
29 条 记 录,以下是1-10 订阅
an Atomic Magnetometer with Spin-Projection Noise Proportional to (T_2)^(1/2)
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2019年 第2期36卷 4-7页
作者:Hai-Feng Dong Xiao-Fei Wang Ji-Min Li Jing-Ling Chen Yuan RenSchool of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering Beihang University Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics Department of Aerospace Science and Technology Space Engineering University 
There is a comm on sense view for atomic magnetometers that their spin-projection-noises(SPNs) are inversely proportional to (T_2)^(1/2), where (T_2)^(1/2) is the transverse relaxation time. We analyze the current ato...
Design of an Acoustic Levitator for Three-Dimensional Manipulation of Numerous Particles
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《Chinese Physics Letters》2019年 第9期36卷 28-31页
作者:Di Wu De-Yao Yin Zhi-Yuan Xiao Qing-Fan ShiExperimental Center of PhysicsBeijing Institute of TechnologyBeijing 100081 
We present a design of an acoustic levitator consisting of three pairs of opposite transducer *** orthogonal standing waves create a large number of acoustic traps at which the particles are levitated in *** changing ...
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《工程设计学报》2017年 第5期24卷 523-529页
作者:袁树植 高虹霓 王崴 瞿珏 刘晓卫 李康空军工程大学防空反导学院陕西西安710051 西北工业大学航空学院陕西西安710072 
为了给人机界面设计提供有效的评价手段,围绕用户对人机界面的感性需求,提出了基于感性工学的人机界面多意象评价方法。首先运用感性工学方法建立感性指标评价体系,在指标权重分配上,通过将灰色关联分析法引入群层次分析(analytic hiera...
Microwave photonic filter design and optimization based on stimulated Brillouin scattering using a directly modulated pump
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《Chinese Optics Letters》2019年 第6期17卷 16-19页
作者:Kai Hu Lilin Yi Wei Wei Weisheng HuState Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
We propose a general guideline on the design of a stimulated Brillouin scattering(SBS)-based microwave photonic filter(MPF)using a directly modulated *** gain profiles and passband ripples with waveform repetition per...
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《红外与激光工程》2004年 第5期33卷 473-476页
作者:鲍黎波 艾勇 左韬 胡晟武汉大学电子信息学院湖北武汉430079 
提出一种无线激光通信系统USB接口的设计方案。该方案采用Cypress公司EZ USB系列的an2131Q芯片为核心作为USB外围设备,an2131Q芯片在USB外围设备上电加载后运行其固件程序,负责管理USB外围设备及其与主机的通信。论述了如何利用该公司的...
Philosophy of Chinese Mythology:an Introduction
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2018年 第11期8卷 1525-1534页
作者:YE Shu-xian XIONG Cheng-xia(Translated)Shanghai Jiao Tong University University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 
The term“philosophy of mythology”is not a newly-coined *** has been used by Schelling1,a German philosopher of the 19th century,as the title of his *** Cassirer,a famous German philosopher of the 20th century also u...
Feminism in The Story of an Hour From the Perspective of Spatial Narrative
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第8期9卷 852-855页
作者:WanG XuCollege of Foreign LanguagesZhoukou Normal UniversityZhoukouChina466001 
The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin,an American realistic novelist,at the end of the 19th *** are three spaces in the novel,the room,the house and space outside the *** one contains certain ch...
Protecting cultural heritage as an ambassador for peace
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《长江文化论丛》2017年 第1期 22-22,4页
作者:彼得·斯通联合国教科文组织文化遗产保护及和平委员会 英国纽卡斯尔大学文化艺术学院 
In the 21st Century heritage frequently appears to be regarded by governments primarily as a means of economic regeneration and as a mainstay of the national tourism industry. Its broader values and potential uses are...
Functions of Rhetoric and Social Science Origins in Communication Study—Based on Boxing Plato’s Shadow:an Introduction to the Study of Human Communication
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2020年 第3期10卷 255-270页
作者:WanG Hai HUanG Dai-mingGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesGuangzhou510420China 
With the development of the rhetoric study from the origins in ancient Athens and The Rhetoric of Aristotle to the formation of modern Communication Study at the beginning of the twentieth century,the Rhetoric Study c...
Perspectives on endogenous and exogenous tissue engineering following injury to tissues of the knee
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《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》2014年 第2期7卷 58-66页
作者:David A. HartMcCaig Institute for Bone & Joint Health University of Calgary Calgary Canada The Centre for Hip Health & Mobility Department of Family Practice University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada 
The knee is a multi-component organ system comprised of several tissues which function coordinately to provide mobility. Injury to any one component compromises the integrity of the system and leads to adaptation of t...
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