
18 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design and fabrication of broadband rugate filter
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《Chinese Physics B》2012年 第5期21卷 335-339页
作者:张俊超 方明 邵宇川 晋云霞 贺洪波Key Laboratory of Material Science and Technology for High Power LasersShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine MechanicsChinese Academy of Sciences Optic and Laser DivisionNational Institute of Metrology 
The design and the deposition of a rugate filter for broadband applications are *** bandwidth is extended by increasing the rugate period continuously with *** width and the smoothness of the reflection band with the ...
Constrained minimum power combination for broadband beamformer design in the STFT domain
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《Frontiers of Computer Science》2017年 第3期11卷 408-418页
作者:Zhong-Hua FUSchool of Computer Science Northwestern Polytechnical University Xi'an 710072 China 
Beamforming using sensor array is widely used in spatial signal processing since it offers better spatial focusing capability than single sensor. However, in practical appli- cations for broadband signal, there always...
Design of broadband class-F power amplifier with high-order harmonic suppression for S-band application
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2015年 第12期36卷 119-123页
作者:林俊明 章国豪 郑耀华 李思臻 张志浩 陈思弟Guangdong University of Technology 
A broadband class-F power amplifier for an S-band handset device is integrated on a 330.82 mm^3 die using an In Ga /GaAs HBT process. With LC serial harmonic traps immersed into the broadband output matching circuit, ...
Design of broadband class-F power amplifier for multiband LTE handsets applications
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2015年 第8期36卷 136-140页
作者:郑耀华 章国豪 郑瑞清 李思臻 林俊明 陈思弟Guangdong University of Technology 
A broadband class-F power amplifier for multiband LTE handsets applications is developed across 2.3- 2.7 GHz. The power amplifier maintains constant fundamental impedance at the output matching circuit which is operat...
Design of High-Efficiency broadband power amplifier using low-pass bias network
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2016年 第1期23卷 91-96页
作者:Yu Qijin Yu Cuiping Tang Bihua Liu Yuan'anSchool of Electronic Engineering Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 
A novel design of high-efficiency broadband power amplifier (BPA) with the low-pass bias networkto enhance the efficiency and output power is presented in this paper. Compared with other bias networks, the proposed ...
Compact broadband acoustic sink with coherently coupled weak resonances
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《Science Bulletin》2020年 第5期65卷 373-379页
作者:Sibo Huang Zhiling Zhou Dongting Li Tuo Liu Xu Wang Jie Zhu Yong LiInstitute of AcousticsSchool of Physics Science and EngineeringTongji UniversityShanghai 200092China Department of Mechanical EngineeringThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong KongChina 
broadband sound sink/absorber via a structure with deep sub-wavelength thickness is of great and continuing interest in physics and engineering *** intuitive technique extensively used is to combine components(resonat...
Design of Bidirectional Coupling Circuit for broadband Power-Line Communications
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《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》2012年 第4期4卷 162-166页
作者:Syed Samser Ali Amitabha Bhattacharya Dipak Ranjan PoddarDepartment of Electronics and Communication Engineering Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management Durgapur India 
This paper deals with the design of bidirectional coupler for broadband power line communication and the impedance matching technique with the power line. This coupler can be used for both transmitting and receiving t...
Magnolia broadband与Curitel 合作开发双频天线分集手机
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《电子与电脑》2005年 第7期5卷 142-142页
Magnolia broadband近日宣布,它已和韩国主要手机制造商Pantech & Curitel达成协议。由其利用Magnolia的Diversity Plus芯片组发展新型手机。Pantech & Curitel将于2005年第三季把CDMA2000 EV-DO手机提供给美国电信业者以及北美、南...
基于CELL broadband Engine开发高性能应用
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《电子设计技术 EDN CHINA》2006年 第11期13卷 104-104页
CELL BE处理器包括一个基于PowerPC架构的控制处理单元Power Processing Element(PPE)以及8个SIMD的协处理器单元——Synergistic Processing Elements(SPEl,以及用以连接PPE,输入输出单元以及SPE的高速环形数据总线——Element In...
益登科技与Magnolia broadband携手中国市场
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《电子设计应用》2005年 第5期 130-130页
益登科技宣布,已和Magnolia broadband公司达成一项代理协议,由益登科技在中国台湾地区和大陆市场销售与代理该公司的各种手机芯片组,同时为采用这些产品的OEM厂商提供支持服务。将Magnolia的DiversityPlus芯片用于双天线手机,无线...
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