
31 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design and Simulation of Flow Field for Bone Tissue Engineering Sca old Based on Triply Periodic Minimal Surface
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《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》2019年 第2期32卷 193-202页
作者:Zhen Wang Chuanzhen Huang Jun Wang Peng Wang Shisheng Bi Ch Asad AbbasCentre for Advanced Jet Engineering Technologies (Ca JET ) Key Laboratory of High-efciency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture (Ministry of Education) School of Mechanical Engineering Shandong University School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering The University of New South Wales (UNSW ) 
A novel method was proposed to design the structure of a bone tissue engineering scafold based on triply periodic minimal *** this method,reverse engineering software was used to reconstruct the surface from point clo...
old Lyric:时间之外的经典——写在old Lyric古著店乔迁之际
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《中国广告》2015年 第11期 60-65页
作者:林莹 婷婷 
一家视艺术和设计为终极图腾的店铺,艺术也让它充盈着难以忽视的优雅和感性,独一无二。很早就知道了old Lyric,这个隐藏在上海陕西南路弄堂一座老房子二层的神秘空间,尽管开业至今不过才2年多,却已经获得不少时尚专业人士的青睐。在这里...
A Formal Analysis of Audio-video Montage in Modern Chinese Movie,My Memories of old Beijing
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第11期8卷 1610-1614页
作者:HAN Yi-huangSchool of HumanitiesNanjing Normal UniversityNanjingChina 
My Memories of old Beijing,from the perspective of contemporary Aesthetics,explores the position of people in the multicontext-overlapping society,including pre-modern,modern,post-modern eras,by the mechanism of Audio...
Comparing Coordination Abilities of 10-11 Years old Girls Practicing Basketball and Rhythmic Gymnastic
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《Journal of Sports Science》2015年 第3期3卷 134-137页
作者:Georgi Venelinov BrestnichkiDepartment of Basketball Volleyball Handball National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" Sofia 1700 Bulgaria 
The words---coordination, coordination abilities and coordination training are getting more and more popular among the coaches in different sports. The rhythm makes the movement logical, easy and correct done. The pur...
Narrative Technique in Katherine Anne Porter’s old Morality and Noon Wine
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第11期9卷 1149-1152页
作者:WANG Ru XIANG WenJiangxi Normal UniversityNanchangChina 
In the first half of the 20th century, a great number of modernism literary works emerged. Katherine Ann Porter,a famous short story writer and stylist, has positive thoughts and keen insights, and her unique artistic...
Reform of Green Spaces in old Residential Districts——A Case Study of the old Wujie Residential District of Urumqi Railway Bureau in China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第6期4卷 4-6页
作者:宋化龙 傅超英新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院新疆乌鲁木齐830052 新疆林科院园林绿化规划工程设计所新疆乌鲁木齐830000 
Taking green space reform in the old Wujie Residential District of Urumqi Railway Bureau for example, current situation of green spaces in old residential districts of Urumqi City was introduced, and problems were sum...
2017春季系列流行什么?北美最大服装零售商之一old Navy给出答案
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《时尚设计与工程》2016年 第3期 56-57页
在这个充满期待的明媚春光里,来自北美最大服装零售商之一的服饰品牌old Navy推出2017春季系列,从大自然提取灵感,徜徉于创新设计与亮丽色彩之间,混配不同的材质以及精致的细节,将清新、时尚和色彩推上更高层次,为品牌形象注入新意,绽...
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《Design(产品设计)》2006年 第9期 14-15页
众所周知,英国的设计教育突出的是个性化的培养,东伦敦区由于其多元文化和环境吸引了大量年轻设计师在这里建立自己的工作室和举行个性的设计展。伦敦设计节期间,以old Truman Brewery为中心的东伦敦区更加成为了新锐设计师的集市。...
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section A(1a—2d)教学设计
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《英语教师》2019年 第9期19卷 60-64页
作者:姚利利 王兰英(指导)陕西省西安高级中学陕西西安710000 陕西省西安市教育科学研究所 
一、教学内容本堂课的教学内容为人教版新目标《英语》八年级(下)Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains Section A(1a—2a),课型为听说课。Section A的主题是中国民间神话故事,主题图呈现了女娲补天、后羿射日、唐僧师徒四人...
MIFF 2012新进家具设计竞赛述评
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《家具与室内装饰》2012年 第4期19卷 76-77页
一名貌不惊人的女大专生沈佳怡(Sim Chia Yi)努力不懈地构建自己的梦想,凭"一如往昔(Just Like old Times)"忆童年椅子(马来西亚)。以一个巨大锅型座椅令评审团惊艳,在与2012年马来西亚国际家具展(MIFF)同步举行的〈2012年新...
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