
检索条件"主题词=Nonlinear control"
8 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
nonlinear control of Induction Motor: A Combination of nonlinear Observer Design and Input-Output Linearization Technique
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《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》2013年 第5期7卷 1001-1008页
作者:Farid Berrezzek Wafa Bourbia Bachir BensakerDepartement Genie Electrique Universite Med Cherif Messadia Souk Ahras 41000 Algerie Departement d'Electrotechnique Universite Badji Mokhtar Annaba Annaba 2300 Algerie Laboratoire d'Electromecanique Universite Badji Mokhtar Annaba Annaba 2300 Algerie 
This paper deals with a nonlinear control strategy of induction motor that combines an input-output linearization control technique and a nonlinear observer design. It is well known that induction motors are the most ...
control design for the nonlinear benchmark problem via the output regulation method
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《控制理论与应用(英文版)》2004年 第1期2卷 11-19页
作者:JieHUANG GuoqiangHUDepartmentofAutomationandComputer-AidedEngineeringChineseUniversityofHongKongHongKongChina 
The problem of designing a feedback controller to achieve asymptotic disturbance rejection / attenuation while maintaining good transient response in the RTAC system is known as a benchmark nonlinear control problem, ...
New stabilization design for planar vertical take-off and landing aircrafts
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《控制理论与应用(英文版)》2011年 第2期9卷 195-202页
作者:Ye, Huawen Sheng, Liang Gui, Weihua Yang, ChunhuaSchool of Information Science and Engineering Central South University Changsha Hunan 410083 China 
This paper presents a new stabilizing control law for a planar vertical take-off and landing *** model is first transformed into an equivalent form,and then a control law consisting of a linear term and a saturated te...
Model Reduction and controller Design for a nonlinear Heat Conduction Problem Using Finite Element Method
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《International Journal of Automation and computing》2012年 第5期9卷 474-479页
作者:Paramita Guha Mashuq Un NabiDepartment of Electrical EngineeringIndian Institute of Technology 
The mathematical models for dynamic distributed parameter systems are given by systems of partial differential equations. With nonlinear material properties, the corresponding finite element (FE) models are large syst...
nonlinear excitation controller design for power systems:an I&I approach
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《控制理论与应用(英文版)》2012年 第4期10卷 554-558页
作者:Rongxiang YUAN Yang RUAN Po HUSchool of Electrical EngineeringWuhan University 
The Immersion and Invariance (I&I) methodology provides a novel approach for nonlinear system control, which is distinct from the traditional feedback linearization and backstepping method. In this paper, a new exc...
Global Robust and Adaptive Output Feedback Dynamic Positioning of Surface Ships
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《Journal of Marine Science and Application》2011年 第3期10卷 325-332页
作者:Khac Duc DoSchool of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nanyang Technological University 
A constructive method was presented to design a global robust and adaptive output feedback controller for dynamic positioning of surface ships under environmental disturbances induced by waves, wind, and ocean current...
Settling Time Design and Parameter Tuning Methods for Finite-Time P-PI control
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《Journal of control Science and Engineering》2016年 第1期4卷 1-10页
作者:Keigo Hiruma Hisakazu Nakamura Yasuyuki SatohDepartment of Electrical Engineering Tokyo University of Science Noda 278-8510 Japan Graduate school of Informatics Kyoto University Kyoto 606-8501 Japan 
High precision position control and high speed control of the robot manipulators are fundamental and important control problems. The effectiveness of finite-time P-PI control was confirmed by end-effector position con...
Robust Adaptive control of PVTOL System via Minimum Projection Method
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《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》2016年 第5期6卷 169-179页
作者:Soki Kuga Hisakazu Nakamura Yasuyuki SatohTokyo University of Science Yamazaki 2641 Noda Chiba 278-8150 Japan Kyoto University 
"Dynamic extension" is commonly used for stabilization of the planar vertical take off and landing (PVTOL) system. Most controllers designed by the method are based on "dynamic" control Lyapunov functions (CLFs...
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