范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:通过分析目前几种常用的AutoCAD二次开发技术的特点,论述了如何综合运用Ob jectARX与ActiveX Autom ation技术开发计算机辅助工业设计系统中的机床操作部件模块(人机工程模块)的方法。
摘要:利用VB支持的ActiveX automation技术,编制了ActiveX的客户程序,用来操作AutoCAD,从而实现选煤设备CAD系统的设计。该系统可根据用户的图纸比例和三视图要求等实现各个功能段图形(如分级筛、跳汰机等)的参数化绘图。
摘要:This paper presents an automatic computer table based on STC89C52 MCU, the height and angle of the desk can be adjusted by MCU. The computer desk can also be connected with the Bluetooth of the mobile phone through the MCU to realize the wireless remote control and adjust the height and the angle of the display screen of the computer desk. According to man-machine engineering, the design can meet the needs of different adult populations for computer display height and angle requirements. The design of the computer desk can meet the daily needs of people in the office, and can effectively reduce the pain of cervical spondylosis, lumbar pain and other symptoms, which are caused by long working hours. The computer desk can improve work efficiency, strong practicability, high performance price ratio.
摘要:Background: Since 2004, zebrafish have become the state-of-the-art, in vivo model for biomedical research due to their genetic and physiological homology with humans, inexpensive high-quantity breeding, and quick development in a highly-controlled environment suitable for longitudinal studies. New Method: To fully utilize the zebrafish model, a novel, automated, high-throughput system was designed. Shoals of five zebrafish were placed in 16 tanks and automatically fed over two days for a total of 16 training sessions. Color LED lights were used as the stimulus for each shoal coinciding with the release of food for a duration of 20 seconds. This system was tested on two age groups: 6- and 11-month-old. Results: After three training sessions, the median height of the school in the tank during stimulus was significantly higher than that of the naïve fish during the first training session. All subsequent training sessions demonstrated similar behaviour. A decline in memory retention, as defined by a reduction in the median height during light stimulus (i.e. no simultaneous food delivery), was observed 8 days post training. Comparison with existing methods: The high-throughput nature of this system allows for simultaneous training of 16 tanks of fish under identical conditions without human interaction and provides a means to rapidly assess their learning and memory behaviours. Conclusion: Results provide a baseline for understanding the normal cognitive processes of learning and memory retention in zebrafish. This work paves the way for future studies on the impacts of therapeutic agents on these cognitive processes.
摘要:为了解决纯电动矿用自卸汽车举升液压系统功率过大,油泵电机匹配困难的问题,提出了一种新型的自卸汽车液压举升方式,即由小功率电动机与蓄能器匹配为举升液压系统供油的举升方式。设计了一种举升液压系统控制阀块,液压控制阀全部采用螺纹插装形式,结构紧凑,可实现举升、停止、下降和浮动4个动作。通过分析,采用该方案后,可使某载重50 t的纯电动矿用自卸汽车在举升时间不变的情况下将举升功率由53.8 k W降低至1.38 k W。并利用automation Studio仿真软件,对举升液压系统进行了建模和仿真研究,仿真结果表明举升液压系统满足实际需求。旨在为纯电动矿用自卸汽车举升液压系统的设计提供一种新的思路。
摘要:A low cost service robot was designed and implemented specifically to be used in service industries e.g. hotels. This service robot can deliver a requested payload (towels, bed-sheets, drinks or toiletries) to a customer. As evident with modern technology, robots are assisting man in several avenues of the service industry. This designed service robot can propose an error free service, work around the clock and consume less time with requested tasks. The prototype can handle two commands received from two different rooms simultaneously. It has the ability to choose to always deliver to the closest room from its base first. Also, it has the function to carry two different types of payloads in two of its compartments and to lift up the desired payload ordered by the customer using a scissor lift system. The service robot also uses a touch screen to interact with the customer. The algorithm of the design ensures that the payload will always be delivered to the right customer in due time.
摘要:瑞士搏力谋自动化控制股份有限公司(BELIMO automation AG)成立于1975年6月1日,40多年以来一直致力于设计、生产和销售用于供暖通风和空调及相关领域的执行器、控制阀门及就地产品。
摘要:本文所述的数控铣床自动编程系统通过AutoCAD2 0 0 0生成零件图形 ,并利用ActiveXautomation技术对图形进行分析处理 。
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