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2018年戛纳国际创意节创意电子商务类评委主席 Nick law 面对所有人的连接
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《现代广告》2018年 第13期 16-18页
与很多优秀的创意人一样,Nick law也来自澳大利亚。工作最初,他从悉尼大本营打拼至伦敦,并最终从设计行业进入广告行业。而上世纪90年代中期,他则前往纽约,开始了在美国的事业轨迹。
Nick law,互动广告的革新者
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《现代广告》2008年 第11期 20-22页
对R/GA执行副总裁兼北美区首席创意官Nick law来说互动创意就是他生活里最大的乐趣。
law and Literature: Exploring the Intersection of Two Fields
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2023年 第3期13卷 170-177页
作者:HU Chun-xiCentral South University of Forestry and TechnologyInstitute of Political Science and LawHunan ProvinceChina 
This article aims to explore the intersection of law and literature,analyzing their connections and ***,the article introduces the definitions and basic characteristics of law and literature,emphasizing their similari...
专访网络互动评委及网络互动大奖得主Nick law 受众掌握了对网络广告的控制权
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《现代广告》2007年 第8期 22-23页
可感受和触摸的品牌精神——专访酩悦轩尼诗帝亚吉欧(MHD)旗下Johnnie Walker(尊尼获加)品牌总监lawrence law
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《中国广告》2012年 第8期 94-100页
就像人的性格决定了人的命运一样,品牌性格也决定了品牌命运。Johnnie Walker的一切性格魅力都来自其商标中这个大步前行的人的个性。
Cross-layer efforts for energy-efficient computing:towards peta operations per second per watt
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《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》2018年 第10期19卷 1209-1223页
作者:Xiaobo Sharon HU Michael NIEMIERDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Notre Dame 
As Moore's law based device scaling and accompanying performance scaling trends are slowing down, there is increasing interest in new technologies and computational models for fast and more energy-efficient informati...
Community Mediation in Malaysia: A Comparison Between Rukun Tetangga and Community Mediation in Singapore
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2013年 第3期3卷 180-195页
作者:Hanna Binti Ambaras KhanInternational Islamic University Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 
Malaysia is a multicultural, multireligious, and multiethnic country that is located in Southeast Asia. The social background of Malaysia as a multicultural state calls for the adoption of an alternative method to res...
Argentina and Brazil: laws as Mediators of Social Identities
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2014年 第5期4卷 418-422页
作者:Yussef Daibert Salomao de CamposJuiz de Fora Federal University Juiz de Fora Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) Pelotas Brazil 
The research is a brief analysis of recent legislation in Argentina about the intangible heritage and its relationship with Brazilian instruments. This is a study about links between the two laws and their touch point...
Using MATLAB to Design and Analyse Composite Lami-nates
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《Engineering(科研)》2010年 第11期2卷 904-916页
作者:A. Ramsaroop K. KannyDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Durban University of Technology 
This work deals with the generation of MATLAB script files that assists the user in the design of a composite laminate to operate within safe conditions. The inputs of the program are the material properties, material...
On the Death of Tess-the Innocent Woman
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2021年 第5期11卷 279-283页
作者:DENG TingSchool of Foreign LanguagesWuhan University of TechnologyWuhanHubei 430070China 
This paper aims to make study on Tess’death from two major areas,which includes social factors and human *** the perspective of social factors,the moral concept in Victorian era tends to be *** double standard toward...
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