
检索条件"基金资助=the "Strategic Priority Research Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences"
147 条 记 录,以下是71-80 订阅
High-efficiency oxidative esterification of furfural to methylfuroate with a non-precious metal Co-N-C/MgO catalyst
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chinese Journal of Catalysis》2017年 第7期38卷 1148-1154页
作者:霍娜 马红 王新红 王天龙 王刚 王婷 候磊磊 高进 徐杰大连工业大学纺织与材料工程学院辽宁大连116034 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所催化基础国家重点实验室洁净能源国家实验室(筹)辽宁大连116023 
From both fundamental and practical perspectives, the production of chemicals from biomass re-sources using high-efficiency non-precious metal catalysts is important. However, many processes require addition of stoic...
Activity promotion of anti-sintering Au■MgGa_2O_4 using ceria in the water gas shift reaction and catalytic combustion reactions
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chinese Journal of Catalysis》2019年 第4期40卷 600-608,M0006页
作者:Guo-Qing Ren Guang-Xian Pei Jing-Cai Zhang Wei-Zhen LiDalian Institute of Chemical PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesDalian 116023LiaoningChina University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China Dalian National Laboratory for Clean EnergyCASDalian 116023LiaoningChina 
Heterogeneous gold nanocatalysts have both inspired researchers with their unique catalytic performance and frustrated them due to the contradictions observed in their activities and stabilities.A recent breakthrough ...
Long wavelength infrared metalens fabricated by photolithography
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《红外与毫米波学报》2024年 第5期43卷 603-608页
作者:LI Yun-Peng LUO Jia-Cheng JI Ruo-Nan XIE Mao-Bin CUI Wen-Nan WANG Shao-Wei LIU Feng LU WeiSchool of Physical Science and TechnologyShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 201210China State Key Laboratory of Infrared PhysicsShanghai Institute of Technical PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 200083China Department of PhysicsShanghai Normal UniversityShanghai 200234China Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Energy-Saving CoatingsShanghai 200083China University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China 
Metasurfaces in the long wave infrared(LWIR)spectrum hold great potential for applications in ther-mal imaging,atmospheric remote sensing,and target identification,among *** this study,we designed and experimentally d...
Asymmetric indenothiophene-based non-fullerene acceptors for efficient polymer solar cells
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《Science China Materials》2017年 第8期60卷 707-716页
作者:汤昌泉 陈善慈 尚启 郑庆东State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Three new asymmetric acceptor-donor-acceptor structured molecules are designed and synthesized by incorporating indenothiophene as the central core. Their bandgaps and energy levels can be easily tuned by varying the ...
Design of flexible inorganic thermoelectric devices for decrease of heat loss
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《Nano research2021年 第7期14卷 2090-2104页
作者:Defang Ding Fengming Sun Fan Xia Zhiyong TangEngineering Research Center of Nano-Geomaterials of Ministry of EducationFaculty of Materials Science and ChemistryChina University of Geosciences(CUG)388 Lumo RoadWuhan430074China CAS key laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical FabricationCAS Center for Excellence in NanoscienceNational Center for Nanoscience and TechnologyNo.11BeiyitiaoZhongguancunBeijing100190China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences19 A Yuquan RdShijingshan DistrictBeijing100049China 
Thermoelectric(TE)devices can realize the conversion of heat energy and electrical power based on Seebeck effect and Peltier *** them,flexible TE devices have received more attention recently due to their better attac...
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chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》2024年 第2期37卷 153-161,I0101页
作者:费泽杰 韩昌财 王永天 徐辉 洪静 江一煌 周源 居鹤晨 董常武 刘洪涛中国科学院上海应用物理研究所微观界面物理与探测重点实验室上海201800 同济大学化学系上海市化学品分析评估与控制重点实验室上海200092 中国科学院大学北京100049 上海理工大学材料与化学学院上海200090 
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《化学学报》2017年 第2期75卷 206-211页
作者:张长欢 李念武 姚胡蓉 刘琳 殷雅侠 郭玉国中国科学院化学研究所中国科学院分子纳米结构与纳米技术重点实验室北京100190 中国科学院大学化学与化工学院北京100049 
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《Science Bulletin》2023年 第24期68卷 3165-3171,M0005页
作者:陈宇戈 黄俊涛 蒋坤 胡江平Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China School of Physical SciencesUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China Kavli Institute of Theoretical SciencesUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100190China 
Artificial intelligence in drug design
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《Science China(Life sciences)》2018年 第10期61卷 1191-1204页
作者:Feisheng Zhong Jing Xing Xutong Li Xiaohong Liu Zunyun Fu Zhaoping Xiong Dong Lu Xiaolong Wu Jihui Zhao Xiaoqin Tan Fei Li Xiaomin Luo Zhaojun Li Kaixian Chen Mingyue Zheng Hualiang JiangDrug Discovery and Design Center State Key Laboratory of Drug Research Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica Chinese Academy of SciencesShanghai 201203China School of Pharmacy University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049 China School of Life Science and Technology ShanghaiTech UniversityShanghai 200031 China Department of Chemistry College of Sciences Shanghai UniversityShanghai 200444 China School of Information Management Dezhou UniversityDezhou 253023 China 
Thanks to the fast improvement of the computing power and the rapid development of the computational chemistry and biology,the computer-aided drug design techniques have been successfully applied in almost every stage...
Highly active and stable porous polymer heterogenous catalysts for decomposition of formic acid to produce H_2
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chinese Journal of Catalysis》2019年 第2期40卷 147-151页
作者:Yan Zhang Yuan Lyu Yuqing Wang Cunyao Li Miao Jiang Yunjie DingDalian National Laboratory for Clean EnergyDalian Institute of Chemical PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesDalian 116023LiaoningChina University of Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100049China State Key Laboratory of CatalysisDalian Institute of Chemical PhysicsChinese Academy of SciencesDalian 116023LiaoningChina 
Formic acid(FA)has attracted extensive attention as a hydrogen storage ***,we develop two heterogeneous catalysts based on porous organic polymers(POPs).After loading the Ru species,the catalyst bearing the triphenylp...
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