
5 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Comparison of the thermal properties of clay samples as potential walling material for naturally cooled building design
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《Journal of Environmental Sciences》2003年 第1期15卷 65-68页
作者:SUNDAY E.ETUK IDARA O.AKPABIO E.M.UDOHDepartment of Physics University of UYO UYO Akwa Ibom State 尼日利亚 
The thermal properties of different clay samples obtained from locations in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria were investigated and compared, and in order to establish their suitability as building material from energy conserv...
Remediation of Heavy Metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Co, and Ni) Ions from Kaolinite clay Using Molecular Micelles Chelators and D-Optimum Experimental Design
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《Journal of Environmental Protection》2013年 第8期4卷 789-795页
作者:Sayo O. Fakayode Ashley M. Taylor Maya McCoy Sri Lanka Owen Whitney E. Stapleton Carmen Grady David A. PollardDepartment of Chemistry Winston-Salem State University Winston-Salem USA 
This study investigated the potential utility of poly (sodium N-undecanoyl-L-leucyl-valinate) (poly-L-SULV), poly (sodium N-undecanoyl-L-leucyl-alanate) (poly-L-SULA), and poly (sodium N-undecanoyl-glycinate) (poly-SU...
Elaboration of Amorphous-clay Hybrid: (Al<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>·1/2Li<sub>2</sub>O) Designed as a Single Ion Conducting Solid Electrolyte for Li-Ion Batteries
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《American Journal of Analytical Chemistry》2014年 第17期5卷 1261-1272页
作者:Nouha Jaafar Sonia Naamen Hafsia Ben Rhaiem Abdesslem Ben Haj AmaraLaboratory of Physics of Lamellar Hybrid Materials and Nanomaterials Department of Physics Faculty of Science of Bizerte University of Carthage Bizerte Tunisia 
Keying of lithium chloride alkali halide salt into the interlamellar space of nacrite clay mineral leads to a stable hybrid material that after calcination under inert atmosphere at 723 - 873 K induces an amorphous me...
泥岩各向异性热-水-力耦合特性——基于ATLAS Ⅲ现场加热试验
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《岩土力学》2018年 第2期39卷 426-436,444页
作者:马永尚 陈卫忠 龚哲 于洪丹 李翻翻 李香玲中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室湖北武汉430071 山东大学岩土与结构工程研究中心山东济南250061 武汉市政工程设计研究院有限责任公司湖北武汉430023 比利时核废物泥岩处置研究中心 
比利时放射性核废料地质备选场址Boom clay是一种典型的横观各向同性材料,在Drucker-Prager帽盖模型的基础上,构建了适用于Boom clay的横观各向同性特点的热-水-力耦合弹塑性本构模型,该模型可反映温度对其强度、弹性模量、渗透性等的影...
艺术家Jason clay Lewis的首次个展在纽约31Grand美术馆举行
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《艺术当代》2004年 第6期3卷 108-108页
艺术家Jason clay Lewis的首次个展日前在纽约31Grand美术馆举行。展览中最主要的装置作品是《黑色死亡》(The Black Death,2003)。这件综合媒介作品暗示着过去,现在以及未来可能发生的圣战,而那个铠甲铮亮的骑士则是经书上的预言和...
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