
检索条件"主题词=approximation algorithm"
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An approximation algorithm for the k-median warehouse-retailer network design problem
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《Science China Mathematics》2013年 第11期56卷 2381-2388页
作者:LI Yu XIU NaiHua XU DaChuanDepartment of Mathematics Beijing Jiaotong University Department of Applied Mathematics Beijing University of Technology 
We study the generalizedk-median version of the warehouse-retailer network design problem(kWRND).We formulate the k-WRND as a binary integer program and propose a 6-approximation randomized algorithm based on Lagrangi...
ON approximation OF MAX n/2-UNCUT PROBLEM
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《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》2003年 第2期16卷 260-267页
作者:XU Dachuan(Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese. Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)Institute of Applied Mathematics Academy of Mathematics ami Systems Sciences Chinese Aeailemy of Sciences 北京 100080 
Using outward rotations, we obtain an approximation algorithm for MAXn/2-UNCUT problem, i.e., partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph into two blocks of equalcardinality such that the total weight of edges that ...
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