
18 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
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《工业建筑》2007年 第z1期37卷 82-85页
作者:夏娃 周琦北京大学艺术学院北京100087 东南大学建筑学院南京210008 
A Typological Investigation into L2 Chinese“Prepositional Phrase-verb”Word order Acquisition
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第12期8卷 1771-1780页
作者:DING Xue-huanJinan UniversityGuangzhouChina 
The study,using an interlanguage corpus,investigates how international students in China acquire“prepositional phrase-verb”word *** found that students whose mother tongue features VO and OV word order mostly produc...
A New Method of Construction of Robust Second order Slope Rotatable Designs Using Pairwise Balanced Designs
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《Open Journal of Statistics》2012年 第3期2卷 319-327页
作者:B. Re. Victorbabu K. RajyalakshmiDepartment of Statistics Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur A.P India 
The following article has been retracted due to the investigation of complaints received against it. Title: A New Method of Construction of Robust Second order Slope Rotatable Designs Using Pairwise Balanced Designs. ...
On the Design of Optimal Feedback Control for Systems of Second order
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《Applied Mathematics》2010年 第4期1卷 301-306页
作者:Аlexander М. FormalskiiInstitute of Mechanics of Moscow Lomonosov State University Michurinskii prospect 
A difficult but important problem in optimal control theory is the design of an optimal feedback control, i.e., the design of an optimal control as function of the phase (state) coordinates [1,2]. This problem can be ...
A New Method of Construction of Robust Second order Rotatable Designs Using Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
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《Open Journal of Statistics》2012年 第1期2卷 39-47页
作者:B. Re. Victorbabu K. RajyalakshmiDepartment of Statistics Acharya Nagarjuna University 
The following article has been retracted due to the investigation of complaints received against it. Title: A New Method of Construction of Robust Second order Rotatable Designs Using Balanced Incomplete Block Designs...
染序Dyed order
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《现代装饰》2016年 第1期 132-133页
《How to order food》微课的设计与应用
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《华人时刊·校长版》2020年 第5期 64-65页
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《电子测试》2010年 第10期21卷 36-42页
作者:田煚升 李贵勇重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院重庆400065 
随着TD-SCDMA系统的商用,同时需兼容已非常成熟运营的GSM系统,TD-SCDMA/GSM/GPRS双模终端已是市场的主流。本文针对双模单待终端(协议控制)CELL CHANGE order过程进行研究,该过程是双模终端实现PS域切换的一种重要方式。首先,以TD-SCDMA...
Automorphisms on the Poset of Products of Two Projections
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《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》2019年 第8期35卷 1393-1401页
作者:Xin Hui WANG Guo Xing JISchool of Mathematics and Information ScienceShaanxi Normal University 
Let H be a complex Hilbert space with dim H ≥ 3 and B(H) the algebra of all bounded linear opera tors on H. Let ≤° be the diamond order on B(H), that is, for A, B ∈B(H), we say that A ≤° B if R(A)■ R(B)...
Design of FOPI Controller for Time Delay Systems and Its Experimental Validation
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《International Journal of Automation and computing》2019年 第3期16卷 310-328页
作者:Gargi Baruah Somanath Majhi Chitralekha MahantaDepartment of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati 
In this paper,we report on the identification and modeling of unknown and higher order processes into first order plus dead time(FOPDT)plants based on the limit cycle information obtained from a single relay feedback ...
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