
10 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Feature maintenance and Style Restoration of Landscape Heritages
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第7期1卷 35-39页
作者:蔡晴 姚赯南昌大学建筑工程学院江西南昌330031 
Through reviewing theories and practices of international garden heritages conservation since the 19th century and summarizing experiences of previous studies,feature maintenance and style restoration of landscape her...
Status of and Strategies for the Planning and Design, maintenance and Management of Chinese Urban Green Land——Application of Ecological Concepts in This Field
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第8期2卷 17-20页
作者:魏胜林 徐梦萤 张辉苏州大学建筑与城市环境学院风景园林系江苏苏州215123 
The sustainability of the planning and design goals of urban green land and that of its maintenance and management are mutually related and act as an organic whole. For a long time, the independence of the two is more...
Design and maintenance of Valves on a H_2 Reciprocating Compressor
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《International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management》2010年 第2期15卷 103-106页
作者:GU Hong-mei WANG Qi ZHANG Xiao-hua Enzo GiacomelliDaqing Refining & Chemical Company China National Petroleum Company(CNPC) Daqing 163411 P.R. China Dott. Ing. Mario Cozzani Srl Italy 10921 
Cylinder valves are the most important parts of a reciprocating compressor; their working condition affects the safety and operation of the reciprocating compressor directly. In initial design, it is dedicated to simu...
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《科学通报》2020年 第9期65卷 764-770页
作者:闻悦 马婷婷 郑平军 张静 王飞 蔡巧言中国运载火箭技术研究院北京100076 
Design of a Performance Measurement Framework for Cloud Computing
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2012年 第2期5卷 69-75页
作者:Luis Bautista Alain Abran Alain AprilDepartment of Electronic Systems Autonomous University of Aguascalientes Aguascalientes Mexico Department of Software Engineering and Information Technology ETS University of Quebec Montreal Canada. 
Cloud Computing is an emerging technology for processing and storing very large amounts of data. Sometimes anomalies and defects affect part of the cloud infrastructure, resulting in a performance degradation of the c...
Detecting Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Program Source Code by Using Metrics and Machine Learning
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2014年 第12期7卷 983-998页
作者:Satoru Uchiyama Atsuto Kubo Hironori Washizaki Yoshiaki FukazawaDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering Waseda University Tokyo Japan 
Detecting well-known design patterns in object-oriented program source code can help maintainers understand the design of a program. Through the detection, the understandability, maintainability, and reusability of ob...
Retro-Analysis of Rehabilitation of Existing Bridge over the River Cubiculo on Federal Highway BR-101, Brazil
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《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》2016年 第8期6卷 434-441页
作者:Iviane Cunha e Santos Fabio Pessoa da Silva Nunes Thyala Anarelli Cunha e SantosRoad Directory National Department of Transportation Infrastructure Brasilia 70.040-902 Brazil Post-Graduate Program in Structures and Civil Construction University of Brasilia Brasilia 70.910-900 Brazil 
This work describes the retro-analysis of design of rehabilitation of existing bridge over the river Cubiculo on BR-101 in Santa Catarina, Brazil, aiming to evaluate the intervention processes. In this way, it was ver...
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《计算机测量与控制》2010年 第1期18卷 208-210页
作者:王继昕 肖登坤 王晓勇内蒙古乌兰浩特市兴安盟职业教育学院计算机系内蒙古乌兰浩特137400 MOTOROLA公司北京100874 北京邮电大学北京100876 
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《机床与液压》2015年 第18期43卷 75-80页
作者:王占海 李勇 王霖中国民航局航空事故调查中心北京100028 
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《机械设计与制造》2010年 第12期 111-113页
作者:任帆 于永利 张柳军械工程学院石家庄050003 
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