
检索条件"主题词=Extracellular matrix"
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Ink-structing the future of vascular tissue engineering:a review of the physiological bioink design
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第2期7卷 181-205页
作者:Judith Synofzik Sebastian Heene Rebecca Jonczyk Cornelia BlumeInstitute for Technical ChemistryLeibniz University Hannover30167 HannoverGermany 
Three-dimensional(3D)printing and bioprinting have come into view for a plannable and standardizable generation of implantable tissue-engineered constructs that can substitute native tissues and *** tissue-engineered ...
Biofabrication of nanocomposite-based scaffolds containing human bone extracellularmatrix for the differentiation of skeletal stem and progenitor cells
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《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》2024年 第2期7卷 121-136页
作者:Yang-Hee Kim Janos M.Kanczler Stuart Lanham Andrew Rawlings Marta Roldo Gianluca Tozzi Jonathan I.Dawson Gianluca Cidonio Richard O.C.OreffoFaculty of MedicineBone and Joint Research GroupCentre for Human DevelopmentStem Cells and RegenerationInstitute of Developmental SciencesUniversity of SouthamptonSouthampton SO166YDUK School of Pharmacy and Biomedical ScienceUniversity of PortsmouthPortsmouth PO12DTUK School of EngineeringFaculty of Engineering and ScienceUniversity of GreenwichGreenwich ME44TBUK Center for Life Nano-and Neuro-Science(CLN2S)Italian Institute of Technology00161 RomeItaly 
Autograft or metal implants are routinely used in skeletal ***,they fail to provide long-term clinical resolution,necessitating a functional biomimetic tissue engineering *** use of native human bone tissue for synthe...
Repair of flexor tendon defects of rabbit with tissue engineering method
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《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》2002年 第4期5卷 200-208页
作者:何清义 李起鸿 陈秉礼 王智彪Department of OrthopedicsSouthwest HospitalThird Military Medical University Institute of Medical Engineer UltrasonicsChongqing Medical University 
Objective: To repair rabbit tendon defects with tissue engineering method. Methods: The third passage of fetal skin fibroblast cells was labeled with 5 bromo 2 deoxyuridine (Brdu) and then seeded on human amnion ext...
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