范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Milling the free-end of cylindrical parts, which are vertically fixed on the machine table,often suffers from large chatter vibrations. This kind of phenomenon is harmful to the cutting process. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop means to suppress these undesirable *** paper proposes a new idea for designing a tunable mass damper(TMD) to reduce vibrations in milling of cylindrical parts. Frequency response function(FRF) of the milling system is derived to comprehensively reveal the influence of both the dynamic response of the machine tools and the TMD. Critical axial depth of cut, which is usually used to characterize the process stability, is formulated by considering the FRFs of both the milling system itself and the TMD. Maximization of critical axial depth of cut is taken as objective function, while kernel dynamic parameters of TMD,which are involved in the derived expression of critical axial depth of cut, are extracted as designable variables. Optimization procedure is carried out to adjust the parameters of TMD by using sequential quadratic programming algorithm. A series of experiments with a designed passive TMD validate that the design has a good performance in reducing vibrations and improving stability of milling process.
摘要:USB作为一种新型的接口技术,以其简单易用、速度快等特点而备受青睐。文中简要介绍了USB接口的特点和Na-tional Semiconductor公司的USB接口芯片USBN9604,给出了USB接口的硬件设计,在此基础上,遵循mass Storage协议设计了USB接口的软件,实现了可移动磁盘的功能。
摘要:This paper discusses an absurdity that is rooted in the modern physics’ interpretation of Einstein’s relativistic mass formula when v is very close to c. Modern physics (and Einstein himself) claimed that the speed of a mass can never reach the speed of light. Yet at the same time they claim that it can approach the speed of light without any upper limit on how close it could get to that special speed. As we will see, this leads to some absurd predictions. If we assert that a material system cannot reach the speed of light, an important question is then, “How close can it get to the speed of light?” Is there a clear-cut boundary on the exact speed limit for an electron, as an example? Or must we settle for a mere approximation?
摘要:Gas-involving electrochemical reactions,like oxygen reduction reaction (ORR),oxygen evolution reaction (OER),and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER),are critical processes for energy-saving,environment-friendly energy conversion and storage technologies which gain increasing *** development of according electrocatalysts is key to boost their electrocatalytic *** efforts have been put into the development of advanced electrocatalysts to overcome sluggish *** the other hand,the electrode interfaces-architecture construction plays an equally important role for practical applications because these imperative electrode reactions generally proceed at triple-phase interfaces of gas,liquid electrolyte,and solid electrocatalyst.A desirable architecture should facilitate the complicate reactions occur at the triple-phase interfaces,which including mass diffusion,surface reaction and electron *** this review,we will summarize some design principles and synthetic strategies for optimizing triple-phase interfaces of gas-involving electrocatalysis systematically,based on the electrode reaction process at the three-phase *** can be divided into three main optimization directions:exposure of active sites,promotion of mass diffusion and acceleration of electron ***,we especially highlight several remarkable works with comprehensive optimization about specific energy conversion devices,including metal-air batteries,fuel cells,and water-splitting devices are demonstrated with superb *** the last section,the perspectives and challenges in the future are proposed.
摘要:库的mass Flow设计是指库应按照物料性质选择合适的仓角、内衬材料、仓的形状、储存时间及出口开口尺寸,以保证物料在库内不结拱、不堵塞。用此法来指导白垩储库的设计,可提高库储运的可靠性,从而减少投产后的维护工作量。
摘要:针对嵌入式系统与PC主机大量数据传输的需要,使用SD卡做为存储介质设计实现USB mass Storage类设备。主机和存储设备之间的通讯严格按照USB2.0协议和USB mass Storage类存储协议,该类存储设备构架于USB2.0协议之上,将存储命令嵌于USB协议之中。采用MAX3421作为USB外设控制器,MCF52233作为主控制器,通过SPI接口实现两者的通讯试验结果表明,当MCF52233主频为60MHZ时,存储速度可以达到1.87 Mbyte/s,满足了设备与主机数据交换速度的要求。
摘要:本文提出结合组织学理论研究多主体系统( M A Ss)建模的一种方法。文章从宏观到微观,在整体组织、个体和并发行为等不同抽象层次上论述了分析与设计多主体系统的建模方法,并详细介绍了用于多主体系统设计的系统组织模型、主体概念模型和分布式协作求解模型三个抽象模型的主要研究内容。
摘要:针对高通AMSS6XXX软件系统中USBmass Storage设备与Modem设备之间相互冲突的现状,本文提出了一种二者并存的软件实现方案,利用纯软件的解决方式,通过分析设备原始架构、设计新的设备架构、更改软件处理流程3个方面,消除了无线网卡系统中mass Storage设备与Modem设备并行工作引起的冲突,使两设备可以同时正常使用。整个方案由C语言实现,并进行了编程验证。结果表明,该方案可有效地消除上述设备冲突,保证其正常并行工作,并且实现简便、成本低。
摘要:为改善原有织机控制系统在提综信息存储方式上的不足,通过对目前各种数据存储器的比较分析,提出了一种基于USB的存储方式。简单介绍了织机控制系统和USB模块的硬件设计,给出了控制系统的示意图以及USB模块的硬件连接图,具体阐述了USB主机系统的软件设计,包括SL811HS初始化、USB设备枚举、mass Storage协议和FAT文件系统4个部分。该设计充分利用了原有控制系统ARM嵌入式处理器S3C4510B的丰富资源,并结合USB主芯片SL811HS的自身特点,实现了织机控制系统的USB接口。
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