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Optimizing Yanbian Cow oocytes Mature in vitro and Cleavage System after Nuclear Transfer Based on Uniform Design
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《Agricultural Science & Technology》2009年 第5期10卷 113-115页
作者:苗婷婷 魏世宝通化师范学院生物系吉林通化134002 通化县动物卫生监督所吉林通化134100 
[Objective] The aim was to optimize Yanbian cow oocytes mature in vitro and cleavage system after nuclear transfer based on uniform design. [Method] oocytes were recovered by aspiration method, and oocytes were mature...
Follicular Fluid Cortisol Releasing Hormone (CRH) Levels and Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) Outcomes
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《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》2017年 第13期7卷 1271-1281页
作者:L. N. Lim P. R. Supramaniam M. Mittal E. A. Linton E. McVeighOxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford UK Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Women’s Centre University of Oxford John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford UK 
Purpose: Can Cortisol Releasing Hormone (CRH) levels in follicular fluid predict outcomes following assisted reproductive treatment (ART) cycles? Methods: Prospective cohort study of 50 women undergoing in vitro ferti...
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