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《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》2025年 第1期 153-160页
Improved de-interleaving algorithm of radar pulses based on dual fuzzy vigilance ART
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2020年 第2期31卷 303-311页
作者:JIANG Wen FU Xiongjun CHANG JiayunSchool of Information and ElectronicsBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081China 
As a core part of the electronic warfare(EW) system,de-interleaving is used to separate interleaved radar signals. The de-interleaving algorithm based on the fuzzy adaptive resonance theory(fuzzy ART) is plagued by th...
Design of new format for mass data compression
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2011年 第1期18卷 121-128页
作者:QIN Jian-cheng BAI Zhong-yingSchool of Computer Science Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876 China 
In the field of lossless compression, most kinds of traditional software have some shortages when they face the mass data. Their compressing abilities are limited by the data window size and the compressing format des...
Aerodynamic configuration integration design of hypersonic cruise aircraft with inward-turning inlets
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2017年 第4期30卷 1349-1362页
作者:Jifei WANG Jinsheng CAI Chuanzhen LIU Yanhui DUAN Yaojie YUSchool of Aeronautics Northwestern Polytechnical University Aerodynamics Theory and Application Institute China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics Computational Aerodynamics Institute China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center 
In this work, a novel airframe/propulsion integration design method of the wing-body configuration for hypersonic cruise aircraft is proposed, where the configuration is integrated with inward-turning inlets. With the...
Settling basin design in a constructed wetland using TSS removal efficiency and hydraulic retention time
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《Journal of Environmental Sciences》2014年 第9期26卷 1791-1796页
作者:Soyoung Lee Marla C.Maniquiz-Redillas Lee-Hyung KimWater Environment Research Dept.National Institute of Environmental ResearchHwangyeong-ro 42Seo-guIncheon 404-708Korea Dept.of Civil & Envi.Eng'g.Kongju National University275 BudaedongSeobukguCheonanChungnamdo 331-717Korea 
Using total suspended solid (TSS) removal efficiency and hydraulic retention time (HRT) as design parameters a design guideline of a settling basin in a constructed wetland (CW) was suggested; as well as managem...
Electrode pattern design for GaAs betavoltaic batteries
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2011年 第8期32卷 61-64页
作者:陈海洋 尹建华 李大让School of Mechanical EngineeringBeijing Institute of Technology 
The sensitivities of betavoltaic batteries and photovoltaic batteries to series and parallel resistance are *** on the study,an electrode pattern design principle of GaAs betavoltaic batteries is *** PIN junctions wit...
Design of high-performance energy integrator detector for wideband radar
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2019年 第6期30卷 1110-1118页
作者:CHANG Jiayun FU Xiongjun JIANG Wen XIE MinSchool of Information and Electronics Beijing Institute of Technology 
Target detection for wideband radar has recently received extensive attention. The classical energy integrating(EI)detector will always accumulate excess clutter or noise energy,which leads to unacceptable performance...
Microfluidic thermotaxic selection of highlymotile sperm and in vitro fertilization
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第5期7卷 687-700页
作者:Sihan Chen Jiemin Chen Zihan Qin Jibo Wang Yuwen Wang Rong Liu Wen Zhao Ming Zhang Yuanzhen Zhang Mengcheng Luo Pu ChenTissue Engineering and Organ Manufacturing(TEOM)LabDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringTaiKang Medical School(School of Basic Medical Sciences)Wuhan UniversityWuhan 430071China Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Developmentally Originated DiseaseTaiKangMedical School(School of Basic Medical Sciences)Wuhan UniversityWuhan 430071China Reproductive Medicine CenterZhongnan Hospital of Wuhan UniversityWuhan 430071China TaiKang Center for Life and Medical SciencesWuhan UniversityWuhan 430071China 
The selection of the most motile and functionally competent sperm is an essential basis for in vitro fertilization(IVF)and normal embryonic *** adopted clinical approaches for sperm sample processing intensely rely on...
Built-in electric field thickness design for betavoltaic batteries
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2011年 第9期32卷 62-65页
作者:陈海洋 李大让 尹建华 蔡胜国School of Mechanical EngineeringBeijing Institute of Technology 
Isotope source energy deposition along the thickness direction of a semiconductor is calculated,based upon which an ideal short current is evaluated for betavoltaic ***-hole pair recombination and drifting length in a...
Short-range clutter suppression method combining oblique projection and interpolation in airborne CFA radar
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2021年 第1期32卷 92-102页
作者:HU Yili ZHAO Yongbo PANG Xiaojiao CHEN ShengNational Laboratory of Radar Signal ProcessingXidian UniversityXi’an 710071China 
The airborne conformal array(CFA)radar's clutter ridges are range-modulated,which result in a bias in the estimation of the clutter covariance matrix(CCM)of the cell under test(CUT),further,reducing the clutter su...
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