
检索条件"主题词=Phase locked loops"
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Design and implementation of a clock recovery circuit for fast Ethernet applications
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《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》2004年 第4期15卷 507-510页
作者:ZhuQuanqing ZouXuecheng ShenXubangInstituteforPatternRecognitionandArtificialIntelligenceStateKeyLaboratoryforImageProcessingandIntelligentControlHuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnologyWuhan430074P.R.China DepartmentofElectronicScienceandTechnologyHuazhongUniversityofScienceandTechnologyWuhan430074P.R.China 
A circuit architechure to realize clock recovery for fast Ethernet applications is presented, whick includies system architecture, modified MueUer Muller algorithm for 100BASE-TX, phase detector for 100BASE-TX and mul...
Optimized design of laser range finding system using the self-mixing effect in a single-mode VCSEL
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2006年 第2期4卷 87-90页
作者:王焕钦 赵天鹏 徐军 何德勇 吕亮 桂华侨 黄伟 明海 谢建平Department of Physics 
An optimized design of laser range finding system using the self-mixing effect in a single-mode verticalcavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) is proposed. In order to improve the ranging accuracy and expand dynamic ...
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