
71 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
Master equation,design equations and runaway speed of the Kaplan turbine
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《Journal of Hydrodynamics》2021年 第2期33卷 282-300页
作者:Zh.ZhangZHAWZurch University of Applied ScienceZurichSwitzerland 
To make the Kaplan turbine technology comparable to both the Pelton and the Francis turbine,the master equation for the Kaplan turbine has been established by analyses similar to that-for the Francis *** analysis begi...
Design of Low Power and High speed CMOS Comparator for A/D Converter Application
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《Wireless Engineering and Technology》2012年 第2期3卷 90-95页
作者:Shubhara Yewale Radheshyam GamadDepartment of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Shri G. S. Institute of Technology and Science Indore India 
This paper presents an improved method for design of CMOS comparator based on a preamplifier-latch circuit driven by a clock. Design is intended to be implemented in Sigma-delta Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). The ...
Current Search: Performance Evaluation and Application to DC Motor speed Control System Design
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《Intelligent Control and Automation》2013年 第1期4卷 42-54页
作者:Deacha PuangdownreongDepartment of Electrical Engineering South-East Asia University Bangkok Thailand 
This paper proposes the current search (CS) metaheuristics conceptualized from the electric current flowing through electric networks for optimization problems with continuous design variables. The CS algorithm posses...
Influence analysis of chevron alignment signs on drivers' speed choices at horizontal curves on highways
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《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》2015年 第3期31卷 412-417页
作者:伍毅平 赵晓华 荣建 马建明北京工业大学北京市交通工程重点实验室北京100124 Texas Department of Transportation 
Using a driving simulator,the effects of Chinese chevrons on drivers’actual and perceived safe speeds at horizontal curves on two-lane rural highways are tested. Twelve horizontal curves with different roadway geomet...
Design of High-speed Sampling System in Pulse Laser Application
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《Optics and Photonics Journal》2013年 第2期3卷 73-75页
作者:Jian Liu Ming-ai Lv Jiang WangSouthwest Institute of Technical Physics Chengdu China The Engineering & Technical College Chengdu University of Technology Leshan China 
In measurement system by means of pulse laser, such as plasma measuring, laser ranging, the amplitude of echoed laser wave is very weak and difficult to detect by traditional analog electronic technology. A digital hi...
畅享高端创意蓝牙耳机 iLIKE speed Metal / iLIKE 融合蓝牙耳机体验评测
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《消费电子》2014年 第23期 60-62页
蓝牙耳机自问世以来一直备受消费者的喜爱,它不仅让用户免除了电线的牵绊,而且使用起来更轻松自在,已成为必不可少的手机伴侣。本期《消费电子》评测室迎来了著名创意数码品牌iLIKE最新推出的两款蓝牙耳机iLIKE speed Metal和iLIKE ...
speed ON THE SEA海上奔驰
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《游艇业》2013年 第9期 58-63页
作者:粱欣 Ferretti(图) 
Ferretti 500的设计,是在“品质第一”的前提下,从一系列“参数和必要的需求之间寻求完美的平衡点。“我们的船是用来感受生活的,而不仅仅是用来炫飘的。”这是Ferretti500的设计理念,也是其“为海而生”的海洋哲学。
基于speed Dreams的驾驶员应激响应分析系统
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《计算机工程与设计》2012年 第6期33卷 2511-2515页
作者:吴初娜 田学英 徐云杰 于鹏程长安大学汽车学院陕西西安710064 
为了研究应激状态下的驾驶员行为,提出了一种驾驶员应激响应分析系统。硬件系统以罗技赛车方向盘为基础并进行相应的机械改造,软件系统采用speed Dreams引擎创建典型应激场景;采用Joystick监控方法以及多线程通讯技术,高速动态采集并记...
BENTLEY EXP 10 speed 6 跨越时空的演绎
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《世界汽车》2015年 第4期 32-37页
"往往一辆概念车的问世都会伴随着这个品牌最前沿的设计思想和科技水准,体现出其产品的发展方向,而在宾利EXP 10 speed 6身上,我们既可以感受具有传奇色彩的历史气息,也可以阅读出当下主流的设计精髓,更能够触及到未来的前沿理念。"...
光速出击——adidas speed of Light Pack正式发布
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《中国服装(北京)》2016年 第16期 100-103页
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