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《科技与出版》2022年 第8期 101-106页
作者:侯滢 郭金麒山东大学新闻传播学院济南250100 山东大学文学院济南250100 中国传媒大学电视学院北京100024 
文章对国际顶级科技期刊nature 2011—2021年的封面设计进行了归纳、比较和分析,发现nature封面具有内容关联度高、图版率高及文字跳跃率高的版式设计特点。我国科技期刊可借鉴nature封面设计经验,加强封面设计与改革,将科技期刊的科学...
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《科技与出版》2014年 第7期 63-68页
作者:王国燕 程曦 李清华中国科学技术大学合肥230026 
nature in Literary Texts
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2020年 第6期10卷 453-457页
作者:Tzu Yu Allison Lin Mehmet CicekGaziantep UniversityGaziantepTurkey 
In this article,the authors aim to read several literary texts through the lens of nature,Culture and *** literary texts are including a short story by Anthony Doerr’s The Shell Collector,two plays by William Shakesp...
The Alienation of nature in Emily Dickinson’s Poems through the Prism of Taoism
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2024年 第3期14卷 186-193页
作者:LI Dong-qingUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChinaChengdu611731 China 
In the poems created by the renowned American poet Emily Dickinson,those related to nature constitute a considerable ***,Dickinson’s attitude toward nature is,in fact,*** the one hand,Dickinson perceives nature as ge...
关于nature Medicine的调查报告
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《中国科技期刊研究》2009年 第3期20卷 566-569页
作者:张恬 常妍 张宏翔中国科学院国家科学图书馆 
nature Medicine是通过发展转化医学来促进疾病治疗的学术期刊,通过研究其现状、机构设置、编辑模式及经营方式,从而得出了nature Medicine的几条成功经验:①准确的定位,②开阔的视野,③确保学术质量以提高期刊的声誉,④多样化的广告、...
The Taoist Way to Follow nature: Analysis of Lin Yutang’s Moment in Peking
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2022年 第7期12卷 716-721页
作者:WANG Peng-fei CHEN Si-yuSouthwest Jiaotong UniversityChengduChina 
Moment in Peking written by Chinese American writer Lin Yutang,follows the life of an extended upper-class Beijing family from the time of the Boxer uprising in 1900 to the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War in...
Dialectics of nature in materials science:binary cooperative complementary materials
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《Science China Materials》2016年 第4期59卷 239-246页
作者:刘明杰 江雷Key Laboratory of Bio-Inspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry of EducationSchool of Chemistry and EnvironmentBeihang UniversityBeijing 100191China International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary ScienceBeihang UniversityBeijing 100191China Laboratory of Bio-inspired Smart Interface ScienceTechnical Institute of Physics and ChemistryChinese Academy of ScienceBeijing 100191China 
Binary cooperative complementary materials,consisting of two components with entirely opposite physiochemical properties at the nanoscale, are presented as a novel principle for the design and construct of functional ...
nature、Science及PLoS ONE网络出版现状分析
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《中国科技期刊研究》2014年 第1期25卷 44-48页
作者:吴卓晶 刘君 王应宽农业部规划设计研究院《国际农业与生物工程学报》编辑部100125 不详 
在信息全球化的趋势下,国际上的各种科技期刊纷纷出现网络版。本文对国际知名大刊nature、Science以及开放存取出版的新秀PLoS ONE进行了网络出版现状的比较研究。结果显示,三本期刊的网络出版无论是信息密度、信息广度、信息深度,还是...
The Ecological Landscape with the Integration of Humanistic Culture and nature Environment —A Case Study of Landscape Transformation in Baoyan Eco-Tourism Garden of Changshu City
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2010年 第6期2卷 48-51页
Based on the landscape ecology theory,this paper analyzed the ecology concept and the existing misconceptions of landscape design from the perspective of *** misconceptions included the excessive using of ecological c...
Latent Challenges in the Human-nature Relationship for Sustainable Design and Planning
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《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》2018年 第7期12卷 471-482页
作者:Sanaz ShobeiriSchool of Architecture and the Built Environment University of Westminster London NW1 5LS United Kingdom 
In the global context, the relationship between human beings and nature has been discussed in various fields of study. This paper introduced three of the important challenges in this relationship, which have, thus far...
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