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Study on Road Landscape Design in Scenic areas
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第2期1卷 11-14页
作者:于秀霞 王立君河北农业大学园林与旅游学院河北保定071000 
Based on surveys of road landscape in scenic areas of China,the present situation was analyzed and the basic principles for road landscape design in scenic areas were put forward.
Design and Study on Management Tools of Land Data Center for Integration of Urban and Rural areas
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《Journal of Geographic Information System》2009年 第1期1卷 42-47页
作者:Shiwu XU Xiuzhen LIU不详 
The rapid development of urbanization requires land management business should change the former single systematic pattern, and advance to integration of functions and data sharing. In order to meets the requirement, ...
Winter Waterscape Design for Residential areas in Northeastern Cities of China——A Case Study of Waterscape Design of “Riverbank House” in Yingkou City of Liaoning Province
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2012年 第4期4卷 10-12页
作者:李承轩 赵书彬海南大学园艺园林学院海南海口570100 
The paper has proposed the design concept of "solid waterscape". It considers that in waterscape design, it should select a design style suitable for local climate, traditional culture and folk customs; resp...
Landscape Design and Application of Plants in Modern Residential Area
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《Journal of Landscape Research》2009年 第2期1卷 1-5页
作者:魏绪英 项忠平 蔡军火 刘纯青江西财经大学资源与环境管理学院江西南昌330032 九江学院江西九江332005 江西农业大学园林与艺术学院江西南昌330045 
Based on the present situation of plant landscape in residential areas, this study aimed to analyze the development trend, deficiencies in constructing landscape environment and the basic designing principles, and put...
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