
9 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Design and Evaluation of Dadu Canal Lining for Sustainable Water saving
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《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》2013年 第7期5卷 689-698页
作者:Ashfaque A. Memon Khalifa Q. Leghari Agha F. H. Pathan Kanya L. Khatri Sadiq A. Shah Kanwal K. Pinjani Rabia Soomro Kameran AnsariDepartment of Civil Engineering Mehran UET Khairpur Campus Sindh Pakistan Department of Civil Engineering Mehran UET Jamshoro Sindh Pakistan Water Resources Division National Engineering Services Lahore Pakistan 
Pakistan livelihood depends on agriculture and so for this on irrigation system. The irrigation system in Sindh province depends on three barrages. The canals off taking from these three barrages irrigate 5.5 million ...
Design of Energy saving Lighting System in University Classroom Based on Wireless Sensor Network
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《Communications and Network》2013年 第1期5卷 55-60页
作者:Yu Liang Ruihua Zhang Wei Wang Caiqing XiaoSchool of Computer Science and Technology Shandong University Jinan china 
In order to reach the objective of intelligence and energy saving for university classroom lighting, energy saving lighting control system in university classroom based on wireless sensor network is designed, includin...
Strategies for Introducing Energy saving Idea into Residential Planning and Design in Urban and Rural Areas of China
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第5期4卷 35-36页
作者:卢玫珺 郝丽君华北水利水电学院河南郑州450011 
Currently,energy saving design has been conducted on single building but not on the whole residential community in urban and rural ***,the paper has proposed energy saving measures for residential planning from the pe...
Energy saving Adaptor
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《新潮电子》2007年 第10期 121-121页
别小看电器所谓的节电模式,每年全球各种电器产品因为待机模式这种非完全关机状态而消耗的电能是非常惊人的。来自法国的设计团队Gilles Belley所推出的Energy saving Adaptor便是为了解决这种情况。每一个Energy saving Adaptor都是...
Application of Renewable Energies in the Construction of New Rural Residences
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第1期4卷 42-43,48页
作者:唐泉 宣蔚合肥工业大学建筑设计研究院安徽合肥230009 合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院安徽合肥230009 
Based on the significance of renewable resources in relieving energy crisis,application of renewable resources for reducing energy consumption of rural housings and carbon emission of traditional energies are believed...
Cross Layer Design for Cooperative Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
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《Wireless Sensor Network》2011年 第6期3卷 209-214页
作者:Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal Rajiv Ranjan Tewari不详 
Several protocols and schemes have been proposed to reduce energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Net-works (WSNs). In this paper we employ farcoopt, a cross layer design approach with the concept of coop-eration among...
Design of the Control System of Adaptive Balancing Device Based on PLC
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《Intelligent Control and Automation》2015年 第3期6卷 200-204页
作者:Sha Zhu Yuexiang Li Yu Wang Yonghui WangSchool of Petroleum Engineering Harbin Institute of Petroleum Harbin China 
Due to the well condition and the un-expected imbalance movement of the pumping unit in use, the energy consumes a lot. The existing balancing equipment cannot adjust and monitor the pumping units in real time. Theref...
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《江苏陶瓷》2012年 第2期45卷 10-11页
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《明日风尚》2009年 第11期 71-71页
来自澳洲的中性护发及造型品牌Evo,有别一般品牌的"家长式输入法",他们以"saving ordinary human from themselves"为口号,鼓励顾客透过发掘个人需要,从而挑选出最合用的产品。品牌制作了一本名为"DO buy evof...
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