
35 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Regional-Scale Study on Sediment Processes of Khuran Strait at Persian Gulf with Implications for Engineering Design
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《China Ocean Engineering》2019年 第3期33卷 356-364页
作者:A. Shanehsazzadeh H. ArdalanFaculty of Civil Engineering and Transportation University of Isfahan Isfahan Iran Water Research Institute (WRI) Tehran Iran 
In this article, the sediment transport processes in the Khuran Strait between the mainland Iran and Qeshm Island at North Central Persian Gulf are studied in regional scale in a comprehensive manner. The objectives o...
Design and Prototyping of Micro Centrifugal Compressor
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《Journal of Thermal Science》2003年 第1期12卷 33-37页
作者:Shimpei Mizuki Gaku Minorikawa Toshiyuki Hirano Yuichiro Asaga Naoki Yamaguchi Yutaka Ohta Eisuke Outa1.Department of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2Department of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2Department of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2Department of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2Department of Mechanical Engineering Waseda University 4-1Department of Mechanical Engineering Waseda University 4-1 Department of Mechanical Engineering Hosei University 7-2 Kajinocho 3 chome Koganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584JapanKajinocho 3 chome Koganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584JapanKajinocho 3 chome Koganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584Japan Kajinocho 3 chome Koganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584JapanKajinocho 3 chome Koganei-shi Tokyo 184-8584Japan Ohkubo 3 chome Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 169-8555JapanOhkubo 3 chome Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 169-8555Japan 
In order to establish the design methodology of ultra micro centrifugal compressor,wich is the most important component of ultra micro gas turbine unit,a 10 times of the final target size model was designed,prototyped...
DTL cavity design and beam dynamics for a TAC linear proton accelerator
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《Chinese Physics C》2012年 第2期36卷 167-172页
作者:A. Caliskan M. YilmazGazi University Arts and Sciences Faculty 
A 30 mA drift tube linac (DTL) accelerator has been designed using SUPERFISH code in the energy range of 3-55 MeV in the framework of the Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) project. Optimization criteria in cavity d...
Beam dynamics design and electromagnetic analysis of 3 MeV RFQ for TAC Proton Linac
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2015年 第3期26卷 11-16页
作者:A.Caliskan H.F.Kisoglu M.YilmazDepartment of Physics Engineering Gumushane University Department of Physics Aksaray University Physics Department Gazi University 
A beam dynamics design of 352.2 MHz radio-frequency quadrupole(RFQ) of Turkish Accelerator Center(TAC) project which accelerates continuous wave(CW) proton beam with 30 m A current from 50 ke V to3 Me V kinetic energy...
Optical Design of Dye-Sensitized Nanocrystalline Solar Cells
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2004年 第7期21卷 1384-1387页
作者:LIUXi-Zhe MENGQing-Bo GAOChun-Xiao XUEBo-Fei WANGHong-Xia CHENLi-Quan O.Sato A.FujishimaStateKeyLaboratoryforSurfacePhysicsandLaboratoryforSolid-StateIonicsInstituteofPhysicsChineseAcademyofSciencesBeijing100080 StateKeyLaboratoryforSuperhardMaterialsInstituteofAtomicandMolecularPhysicsJilinUniversityChangchun130012 SpecialResearchLaboratoryforOpticalScienceKanagawaAcademyofScienceandTechnologyKSPBLDGEAST412SakadoKawasaki213-0012Japan 
In nanocrystalline dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) the absorption of a large fraction of the incident solar radiation is important for achieving high efficiencies. We develop a model to include both the optical pro...
Design of bridges against large tectonic deformation
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2008年 第4期7卷 345-368页
作者:I.Anastasopoulos G.Gazetas V.Drosos T.Georgarakos R.KourkoulisNational Technical University 
The engineering community has devoted much effort to understanding the response of soil-structure systems to seismic ground motions, but little attention to the effects of an outcropping fault offset. The 1999 earthqu...
Multi-port cavity model and low-level RF systems design for VHF gun
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2020年 第1期31卷 80-87页
作者:Kui Liu Lin Li Cheng Wang Qiang Gu Ming-Hua ZhaoShanghai Institute of Applied PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201800China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Shanghai Advanced Research InstituteChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201204China 
Very high frequency(VHF) photocathode guns have excellent performance and are being increasingly selected as electron sources for high-repetition-rate X-ray free-electron lasers. As a highly loaded quality factor cavi...
Conceptual Design of the ITER Gas Injection System
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《Plasma Science and Technology》2013年 第3期15卷 287-290页
作者:杨愚 S.MARUYAMA G.KISS 李伟 江涛 李波ITER OrganizationRoute de Vinon sur Verdon Southwestern Institute of Physics 
A conceptual design review of the ITER gas injection system (GIS) function, safety, operation, and maintenance has recently been successfully completed. The GIS design can now continue to the preliminary design stag...
Seismic response analysis for equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor
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《Journal of Central South University》2009年 第1期16卷 112-118页
作者:余东满 姚达毛 谢韩 鲍立曼 许铁军 彭玉华 刘素梅 杨庆喜Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Department of Mechanical Engineering Henan Polytechnic Institute 
Modal analysis and seismic response analysis were carried out for the equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). The aim of the theoretical analysis is to verify struct...
Simplified approach for design of raft foundations against fault *** I:free-field
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2008年 第2期7卷 147-163页
作者:I. Anastasopoulos N. Gerolymos G. Gazetas M. F. BransbSchool of Civil EngineeringNational Technical University of AthensGreece Civil LecturerEngineeringUniversity of DundeeScotlandUK School of Civil EngineeringNational Technical University of AthensGreece Civil EngineeringUniversity of DundeeScotlandUK 
Over the past few decades, earthquake engineering research mainly focused on the effects of strong seismic shaking. After the 1999 earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan, and thanks to numerous cases where fault rupture cau...
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