
检索条件"基金资助=supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China"
234 条 记 录,以下是11-20 订阅
Precipitation variation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by the tree rings since 850 AD and its relevance to the Northern Hemisphere temperature
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science china Earth sciences》2006年 第4期49卷 408-420页
作者:John K. KutzbachCenter for Climatic Research University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison 53706 USA 
Three well-dated Sabina Przewalskii ring-width chronologies from Dulan, china, have been used to reconstruct annual precipitation (from prior July to current June) variations on the northeast Tibetan Plateau since 850...
Designing a Regional Nitrogen Cycle Module of Grassland for the IAP-N Model
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《Advances in Atmospheric sciences》2012年 第2期29卷 320-332页
作者:岳进 韩圣慧 郑循华State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric ChemistryInstitute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Assessment of the nitrogen (N) balance and its long-term trend is necessary for management practices because of the negative environmental effects caused by an imbalance of reactive N in grassland ecosystems. In thi...
Design of data acquisition system and algorithm research for omnidirectional gamma-ray positioning equipment
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《Chinese Physics C》2014年 第1期38卷 89-93页
作者:胡婷婷 帅磊 王培林 丰宝桐 张译文 孙芸华 李晓辉 魏书军 单保慈 魏龙Key Laboratory of Nuclear Analysis TechniquesInstitute of High Energy PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Engineering Research Center of Radiographic Techniques and Equipment 
This article introduces the design and performance of the data acquisition system used in an omnidi- rectional gamma-ray positioning system, along with a new method used in this system to obtain the position of radiat...
10E8-like neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1 induced using a precisely designed conformational peptide as a vaccine prime
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science china(Life sciences)》2014年 第1期57卷 117-127页
作者:YU Yang TONG Pei LI Yu LU ZhiFeng CHEN YingHuaLaboratory of Immunology School of Life Sciences Tsinghua University Beijing Key Laboratory for Protein Therapeutics MOE Key Laboratory for Protein Sciences 
Recent studies have demonstrated that the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) glycoprotein 41 contains a series of epitopes for human monoclonal antibodies, including...
LUT:A Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope
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science china(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2011年 第3期54卷 558-562页
作者:CAO Li RUAN Ping CAI HongBo DENG JinSong HU JingYao JIANG XiaoJun LIU ZhaoHui QIU YuLei WANG Jing WANG Shen YANG JianFeng ZHAO Fei WEI JianYanNational Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100012 China Xi' an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences Xi' an 710119 China 
The Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope (LUT) is a funded lunar-based ultraviolet telescope dedicated to continuously monitor- ing variable stars for as long as dozens of days and performing low Galactic latitude sky ...
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《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》2004年 第1期17卷 97-101页
作者:JiShouwen LiKeqiang MiaoLixin WangRongben GuoKeyouModemLogisticsResearchCenterofShenzhenGraduateSchoolTsinghuaUniversityShenzhen518057China TransportationCollegeJilinUniversityChangchun130025China 
The structure, function and working principle of JLUIV-3, which is a new typeof auto-mated guided vehicle (AGV) with computer vision, is described. The white stripe line withcertain width is used as inductive mark for...
A series of dithienobenzodithiophene based small molecules for highly efficient organic solar cells
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science china Chemistry》2017年 第4期60卷 552-560页
作者:Huanran Feng Miaomiao Li Wang Ni Bin Kan Yunchuang Wang Yamin Zhang Hongtao Zhang Xiangjian Wan Yongsheng ChenCentre of Nanoscale Science and Technology and Key Laboratory of Functional Polymer Materials State Key Laboratory and Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering (Tianjin) College of Chemistry Nankai University Tianjin 300071 China School of Materials Science and Engineering National Institute for Advanced Materials Nankai University Tianjin 300071 China 
Three acceptor-donor-acceptor (A-D-A) small molecules DCAODTBDT, DRDTBDT and DTBDTBDT using dithieno[2,3-d:2',3'-d']benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene as the central building block, octyl cyanoacetate, 3-octylrhod...
Sensor monitoring of a newly designed foundation pit supporting structure
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《Journal of Central South University》2013年 第4期20卷 1064-1070页
作者:杨宇友 吕建国 黄学刚 涂晓明School of Engineering and Technology China University of Geosciences (Beijing) 
A new type of pit supporting structure, which was tested and verified using the sensor monitoring technology, was presented. The new supporting structure is assembled by prefabricated steel structural units. The adjac...
Signal-background discrimination with convolutional neural networks in the PandaX-Ⅲ experiment using MC simulation
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science china(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》2018年 第10期61卷 51-59页
作者:Hao Qiao ChunYu Lu Xun Chen Ke Han XiangDong Ji SiGuang WangSchool of Physics and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology and Center for High Energy Physics Peking University Beijing 100871 China Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics and School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology Shanghai 200240 China Tsung-Dao Lee Institute Shanghai 200240 China 
The PandaX-Ⅲ experiment will search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe with high pressure gaseous time projection chambers at the china Jin-Ping underground Laboratory. The tracking feature of gaseous detect...
Implementation of road horizontal alignment as a whole for CAD
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《Journal of Central South University》2014年 第8期21卷 3411-3418页
作者:杨柳 郑健龙 张锐School of Traffic and Transportation EngineeringChangsha University of Science and Technology 
Road horizontal alignment contains three elements: straight line,circular arc,and *** AutoCAD,clothoid can only be fitted by polyline or spline,and the graphics which are separated from the road data are independent o...
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