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bandgap engineered novel g-C_3N_4/G/h-BN heterostructure for electronic applications
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2019年 第3期40卷 45-49页
作者:Santosh Kumar Gupta Rupesh ShuklaDepartment of Electronics & Communication Engineering Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Loknayak Jai Prakash Institute of Technology Chhapra 
The effect of an external electric field on the bandgap is observed for two proposed heterostructures graphitic carbon nitride-graphene-hexagonal boron nitride(g-C_3N_4/G/h-BN) in hexagonal stack(AAA) and graphene-gra...
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《中国集成电路》2018年 第11期27卷 67-71页
Design and characteristic research on side-polished fiber fluid sensing system
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2021年 第8期17卷 490-495页
作者:LIU Yu YANG Qingrong LU Yongle DI Ke WEN Dandan YUE Yiting ZHOU Min WANG Changle GUO JunqiChongqing Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Sensing Technology and MicrosystemChongqing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsChongqing 400065China 
A novel fluid sensing system based on side-polished optical fiber(SPOF)is proposed,which realizes the fluid replaceability and effective refractive index(RI)sensing *** investigations demonstrate that the photonic ban...
A promising two-dimensional channel material:monolayer antimonide phosphorus
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《Science China Materials》2016年 第8期59卷 648-656页
作者:蔡波 谢美秋 张胜利 黄呈熙 阚二军 陈显平 顾宇 曾海波Institute of Optoelectronics&NanomaterialsJiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Micro&Nano Materials and TechnologyCollege of Material Science and EngineeringNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094China Department of Applied PhysicsNanjing University of Science and TechnologyNanjing 210094China College of Optoelectronic EngineeringChongqing UniversityChongqing 400044China 
As the base of modern electronic industry,field-effect transistor(FET) requires the channel material to have both moderate bandgap and high mobility. The recent progresses indicate that few-layer black phosphorus has ...
Design of a CMOS Current-Adjustable Charge-Pump Circuit Insensitive to Power Supply and Temperature
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2003年 第3期24卷 260-265页
作者:赵晖 徐栋麟 潘莎 杨柯 任俊彦 章倩苓复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室上海200433 
A CMOS charge-pump circuit with adjustable current is presented.A bandgap voltage reference,a low drop-out regulator,and a capacitive DC-DC voltage-booster are used to generate supply voltage for the current *** gener...
Design of low-pass filter based on a novel defected ground structure
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《Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition)》2007年 第4期11卷 396-399页
作者:钟小明 李国辉School of Communication and Information Engineering Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 P. R. China 
A novel defected ground structure (DGS) for the microstrip line is proposed in this paper. The DGS lattice has more defect parameters so that it can provide better performance than the conventional dumbbell-shaped D...
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《今日制造与升级》2024年 第2期 12-14,17页
作者:李泽洋 乔雨欣 胡正宇 高超嵩 孙向明 李双三峡大学湖北宜昌443000 华中师范大学物理科学与技术学院夸克与轻子物理教育部重点实验室湖北武汉430079 
基于TSMC BCD 180nm工艺设计并流片测试了一款低压低温漂带隙基准芯片,用于高能物理实验。该芯片主要基于NICA-MPD探测器工程项目的需求,实现在极端温度环境中正常输出电压的功能。该芯片的核心模块带隙基准模块采用二阶温度补偿结构,...
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《电脑知识与技术(过刊)》2007年 第20期14卷 470-471页
作者:黄智 吴秀龙 梅振飞 鲁世斌安徽大学电子学院安徽合肥230039 安徽大学电子学院安徽合肥230039 安徽大学电子学院安徽合肥230039 安徽大学电子学院安徽合肥230039 
本文在对传统CMOS带隙电压基准电路的分析上,综合一阶温度补偿,电流反馈和电阻二次分压的技术整个电路采用CHARTER 0.35um CMOS工艺实现,采用MentorGraphics的Eldo工具进行仿真,结果表明该电路具有低温度系数和高电源抑制比.
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《中国集成电路》2014年 第10期23卷 28-32页
作者:邱实 周泽坤 明鑫 王卓 张波电子科技大学电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室四川成都610054 
本文提出了一种用于Buck变换器的带隙基准电压源,该电路结构简单,性能可靠,可移植性好。当温度在-40℃~125℃范围内变化时,基准电压的典型温度系数为7.3ppm/℃。本设计采用0.6μm HVCD工艺进行仿真验证,Hspice仿真结果表明该带隙基准电...
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