范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:为了抓住中国电子制造业从同质化的价格竞争向价格与产品差异化并举转型的机会,世界知名的转换与控制用电容式感应芯片供应商Quantum research集团有限公司日前介绍了中国市场新战略.其主要内容包括延聘冯子龙(Edward Fung)先生任职中国区销售经理,并以澳门为基地展开中国区的销售和技术支持,冯先生将负责开拓新的商业机会,并创建高效率的分销和支持网络来回应快速成长的中国市场.Quantum希望通过帮助中国制造商设计制造世界一流的电子、电器产品,进一步与中国领先制造商展开长久的合作.
摘要:The animation evolved from the comics gradually, nowadays, the reason why audience of animation is growing and growing because animation industry influense a lot. Various forms of animation production methods, but also different styles and ***, Animation touched people's hearts deeply, not only depends on its production, as well as the script, action, camera language and color, etc.
摘要:艺术设计教学改革一直是困扰我国艺术设计教育的一个重大课题,本文将国内当前各大院校流行的艺术设计工作室教学改革模式与欧美发达国家的艺术设计Design research思潮进行对比,结合美国著名大学艺术设计研究生的实际设计课题,剖析中西方关于艺术设计教育教学模式中存在的较深层次的差异,目的是为完善我国设计工作室教学模式和整个艺术设计教育找出新的办法。
摘要:Safety systems, built on state-of-the-art technology, are essential for achieving acceptable levels of plant safety to minimize hazards to the reactor and the general public. The second shutdown system(SSS) as an engineered safety feature and a part of the reactor protection system(RPS) is a means for rapidly shutting down a nuclear reactor, keeping it in a subcritical state and serving as a backup to the first shutdown system(FSS). In this research, one SSS with two types of optimum chamber designs is proposed that take into account the main current characteristic features of the Tehran research reactor with improvements over earlier designs. They are based on a liquid neutron absorber injection that is preferably different, diverse, and independent from the FSS based on the rod drop mechanism. The major design characteristics of this SSS with two different chambers were investigated using MCNPX 2.6.0 code. The performed calculations showed that the designed SSS is a reliable shutdown system, assuring an appropriate shutdown margin and injection time, with no significant effects on the effective delayed neutron fraction while causing minimal variations to the core structure. Further, the reasonable financial cost and the prolongation of the operation cycle are additional advantages of this design.
摘要:Silicon neutron transmutation doping remains one of the most viable nuclear applications for research *** this kind of product involves an irradiation method capable of fulfilling the quality requirements of doping and alleviating the challenges related to the design and safety of the irradiation *** this paper,we propose an irradiation device prototype for neutron transmutation doping of silicon ingots with diameters of 2 to 3 *** on the Es-Salam research *** thermal hydraulic analysis of the proposed irradiation device was performed to determine the optimum conditions for *** effect of the mechanical vibrations induced by the circulation of coolant in the device was quantified via experimental measurements under different flow *** results show that the maximum temperature reached by the silicon ingots is below the temperature limit,effectively validating the design of the irradiation *** investigations are prospected to further optimize the design and the irradiation *** irradiation of silicon ingots with a large diameter will be considered.
摘要:Animation professional talented person's raise is the premise and basis to ensure the healthy development of animation industry in *** this paper, combining with the experience of teaching practice on the teaching methods, curriculum, system arrangement and so on are studied and thinking, analysis of the problems existing in current practices in the animation teaching in colleges and universities, and put forward effective solutions, how to improve the teaching quality, cultivate and teaching requirements in accordance with the high quality of animation professionals, is the focus of the research in this ***, this paper introduced the exploration and research of the above problems.
摘要:With spreading and deepening of intangible cultural heritage protection movement in this century, Chinese ink art is among the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Institutions of higher education is an academic heritage, culture, communication, personnel training platform and carrier, we assume an important role in the protection of heritage and ink art. Modem design teaching is in order to better local cultural heritage, but also to change their design education, more and more traditional elements are used in the classroom student design works. This paper aims to cultural connotations of traditional Chinese ink painting itself carrying elements and aesthetic charm of the excavation, analysis and sorting, which will be teaching in their designs into modem art. The contemporary art and design are to make cultural connotation and aesthetic meaning, making a good combination of tradition and art.
摘要:TESOL is the abbreviation of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The basic meaning is international English teacher qualification certificate, and the teaching objects are the students which uses English as the second language. The theme of TESOL is to observe the methods and theory of English teaching, which makes the teachers' level of English teaching improve. On the basis of course learning experience of TESOL, the paper observes the disadvantages and advantages of TESOL from teaching design and teaching ideas. And the paper discuses the enlightenment of it for domestic English teaching.
摘要:Normal Art Education should adapt to the needs of social development, has the inevitable need to constantly adjust itself to reform. With the world of politics, economy, science and technology of "integration" process, China' s teachers art education are faced with a unknown era full of opportunities, challenges. In recent years, aiming at the trend for the development of art education in primary and secondary schools, colleges teachers have repeatedly reform their own education system, trying to set up a suitable art teacher education system, however, due to various reasons, Teachers Colleges' art teacher education reform has no optimistic results.
摘要:Based on linguistic theories which developed by Saussure and some other contemporary linguists, this article attempts to analyze the factors that cause low English parole competence of the contemporary college students under non-target language environment. It views that how to properly deal with the relationship between langue and parole is still a debating focus in applied linguistics. The result of low English parole competence of contemporary college students is due to the interaction of the contemporary College English syllabus, text books pedagogies and the English language level of both students and teachers. Thus it puts forward some suggestions to improve the college students' English parole competence.
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