光河南电力试验研究院河南省郑州市450052 
数字化变电站普遍采用基于IEC 61850标准的通信网络,因此在数字化变电站实现继电保护远程校验具有技术上的可行性和经济上的必要性。文中提出了通过在间隔层设立专门的远程校验控制单元和改造合并单元,来实现继电保护远程校验的设计方案...
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of E-ring modified evodiamine derivatives as novel antitumor agents
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《Chinese Chemical Letters》2014年 第7期25卷 978-982页
作者:Kun Fang Guo-Qiang Dong Hai Gong Na Liu Zhen-Gang Li Shi-Ping Zhu Zhen-Yuan Miao Jian-Zhong Yao Wan-Nian Zhang Chun-Quan ShengSchool of Pharmacy Second Military Medical University Department of Radiation OncologyJi’nan Military General Hospital 
A series of novel E-ring modified evodiamine derivatives were designed and synthesized as antitumor agents. Their capacity to interfere with the catalytic activity of topoisomerase Ⅰ and Ⅱ was evaluated by the relax...
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