范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people’s own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deep meanings, explore the direction of their de- velopment, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be the concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. Such a thesis, starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment.
摘要:华盛顿特区Washington D.C.教堂的新装HENSE是一个总部在亚特兰大的多学科艺术家组织,致力于在城市中的建筑绘画、壁画、装置艺术等。他们最近的工作是为华盛顿特区的一座教堂进行外墙彩绘。最终,他们把一座传统的教堂变成了一个醒目大胆又美丽非凡的地标性建筑,赋予了这座曾被用来祷告的老教堂新的生命活力。
摘要:Syrian叙利亚在偻梯上描绘希望提到叙利亚,人们首先回想到的大约就是战争或汽车爆炸。但是最近一个充满爱与和平的事件传递出另一种气息。一群学生志愿者决定为邻里带来一些有趣的街头艺术他们将城里最长的公共阶梯涂上了颜色,使得这条灰色的长阶变成了色彩斑斓的卷轴。这个学生志愿者组织名为"jood",由一位名叫Salmo aI-batal的建筑系老师发起,在全球著名的社交平台Facebook上拥有不少粉丝。
摘要:By analyzing the role of public art in the construction and development of urban landscape, the concept of public art and its regional meaning are analyzed, the relation between public art and city sculpture is explained, it is pointed out that city sculpture could enhance the landscape of urban space and enrich public art. The functions of city sculpture are expounded in details, including guiding spatial communication, creating the sociality of humanistic environment, and communicating space with human. With the design of city sculpture at the entrance of Xiasi County in Southeast part of Guizhou Province for example, its location and status are analyzed, highlighting its special location advantages as well as the historical business climate, the sculpture integrates the ancient corn which represents commercial culture with butterfly which embodies the totem of Miao nationalities in Southeast Guizhou Province, therefore brings both the visual impact and culture features. Here the significance of regional city sculpture is summarized, it is emphasized that the city sculpture is the material carrier of city culture, the cultural source of original design elements and the concrete manifestation of regional spirit.
摘要:After the 26th Universiade,Shenzhen has been striving to build a balanced and harmonious translational eco-environment,and make Public Signs translation play a positive role in the construction of international city ***,Shenzhen has formed relative completed systems in beforehand prevention and subsequent punishment in public signs ***,there is also a long way to go to perfect the translation eco-environment construction.
摘要:北京2013.4.2/Tues赖声川史诗巨作2013《如梦之梦》彼得·布鲁克(Peter Brook)是上世纪八十年代蜚誉国际剧场界、在巴黎红透半边天的剧场导演,曾把印度史诗《摩诃婆罗达》搬上舞台,从清晨演到日暮,长达九小时,成为国际艺文界的一大盛事。如今在地球另一边,中国语文世界最精彩的戏剧家赖声川与《如梦之梦》犹如东方的彼得·布鲁克与《摩诃婆罗达》,可以一千零一夜那样不眠不休地说故事。《如梦之梦》整出戏就像一次庞大的旅行,从主角的生命末端开始,从二十世纪末到二十世纪初,从亚洲到欧洲,从生到死,从痛苦到解脱的可能性,一层一层的故事,医生的故事包着五号病人的故事,五号病人的故事包着顾香兰的故事,从台北的医院,跳出来到台北市、到巴黎、到上海、到二十年代的上海,到三十年代的巴黎、一直到五十年代的法国。
摘要:[Objective] To explore and analyze the theories and practical approaches to construct garden sites with regional cultural characteristics. [Method] Taking the landscape design of Xiweiyuan Park in Xianyang city as an example,how to express the regional characteristics in the modern garden designs was discussed from the perspective of design principle,layout of planning and landscape analysis. [Conclusion] Garden sites are bathing in certain regional cultures,which could demonstrate overall atmosphere through the spatial structure reflected by concrete material elements such as buildings,architectural oddments,plants and their combinations,thus the essence of garden characteristics is its territoriality. To regain the sense neglected by modernism,the danger of assimilation brought by globalization to the regional culture should be avoided; to solve the problems of losing distinctive characteristics and convergence of landscape design in the garden design,it should be started from natural environment,and then a garden site recognized by both culture and sensibility of people should be created for both mental and physical rest of people.
摘要:The quantitative analysis method was used to measure the tourism image of Nanjing waterfront to make clear its *** evaluation method was also adopted in terms of cognitive image,affective image and the whole image,which may offer some references for the evaluation of other tourism images in urban waterfront of the same kind.
摘要:The paper discussed the principle of plant landscape design of city square and the designing method of plant landscape in different types of city squares, aiming at providing operational creative principle and method for current plant landscape design of city square.
摘要:In this research,the functions and principles of residential greening design in medium-sized cities are *** the greening design of a residential area in Yichun city for an example,we aim at providing some references for the urban residential district greening design.
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