范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:The surface topography of acetabular implants plays a key role in providing cell attachment and *** measurement and characterisation of the surface texture of the cellular scaffold layer on the acetabular cup are very difficult due to the 3D nature of scaffold *** is proposed to use X-ray computed tomography(XCT)to measure the surface texture of an electron beam melting-produced titanium acetabular *** surface texture of its cellular scaffold is evaluated using the newly developed 3D surface texture parameters,which allows surface characterisation on 3D triangular mesh *** commonly used height parameters,*** arithmetical mean height Sa,the root mean square height Sq,the skewness Ssk and the kurtosis Sku,are calculated from surface patches extracted from the XCT scanned triangular mesh *** addition,the surface peak density and pit density,which are more related to cell communication and proliferation,are estimated based on the 3D watershed *** Wolf pruning with an empirical threshold 12μm is used to control the over-segmentation.
摘要:全新cellular Line的iPhone5手机壳的灵感来自从大自然的动物生态,主要采用最流行的材质和物料,为女性设计出非常独特的手机配件。
摘要:一、概述 随着微处理机的出现,计算机系统用户及设计人员曾经设想把许多较小但功能较强的系统连成一个大的强有力的系统。理论上,模块式系统具有很好的可伸缩性、灵活性并具有大型机及超级计算机的吞吐量、可管理性及效率。许多计算机厂家为此付出了巨大努力,但合成的系统并不具备统一系统可共享资源的性能。 由于可伸缩共享内存多处理机(S2MP)体系结构的计算机问世,蜂窝式操作系统也就应运而生。蜂窝式操作系统cellular IRIX是从SGI的IRIX操作系统演变而来,
摘要:Cisplatin is one of the most successful antitumor agents, yet also restricted by its poor cellular uptake and low selectivity. Since 3-(2-nitrophenyl) propionic acid(NPPA) has been reported as a bioreductive prodrug moiety, herein we combined NPPA with cisplatin(compound 1) to improve its lipophilicity and targetability and then to improve the antitumor outcomes. In addition, compound 2 possessing 3-phenyl propionic acid(PPA) was also synthesized as a comparison to test the influence of the NPPA to the cytotoxicity, since PPA was not a bioreductive moiety. Bioevaluations showed that 1 displayed more potent antitumor potency than cisplatin and 2, suggesting Pt(II) complexes possessing NPPA groups may be a good strategy for future platinum drug discovery.
摘要:Nowadays Quantum cellular Automata (QCA) as the leading technology in design of microelectronic systems has been raised. With respect to high velocity and density in low power and also simple concepts, this technology is a viable alternative to CMOS technology. In collector design, the primary component of each processor is very important. Due to the small elements in this technology, failure rate in manufacturing process technology is very high. In the other hand, the simulation shows that the intersection point of two wires is one of the critical points in QCA circuits. This means that defects in the manufacturing process around these points can cause malfunction in the circuit performance. In this paper, a collector in cross sections of wire in his new method used higher reliability against defects during manufacturing has been developed. QCA Designer software is used to simulate the case study system.
摘要:This article proves the existence of a hyper-precise global numerical meta-architecture unifying, structuring, binding and controlling the billion triplet codons constituting the sequence of single-stranded DNA of the entire human genome. Beyond the evolution and erratic mutations like transposons within the genome, it’s as if the memory of a fossil genome with multiple symmetries persists. This recalls the “intermingling” of information characterizing the fractal universe of chaos theory. The result leads to a balanced and perfect tuning between the masses of the two strands of the huge DNA molecule that constitute our genome. We show here how codon populations forming the single-stranded DNA sequences can constitute a critical approach to the understanding of junk DNA function. Then, we suggest revisiting certain methods published in our 2009 book “Codex Biogenesis”. In fact, we demonstrate here how the universal genetic code table is a powerful analytical filter to characterize single-stranded DNA sequences constituting chromosomes and genomes. We can then show that any genomic DNA sequence is featured by three numbers, which characterize it and its 64 codon populations with correlations greater than 99%. The number “1” is common to all sequences, expressing the second law of Chargaff. The other 2 numbers are related to each specific DNA sequence case characterizing life species. For example, the entire human genome is characterized by three remarkable numbers 1, 2, and Phi = 1.618 the golden ratio. Associated with each of these three numbers, we can match three axes of symmetry, then “imagine” a kind of hyperspace formed by these codon populations. Then we revisit the value (3-Phi)/2 which is probably universal and common to both the scale of quarks and atomic levels, balancing and tuning the whole human genome codon population. Finally, we demonstrate a new kind of duality between “form and substance” overlapping the whole human genome: we will show that—simult
摘要:2004年2月16-21日,陈茂科和王翌前往韩国釜山,参加了ICOIN 2004(国际信息网络会议),并宣读了论文(陈茂科:“A Mean-field Theory of cellular Automata Model for Distributed Packet Networks”。王翌:“A Study of Internet Packet Reordering”)。
摘要:摩托罗拉公司近日宣布,公司推出了专门为具备EVDO Rev A数据功能的CDMA 1x网络而优化设计的新一代无线一键通(Push-To-Talk over cellular,PoC)解决方案。该解决方案充分利用了CDMA 1x EVDO Rev A标准所提供的更为完善的功能特性,其中包括更高的数据速率、更短的呼叫建立延迟时间及更好的服务质量(QoS)等。
摘要:摩托罗拉日前推出了专门为具备EVDO Rev A数据功能的CDMA 1×网络而优化设计的新一代无线一键通(Push-To-Talk over cellular,PoC)解决方案。
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