
检索条件"基金资助=Sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China"
89 条 记 录,以下是71-80 订阅
A new type of fiber Bragg grating based seismic geophone
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《Applied Geophysics》2009年 第1期6卷 84-92,104页
作者:陶果 张向林 刘新茹 陈少华 刘统玉油气资源与探测国家重点实验室光纤传感技术分实验室中国石油大学(北京)102249 中海油服技术中心机电研究所燕郊101149 渤海钻探大港测井公司天津300280 山东省科学院激光研究所山东济南250014 
Aimed at the poor performance of conventional geophones in exploration for deeper and complex targets, we present the principle and theoretical design of a new geophone based on the optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG)...
Three-dimensional forward modeling and inversion of borehole-to-surface electrical imaging with different power sources
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《Applied Geophysics》2016年 第3期13卷 437-448,578页
作者:Bai Ze Tan Mao-Jin Zhang Fu-LaiSchool of Geophysics and Information Technology of China University of Geosciences Beijing 100083 China Key laboratory of Geo-detection (China University of Geosciences) Ministry of Education Beijing 100083 China Beijing Horizontal Hualong Technology Ltd. Beijing 100049 China. 
Borehole-to-surface electrical imaging (BSEI) uses a line source and a point source to generate a stable electric field in the ground. In order to study the surface potential of anomalies, three-dimensional forward ...
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《机床与液压》2018年 第6期46卷 170-176页
作者:张桂冠 赵玉刚 高跃武 张桂香山东理工大学先进制造研究院山东淄博255049 
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《机床与液压》2016年 第18期44卷 55-60页
作者:曹自洋 殷振 刘威 杨建锋苏州科技大学机械工程学院江苏苏州215009 
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《机床与液压》2019年 第12期47卷 115-118页
作者:李跃松 彭建军 张壮雅 李阁强河南科技大学机电工程学院 
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《机床与液压》2016年 第6期44卷 62-68页
作者:Sheng-yong LIXiamen Comfort Science & Technology Group Co. Ltd Xiamen 361008 China 
It is proposed in this paper the control system of a MEMS strong-link for PC authentication system,which is composed of MEMS strong-link, interface card and dedicated software. The strong-link is comprised of amulti-t...
Biofabrication (3D Bioprinting) Laboratory at Sichuan University
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2021年 第2期4卷 432-439页
作者:Changchun Zhou Kefeng Wang Yong Sun Qiguang Wang Qing Jiang Jie Liang Xuan Pei Boqing Zhang Yujiang Fan Xingdong ZhangNational Engineering Research Center for BiomaterialsSichuan UniversityChengdu 610064China College of Biomedical EngineeringSichuan UniversityChengdu 610064China College of Materials Science and EngineeringSichuan UniversityChengdu 610064China 
Introduction and research overview Recently,increasing need for organ transplantation and lack of donated organs have led to the rapid development of new technologies for artificial organ *** the era of burgeoning bre...
Distributed H_∞ fusion filter design for INS/WSN integrated positioning system
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《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》2012年 第2期28卷 164-168页
作者:李庆华 陈熙源 徐元东南大学仪器科学与工程学院南京210096 山东轻工业学院电气工程与自动化学院济南250353 东南大学微惯性仪表与先进导航技术教育部重点实验室南京210096 
In order to keep stable navigation accuracy when the blind node (BN) moves between two adjacent clusters, a distributed fusion method for the integration of the inertial navigation system (INS) and the wireless se...
Demonstration of topological wireless power transfer
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science Bulletin》2021年 第10期66卷 974-980,M0003页
作者:Li Zhang Yihao Yang Zhao Jiang Qiaolu Chen Qinghui Yan Zhouyi Wu Baile Zhang Jiangtao Huangu Hongsheng ChenInterdisciplinary Center for Quantum InformationState Key Laboratory of Modern Optical InstrumentationCollege of Information Science and Electronic EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China ZJU-Hangzhou Global Science and Technology Innovation CenterKey Laboratory of Advanced Micro/Nano Electronic Devices&Smart Systems of ZhejiangZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China International Joint Innovation CenterZJU-UIUC InstituteZhejiang UniversityHaining 314400China Division of Physics and Applied PhysicsSchool of Physical and Mathematical SciencesNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 637371Singapore Centre for Disruptive Photonic TechnologiesThe Photonics InstituteNanyang Technological UniversitySingapore 639798Singapore Laboratory of Applied Research on Electromagnetics(ARE)Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China 
Recent advances in non-radiative wireless power transfer(WPT)technique essentially relying on magnetic resonance and near-field coupling have successfully enabled a wide range of ***,WPT systems based on double resona...
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《稀有金属材料与工程》2022年 第7期51卷 2460-2466页
作者:赵辉 杨冲 郭冬旭 吴璐 潘荣剑 覃检涛 石宝东燕山大学机械工程学院国家冷轧板带装备及工艺工程技术研究中心河北秦皇岛066004 中国核动力研究设计院第一研究所核燃料及材料国家重点实验室四川成都610041 
选用Fe Cr Al合金中具有代表性的C35M合金为研究对象,建立小型燃料棒模型,基于用户材料子程序(UMAT),将C35M合金的辐照蠕变模型嵌入子程序中,通过有限元软件ABAQUS计算了其在中子辐照下的热力耦合行为。选用Zr-2合金作为对比,分析了包...
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