
检索条件"主题词=Neural networks"
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Design of passive filters for time-delay neural networks with quantized output
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《Chinese Physics B》2020年 第11期29卷 156-163页
作者:Jing Han Zhi Zhang Xuefeng Zhang Jianping ZhouSchool of Computer Science&TechnologyAnhui University of TechnologyMa’anshan 243032China Research Institute of Information TechnologyAnhui University of TechnologyMa’anshan 243000China 
Passive filtering of neural networks with time-invariant delay and quantized output is considered.A criterion on the passivity of a filtering error system is proposed by means of the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and...
Computer modeling of high-pressure leaching process of nickel laterite by design of experiments and neural networks
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《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》2012年 第7期19卷 584-594页
作者:Milovan Milivojevic Srecko Stopic Bernd Friedrich Boban Stojanovic Dragoljub DrndarevicTechnical and Business College IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling RWTH Aachen University Department of Mathematics and Informatics Faculty of Science University of Kragujevac 
Due to the complex chemical composition of nickel ores, the requests for the decrease of production costs, and the increase of nickel extraction in the existing depletion of high-grade sulfide ores around the world, c...
The optimum design of the pressure control spring of the relief valve based on neural networks
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《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》2006年 第1期12卷 119-123页
作者:傅晓锦Department of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences Shaoxing 312000 China 
Based on the traditional optimization methods about the pressure control spring of the relief valve and combined with the advantages of neural network, this paper put forward the optimization method with many paramete...
MW-OBS:An Improved Pruning Method for Topology Design of neural networks
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《Tsinghua Science and Technology》2006年 第3期11卷 307-312页
作者:朱岩 鹿应荣 李倩Research Center for Contemporary Management Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China School of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Jilin University Changchun 132000 China 
Topology design of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is an important problem for large scale applications. This paper describes a new efficient pruning method, the multi-weight optimal brain surgeon (MWOBS) method...
Design of Closed Loop Optimal Guidance Law Using neural networks
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《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》2002年 第2期15卷 98-102页
作者:ZHOU RuiDeparment of Automatic ControlBeijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsBeijing 100083China 
It is generally impossible to obtain the analytic optimal guidance law for complex nonlinear guidance systems of homing missiles,and the open loop optimal guidance law is often obtained by numerical methods,which can ...
Establishment of a Fault Prognosis Model Using Wavelet neural networks and Its Engineering Application
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《International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management》2004年 第2期9卷 72-78页
作者:LIUQi-peng FENGQuan-ke XIONGWeiSchoolofEnergyandPowerEngineeringXi'anJiaotongUniversityXi'anShaanxi710049P.R.China 
Fault diagnosis is confronted with two problems; how to '' measure'' the growthof a fault and how to predict the remaining useful lifetime of such a failing component or *** paper attempts to solve the...
Rudder Roll Damping Autopilot Using Dual Extended Kalman Filter–Trained neural networks for Ships in Waves
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《Journal of Marine Science and Application》2019年 第4期18卷 510-521页
作者:Yuanyuan Wang Hung Duc NguyenNational Center for Maritime Engineering and HydrodynamicsAustralian Maritime College University of Tasmania 
The roll motions of ships advancing in heavy seas have severe impacts on the safety of crews,vessels,and cargoes;thus,it must be *** study presents the design of a rudder roll damping autopilot by utilizing the dual e...
Optimal design of structures for earthquake loads by a hybrid RBF-BPSO method
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《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》2008年 第1期7卷 13-24页
作者:Eysa Salajegheh Saeed Gholizadeh Mohsen KhatibiniaDepartment of Civil Engineering University of Kerman Kerman lran 
The optimal seismic design of structures requires that time history analyses (THA) be carried out repeatedly. This makes the optimal design process inefficient, in particular, if an evolutionary algorithm is used. T...
Design of Fault Detection Observer Based on Hyper Basis Function
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《Tsinghua Science and Technology》2015年 第2期20卷 200-204页
作者:Xin Wen Xingwang Zhang Yaping ZhuFaculty of Aerospace EngineeringShenyang Aerospace University College AstronauticsNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics College Astronautics Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
In this paper, we propose the Hyper Basis Function (HBF) neural network on the basis of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. Compared with RBF, HBF neural networks have a more generalized ability with diffe...
Inverse Design of Electron Lens
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2001年 第1期12卷 49-52页
作者:Tu Yan & Zhong Xuefei Electronics Research Institute, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, P. R. ChinaElectronics Research Institute Southeast University 
The inverse design of electron lens is realized by two different methods in this paper. One is damped least square method and the other is the artificial neural network method. Their merits and defects are discussed a...
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