
检索条件"基金资助=Supported by National Science Foundation of China"
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《Acta Mechanica Sinica》1997年 第2期13卷 179-185页
作者:史训清 刘宝琛 戴福隆Dept.of Power Eng.Beijing Univ.of Aeronautics & AstronauticsBeijing 100083China Department of Engineering MechanicsTsinghua UniversityBeijing 100084China 
In this paper, a novel interferometric method with a wide range of sensitivities, called holography quasi projection moire, is proposed. It combines the features of the variated double projection moire method and the ...
A novel method of evaluating large mode area fiber design by brightness factor
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《Chinese Physics B》2015年 第2期24卷 170-175页
作者:张海涛 陈丹 任海翠 闫平 巩马理Center for Photonics and ElectronicsState Key Laboratory of TribologyDepartment of Precision InstrumentsTsinghua University Southwest Institute of Technical Physics 
A novel evaluation term and a more reasonable criterion,which is described by a new parameter of brightness factor for active large mode area fiber design,are *** brightness factor evaluation method is based on the tr...
Design of phase plates for shaping partially coherent beams by simulated annealing
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《Chinese Physics B》2008年 第5期17卷 1840-1844页
作者:李建龙 吕百达Institute of Laser Physics and Chemistry Sichuan University 
Taking the Gaussian Schell-model beam as a typical example of partially coherent beams, this paper applies the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm to the design of phase plates for shaping partially coherent beams. A...
Free return orbit design and characteristics analysis for manned lunar mission
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science china(Technological sciences)》2011年 第12期54卷 3243-3250页
作者:PENG QiBo SHEN HongXin LI HaiYangCollege of Aerospace and Material Engineering National Univ. of Defense Technology Changsha 410073 China 
A circumlunar free return orbit design model that satisfies manned lunar mission constraints is established. By combining analytical method with numerical method,a serial orbit design strategy from initial value desig...
Design of triode extraction system for a dual hollow cathode ion source
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《Chinese Physics C》2011年 第2期35卷 193-198页
作者:王景辉 朱昆 赵渭江 刘克新State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and TechnologyPeking University 
A triode extraction system is designed for a dual hollow cathode ion source being developed at the Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University. Basic parameters of the plasma are selected after examining the ope...
Simplified design of rock cavern concrete lining to resist shock loading
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《Journal of Central South University》2010年 第5期17卷 1087-1094页
作者:ZHAO P J LOK T S 殷志强 周子龙Butler Partners Pty Ltd Queensland 4006 Australia Protective Technology Research Centre School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University Singapore 639798 Singapore School of Resources and Safety Engineering Central South University Changsha 410083 China 
A simplified method was proposed for the design of concrete lining in underground rock cavern/tunnel against shock loading. The loading may result from the detonation of explosives on ground surface or ground penetrat...
Orthogonal array design for the optimization of stripping Sr(Ⅱ) from ionic liquids using supercritical CO2
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《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》2017年 第1期25卷 26-31页
作者:Tao Yang Jing Fu Qingde Chen Xinghai ShenBeijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences ( BNLMS) Fundamental Science on Radiochemisrry and Radiation Chemistry Laboratory College of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringPeking University Beijing 100871 China 
The strontium ions extracted from the aqueous phase into 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide(C_2mimNTf2) with dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6(DCH18C6) was stripped effectively by supercritical CO_2(s...
Design, analysis and optimization of random access inter-satellite ranging system
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2020年 第5期31卷 871-883页
作者:XU Xiaoyi WANG Chunhui JIN ZhongheMicro-Satellite Research CenterZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China 
In this paper, a random access inter-satellite ranging(RAISR) system is designed. The ranging accuracy is optimized by an algorithm to greatly improve the ranging accuracy. This paper verifies the feasibility of the R...
Investigations on the Improving Aerodynamic Performances of Last Stage Steam Turbine and Exhaust Hood under Design and Off Design Conditions
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《Journal of Thermal science2015年 第5期24卷 468-477页
作者:FU Jing-Lun LIU Jian-JunKey Laboratory of Advanced Energy and Power Institute of Engineering Thermophysics 
The purpose of this paper is to improve the aerodynamic performances of the last stage turbine and the exhaust hood of a 600MW steam turbine under design and off design conditions. During operation, strong flow intera...
Line-Art and its Mathematical Models
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《Journal of Computer science & Technology》1998年 第1期13卷 73-78页
作者:徐迎庆 汉斯.德灵格 齐东旭 刘慎权CAD Laboratory Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing P.R. China Department of Product Design University of Kassel Kassel Germany CAD Center North China University of Technology Beijing P.R. China 
In this paper, the authors describe the principles of Straight Line Strokes illustration, present the mathematical model of the principles, and show how a great number of lines can be implemented as main part of an a...
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