范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:extreme water level is an important consideration when designing coastal protection structures. However, frequency analysis recommended by standard codes only considers the annual maximum water level, whereas water levels should actually be regarded as a combination of astronomical tide and storm surge. The two impacting factors are both random variables, and this paper discusses their dependency structures and proposes a new joint probability method to determine extreme design water levels. The lognormal, Gumbel, Weibull, Pearson type 3, traditional maximum entropy, and modified maximum entropy distributions are applied to fit univariate data of astronomical tides and storm surges separately, and the bivariate normal, Gumbel-Hougaard, Frank and Clayton copulas are then utilized to construct their joint probability distributions. To ensure that the new design method is suitable for use with typhoon data, the annual occurrence frequency of typhoon processes is considered and corresponding bivariate compound probability distributions are proposed. Based on maximum water level data obtained from Hengmen hydrological station in the Pearl River Basin, China, these probability models are applied to obtain designs for extreme water levels using the largest sum of the astronomical tide and storm surge obtained under fixed joint return periods. These design values provide an improved approach for determining the necessary height of coastal and offshore structures.
摘要:The high-resolution climate model Providing REgional Climates for Impacts Studies (PRECIS) was used to project the changes in futureextreme precipitation and temperature over the Koshi River Basin for use in impact assessments. Three outputs of the Quantifying Uncertaintiesin Model Prediction (QUMP) simulations using the Hadley Centre Couple Model (HadCM3) based on the IPCC SRES A1B emission scenario were used to project the future climate. The projections were analysed for three time slices, 2011e2040 (near future), 2041e2070 (mid-century), and 2071e2098 (distant future). The results show an increase in the future frequency and intensity of climate extremes events such as dry days, consecutive dry days, and very wet days (95th percentile), with greater increases over the southern plains than in the mountainous area to the north. A significant decrease in moderate rainfall days (75th percentile) is projected over the middle (high) mountain and trans-Himalaya areas. Increases are projected in both the extreme maximum and extreme minimum temperature, with a slightly higher rate in minimum temperature. The number of warm days is projected to increase throughout the basin, with more rapid rates in the trans-Himalayan and middle mountain areas than in the plains. Warm nights are also projected to increase, especially in the southern plains. A decrease is projected in cold days and cold nights indicating overall warming throughout the basin.
摘要:extreme Networks公司宣布,其Summit X650 10Gbit/s以太网固定配置交换机已经开始供货,这是一款专门为提高数据中心和高性能网络而设计的产品.具有令人印象深刻的高性价比。
摘要:作为一线大厂最顶级的产品,R.O.G系列一经上市便顺利打响了头炮,成为众多玩家极力追求的顶级装备,其中自然少不了产品本身具有的几招绝杀秘技.如LCD式开机状态显示、精致而高效的全静音纯铜大包围散热器、强劲的8路供电电路设计、丰富的附件等都给人尽享奢华的感觉,而且后续引入了更多新鲜玩法让R.O.G系列主板已经不再让人觉得是纯粹的电脑产品,而是上升到了艺术品的高度.这就是华硕R.O.G系列产品给人留下的最深印象。随着新一代X38顶级芯片组的到来,华硕玩家国度系列主板随之升级与进化,于是一款全新的Maximus extreme主板便来到玩家身边:
摘要:本文介绍了extreme UPS产品。
摘要:2015年3月13日下午,Estelon(爱诗特浓)团队(Alfred&Partners OU公司)联手爱沙尼亚驻中国大使馆、汕头泽森音响有限公司、联电国际智能化(北京)有限公司在北京爱沙尼亚大使馆举办了2015 Estelon(爱诗特浓)extreme旗舰音箱发布会。
摘要:在2006年11月8日;NVIDIA发布了基于DirectX10的G80和为下一代桌面主板设计的nForce 680i芯片组。G80我们已经在发布的第一时间为大家送上了详细的介绍和测试情况,但由于基于nForce680i的产品到目前还没有大规模上市,所以我们没能在前几期进行测丛!至塾;砖2007年的春节前.华硕的Striker extreme终于来到了我们评测室;虽然是姗姗来迟,但距离发布已经有三个月,相信在这段时间里.NVIDIA和华硕都已经利用充分的时间将这款目前性能最强的主板原有的小小bug修复;所以我们可以在测试中获得更好的成绩。
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