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migration Images in Turkish Art
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《Sociology Study》2017年 第1期7卷 17-24页
作者:Nimet Keser Inan KeserCukurova University Turkey Dicle University Turkey 
In Turkey, from the second half of the nineteenth century, the shaping of an art of painting on the basis of Western understanding was realized with state support. From this period, certain art movements were seen as ...
Adaptive Spatial-division Split-step Fourier migration Method
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《Applied Geophysics》2005年 第2期2卷 75-79,i0001页
作者:赵景霞 张叔伦 王昌龙 倪逸大连理工大学 大庆石油学院大庆163311 中油集团东方地球物理公司 
This paper presents a new depth migration method, adaptive spatial-division split-step Fourier (ASDSSF) migration. In this method we introduce the idea of a stratified phase shift migration into the split-step Fouri...
基于网络磁盘结构的Local migration Manager设计
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《计算机技术与发展》2011年 第1期21卷 169-173,177页
作者:赵延红 掛下哲郎西安交通大学陕西西安710061 佐贺大学理工学部智能情报系统学科 
The Tyranny of the Vital Few: The Pareto Principle in Language Design
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《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》2011年 第3期4卷 146-155页
作者:Victor Winter James Perry Harvey Siy Satish Srinivasan Ben Farkas James McCoyUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha Sandia National Laboratories 
Modern high-level programming languages often contain constructs whose semantics are non-trivial. In practice however, software developers generally restrict the use of such constructs to settings in which their seman...
Cutting-Edge FAK-targeting PROTACs:design,synthesis,and biological evaluation
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《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》2024年 第9期33卷 767-782页
作者:Ruifeng Wang Xin Zhao Hongbao Hou Ke Chen Shuihua Liu Ruyue Ren Yunfeng Liu Yi ZhangMedicinal Basic Research Innovation Center of Chronic Kidney DiseaseMinistry of EducationShanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan 030001ShanxiChina Department of PharmacologyShanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan 030001ShanxiChina Department of EndocrinologyFirst Hospital of Shanxi Medical UniversityShanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan 030001ShanxiChina Department of PharmacyShanxi Medical UniversityTaiyuan 030001ShanxiChina 
Focal adhesion kinase(FAK)is an intracellular tyrosine kinase that plays a critical role in the occurrence,development,and metastasis of cancer through both its kinase-dependent catalytic functions and kinase-independ...
Homogenized Porcine Extracellular Matrix Derived Injectable Tissue Construct with Gold Nanoparticles for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Applications
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《Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology》2017年 第2期8卷 125-143页
作者:Sarah E. Smith Colten L. Snider David R. Gilley Daniel N. Grant Seth L. Sherman Bret D. Ulery David A. Grant Sheila A. GrantDepartment of Bioengineering University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA School of Medicine University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA Department of Chemical Engineering University of Missouri Columbia Missouri USA 
A unique porcine extracellular matrix (ECM) derived injectable tissue construct with 100 nm or 20 nm gold nanoparticles (AuNP) was developed for musculoskeletal tissue engineering applications. ECM has been shown to e...
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《理化检验(物理分册)》2005年 第z1期41卷 280-282页
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