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Time-domain training sequences design for mimo OFDM channel estimation
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《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》2008年 第4期9卷 464-469页
作者:Zhen LU Jian-hua GEDepartment of Electronic Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong Universiry Shanghai 200240 China Department of Communications Engineering Xidian University Xi'an 710071 China 
This paper describes a Least Squares (LS) channel estimation scheme for mimo OFDM systems based on time-domain training sequence. We first compute the minimum mean square error (MSE) of the LS channel estimation, and ...
MMSE based joint Tomlinson-Harashima source and linear relay precoder design in non-regenerative mimo relay system
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2012年 第4期19卷 56-63页
作者:LI Nan CHEN Peng HE Zhi-qiang LIN Jia-ruKey Lab of Universal Wireless CommunicationsMinistry of EducationBeijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsBeijing 100876China 
This paper proposes a joint nonlinear transceiver design scheme based on minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion for non-regenerative multiple input multiple output (mimo) relay system. The proposed scheme deco...
Statistically robust design of linear filter for non-regenerative mimo relay systems
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2011年 第3期18卷 34-40页
作者:WANG Ying LI Gen GONG FengWireless Technology Innovation Institute Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876 China Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications Ministry of Education Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876 China 
This paper addresses the robust linear filter design issues for non-regenerative multiple input multiple output (mimo) relay systems with imperfect channel state information (CSI) in both or partial hops. By consi...
New design of single-symbol decodable STBCs for mimo communication system
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2011年 第6期18卷 44-50页
作者:PHAM Van-bienDepartment of Communication EngineeringNanjing University of Science and Technology 
Single-symbol maximum-likelihood (ML) decodable space-time block codes (SSDCs) can achieve a maximal symbol rate of 6/7 for multiple-input multiple-output (mimo) communication system with five or six transmit an...
Simplified transmitter design for mimo systems with channel uncertainty
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2009年 第2期16卷 20-23,34页
作者:DU Juan KANG Gui-xia ZHANG PingKey Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications Ministry of Education Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876 China School of Information Science and Engineering Lanzhou University Lanzhou 730000 China 
This article investigates transmitter design in Rayleigh fading multiple input multiple output (mimo) channels with spatial correlation when there are channel uncertainties caused by a combined effect of channel est...
Joint linear precoder and power allocation design for uplink mimo systems with limited feedback
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《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》2009年 第3期16卷 14-18页
作者:YAN Zhi WANG Wen-bo WANG Jian-feng ZHENG KanKey Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communication Ministry of Education Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing 100876 China 
In this article, the authors consider joint design of a linear precoder and power allocation for uplink multiuser multiple input multiple output (mimo) communication systems with limited feedback to improve the bit ...
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《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》2001年 第2期40卷 39-41页
作者:吕志民 周茂林中山大学电子与通信工程系广东广州510275 
针对mimo有限拍无振荡数字控制器设计表述各异的情况 ,提出一种切实可行的设计方法 ,给出一个mimo系统设计实例 .仿真结果表明 ,所提出的设计方法是正确的 .
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《软件学报》2010年 第4期21卷 732-749页
作者:李方敏 马小林 方艺霖 吴鹏武汉理工大学信息工程学院宽带无线通信与传感器网络湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430070 
综述了多跳无线网络mimo(multiple-input multiple-output)技术的研究进展,分析了mimo技术的引入对多跳无线网络各层及整体设计的影响.以跨层协议设计为重点,详细介绍了当前典型的基于mimo的多跳无线网络协议算法的核心机制,并比较分析...
mimo ARQ系统非理想信道估计条件下序贯线性预编码设计
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《通信学报》2007年 第9期28卷 7-14,21页
作者:史志华 赵春明 杨宜进 周鹏东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室江苏南京210096 
针对mimo ARQ系统中使用的重发机制,采用跨层设计思想,提出非理想信道估计条件下基于系统容量准则的次最优序贯线性预编码器的设计方案。首先推导出mimo ARQ系统中存在信道估计误差时系统容量的上界和下界。理论分析和仿真结果表明,mimo...
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《电子与信息学报》2013年 第11期35卷 2672-2677页
作者:吴子斌 朱宇涛 粟毅 李禹 宋晓骥国防科技大学电子科学与工程学院长沙410073 
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