
62 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design of CsI(TI) detector system to search for lost radioactive source
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2019年 第9期30卷 9-17页
作者:Waseem Khan Chao-Hui He Qing-Min Zhang Yu Cao Wei-Tao YangDepartment of Nuclear Science and Technology School of Energy and Power Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University 
This report presents a design system based on the use of CsI(TI) detectors to search for lost radioactive sources that are dangerous and harmful to individuals, including searching persons. For this purpose, the GEANT...
Design and testing of an internal hot-cathode-type PIG ion source for superconducting cyclotron
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《Nuclear Science and Techniques》2019年 第6期30卷 10-15页
作者:Shi-Wen Xu Yun-Tao Song Gen Chen Yu-Qian Chen Liu-Si Sheng Man-Man Xu Oleg Karamyshev Galina Karamysheva Grigori ShirkovUniversity of Science and Technology of China No. 443 HuangShan Road Hefei 230026 China Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei 230031 China East China University of Technology Nanchang 330013 China School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Anhui Polytechnic University Wuhu 241000 China Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Dubna Russia 
The superconducting cyclotron SC200 is intended to generate a 200 MeV, 400 nA proton beam for future particle therapy. The internal hot-cathode-type Penning ionization gauge (PIG) ion source for the SC200 is designed ...
Disclosing an Unknown source of the Eskimo Entry of Diderot&d’Alembert’s Encyclopedie
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第11期9卷 1139-1148页
作者:Giulia Bogliolo BrunaCentre d’études Arctiques-CNRSParisFrance 
The Eskimo entry of the Diderot&d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie[Encyclopaedia]conveys a stereotyped,preformed,and caricatured image of the folk,built in with bias,omissions,and *** emphasizes their bestiality and...
手机用TFT-LCD source Driver电路模块研究与设计
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《液晶与显示》2006年 第2期21卷 179-184页
作者:高武 魏廷存 张萌 李丹西北工业大学航空微电子中心陕西西安710072 
source Synchronous的原理与测试
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《半导体技术》2002年 第11期27卷 49-50,54页
Identification of Contaminant source Characteristics and Monitoring Network Design in Groundwater Aquifers: An Overview
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《Journal of Environmental Protection》2013年 第5期4卷 26-41页
作者:Mahsa Amirabdollahian Bithin DattaDiscipline of Civil and Environmental Engineering School of Engineering and Physical Sciences James Cook University Townsville Australia Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of Environment Mawson Lakes Australia 
The groundwater system is often polluted by different sources of contamination where the sources are difficult to detect. The presence of contamination in groundwater poses significant challenges to its delineation an...
Design of Magnet System for RIKEN Superconducting ECR Ion source
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《Chinese Physics C》2007年 第S1期31卷 37-40页
作者:J.Ohnishi T.Nakagawa Y.Higurashi M.Kidera H.Saito A.GotoNishina Cnter for Accelerator-based ScienceRIKENHirosawa 2-1WakoSaitarna351-0198Japan 
Superconducting magnet system for a 28GHz ECR ion source has been *** maximum axial magnetic fields are 4T at the rf injection side and 2T at the beam extraction side,*** hexapole magnetic field is about 2T on the inn...
GS1 source:面向B2C的产品信息共享服务
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《条码与信息系统》2014年 第4期 36-37页
GS1 source(可信数据源)是GS1(国际物品编码协会)提出的产品信息共享服务。与GDSN(全球商品数据同步平台)解决供应链上各企业间数据同步问题不同的是,GS1 source架构更关注企业通过网络渠道直接为消费者提供信息服务。可信数据源...
再谈基于Open source技术的网络安全实验专题设计
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《计算机教育》2008年 第18期 6-7页
本文介绍了笔者基于Open source技术所设计的一些网络安全实验,并详细介绍了每个实验的平台构建和实验项目。
基于DirectShow设计USB source Filter
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《计算机工程与设计》2004年 第3期25卷 469-471页
实现了在微软DirectX SDK基础上利用DirectShow和COM组件技术快速开发USB source Filter。首先介绍了DirectShow体系结构和有关的USB知识,然后以USB source Filter为例研究了如何开发DirectShow支持的Filter组件,以此为基础结合其它多...
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