
12 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
The university graduate training for the future engineering as exemplified by VEC-BEN collaboration (12 institutes from 4 continents)
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《Frontiers of Architectural Research》2013年 第3期2卷 373-376页
作者:Mark Bomberg Faras TseMcMaster University Hamilton L8S 4L8 Canada 
1. Introduction The first problem with "internationatising" the graduate study in developing countries is the lack of foreign language skirts of the students. The first author is currentty teaching on three universi...
Using Graded-Conversations to Enhance Language Learning and Student collaboration
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2017年 第12期7卷 1660-1672页
作者:Dainess MagandaUniversity of Georgia Athens USA 
Language teaching entails the use of varied methods to maximize learning. Most language educators, particularly those teaching foreign languages tend to use lesson review sheets, dialogue practice, drills on grammar, ...
Prototyping and Evaluating a Wearable System for Mobile Distributed collaboration
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《Communications and Network》2013年 第3期5卷 554-562页
作者:Weidong Huang Leila Alem Jalal AlbasriCSIRO Marsfield NSW Australia 
We have developed a wearable system for mobile distributed collaboration called HandsInAir using emerging wireless and mobile technologies. This system was developed to support real world scenarios in which a remote m...
Geo-Agents: Design and Implement
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《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》2001年 第Z1期6卷 451-459页
作者:Ding Li, Qu Lei, Zhang Ying, Luo Ying wei, Wang Xiao lin, Xu Zhuo qun Department of Computer Science & Technology,Peking University, Beijing 100871, ChinaDepartment of Computer Science & Technology Peking University Beijing 100871 China 
Geo Agents, a multi agent system that processes distributed geospatial information and geospatial service was presented. Firstly, the requirement for distributed geographical information process was discussed, and t...
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《世界建筑导报》2016年 第3期31卷 10-14页
作者:Tomaz Gregoric 
斯洛文尼亚Vitanje建成时间:2012年欧洲空间科技文化中心将为第一位空间理论家Herman Potocnik Noordung的家乡Vitanje小镇的艺术中心增加新的文化与社会活动场所。这一中心的设计创意源自Herman Potocnik Noordung于1929年出版的一本...
“I’m Just Guiding You”: An Exploration of Software Design Mentorship within a Software Engineering Firm
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2018年 第6期11卷 299-317页
作者:Leshell Hatley Maha Al-Freih Brenda BannanDepartment of Mathematics & Computer Science Coppin State University Baltimore USA Department of Educational Technology Princess NourahBint Abdulrahman University Riyadh Saudi Arabia Instructional Technology/Learning Technologies Design Research George Mason University Fairfax USA 
The case study presented here uses an interpretivist (qualitative, humanistic) approach to illustrate and describe a range of interactions and behaviors that occur during design meetings where mentoring and design sim...
BIM as a Computer-Aided Design Methodology in Civil Engineering
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2017年 第2期10卷 194-210页
作者:Alcínia Zita SampaioDepartment of Civil Engineering University of Lisbon Lisbon Portugal 
Building Information Models (BIM) have revealed themselves as a good tool to support construction actions, due to their ability to store all the information in one digital model and to promote collaboration between al...
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《公共艺术》2015年 第5期 51-55页
作者:高浅 沃恩·萨迪德班理工大学 
感谢您的支持和配合,这个采访主要围绕您的观点谈谈您对公共艺术的理解,能否请您介绍一下您在公共艺术领域中的主要工作和职责?We are going to have a briefly interview about your opinions of public art,and thanks for your supp...
Reflecting on Choreographic Processes in Independent Dancemaking Projects:Insights Revealed from Chinese Dance Artists'Narratives
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《当代舞蹈艺术研究》2023年 第4期8卷 61-74页
作者:Chen Ruohan广州体育学院 
There has been little scholarly analysis of choreographic processes based on practitioners'experiences and even less published material to draw on to provide a clear view of current practices of Chinese *** resear...
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《建筑技艺》2016年 第4期22卷 68-75页
新的日烟国际总部(JTI Headquarters)位于汇集各大知名国际组织的日内瓦区,建于原工业用地,四周绿地环绕。凭借SOM建筑事务所旗下的建筑设计、结构工程和室内设计团队之间的协同合作,该竞赛获胜设计将既有的四个日烟国际办公场所整合...
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