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Design of novel circular lattice photonic crystal fiber suitable for transporting 48 OAM modes
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《Optoelectronics Letters》2021年 第8期17卷 501-506页
作者:Alaaeddine Rjeb Habib Fathallah Saleh Chebaane Mohsen MachhoutLaboratory of Electronic and MicroelectronicPhysics DepartmentFaculty of Sciences of MonastirUniversity of MonastirMonastir 5000Tunisia Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering ApplicationsComputer DepartmentFaculty of Sciences of BizerteUniversity of CarthageBizerte 7000Tunisia Physics DepartmentCollege of ScienceUniversity of Hai'ilKingdom of Saudi Arabia 
In this paper,we propose and numerically investigate a novel circular lattice photonic crystal fiber(CL-PCF)using controllable GeO_(2) doped silica,suitable for modes carrying quantized orbital angular momentum(OAM).L...
Engineering a circular Riboregulator in Escherichia coli
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《BioDesign Research》2020年 第1期2020卷 9-17页
作者:William Rostain Shensi Shen Teresa Cordero Guillermo Rodrigo Alfonso JaramilloWarwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre(WISB)and School of Life SciencesUniversity of WarwickCV47AL CoventryUK Institute of Systems and Synthetic BiologyCNRS-Universitéd’Évry Val-d’Essonne91000ÉvryFrance Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de PlantasCSIC-Universidad Politécnica de Valencia46022 ValenciaSpain Institute for Integrative Systems Biology(I2SysBio)CSIC-Universitat de València46980 PaternaSpain 
RNAs of different shapes and sizes,natural or synthetic,can regulate gene expression in prokaryotes and *** RNAs have recently appeared to be more widespread than previously thought,but their role in prokaryotes remai...
The engineering of circular causality for specialization and design of complex systems:cad2CAS and casCAD2
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《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》2024年 第2期25卷 323-332页
作者:Xiaolong LIANG Rui QIN Juanjuan LI Fei-Yue WANGFaculty of Innovation EngineeringMacao University of Science and TechnologyMacao999078China State Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence SystemsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100190China The State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex SystemsChinese Academy of SciencesBeijing100190China 
The emergence of decentralized autonomous organizations and operations(DAOs),equipped with innovative mechanisms,enables new possibilities for transforming traditional social collaborative *** are the underlying drive...
The Global circular Diaspora With Time as the Center in Modiano’s In the Caféof Lost Youth
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第5期9卷 449-454页
作者:WANG GangShanghai University of Engineering ScienceShanghaiChina 
The 2014 Nobel Prize winner in literature,Patrick Modiano,in his masterpiece,In the Caféof Lost Youth,describes the story of Louki,a young mysterious lady who has been making time-travelling diaspora in all her *...
The Global circular Diaspora in Mo Yan’s Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out
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《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》2019年 第11期9卷 1175-1179页
作者:WANG GangShanghai University of Engineering ScienceShanghaiChina The 
The 2012 Nobel Prize winner in Literature,Chinese writer Mo Yan,describes the 50 years history of Chinese countryside from 1950 to 2000 in his masterpiece Life and Death Are Wearing Me *** the six artistic images of t...
The Design of circular Microstrip Patch Antenna by Using Quasi-Newton Algorithm of ANN
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《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》2010年 第7期2卷 444-449页
作者:Abhilasha Mishra Ganesh B. Janvale Bhausaheb Vyankatrao Pawar Pradeep Mitharam Patil不详 
The paper presents the Quasi Newton model of Artificial Neural Network for design of circular microstrip antenna (MSA). In this model, a closed form expression is used for accurate determination of the resonant freque...
High performance active image sensor pixel design with circular structure oxide TFT
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《Journal of Semiconductors》2019年 第2期40卷 29-32页
作者:Rui Geng Yuxin GongSchool of International Education Dalian Polytechnic University School of Information Science and Engineering Shandong University 
We report a high-performance active image sensor pixel design by utilizing amorphous-indium-gallium-zinc-oxide(aIGZO) thin-film transistors(TFTs) with a circular structure. The TFT, configured with the inner electrode...
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《光谱学与光谱分析》2014年 第4期34卷 1050-1055页
作者:张之宝 王静洁 陈晖娟 熊青青 刘玲蓉 张其清中国医学科学院北京协和医学院生物医学工程研究所天津市生物医学材料重点实验室天津300192 福州大学生物和医药技术研究院福建福州350002 
胶原是广泛研究和应用的生物材料,具有独特的三螺旋结构,此结构与其生物学性能密切相关。以胶原模拟多肽(collagen mimetic peptide,CMP)作为胶原的模型分子,通过圆二色谱研究了CMP的三螺旋结构、热稳定性等随序列或长度的改变所发生的...
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《世界建筑导报》2015年 第3期30卷 70-73页
业主:Benetton Group spa地点:意大利特雷维索设计:2006年施工:2007年合作:Jesús Donaire面积:1868 m2向天空开放的箱式建筑我们建造了一座由九个小正方形组成的方形箱式建筑。中心的方形用于采集来自前厅高处的光线。教室...
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《世界建筑》2017年 第4期 114-114页
作者:乔基姆·冯·布朗 刘加平德国政府生物经济理事会 zef发展研究中心 波恩大学 中国工程院 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院 
我们仿效BBC的广播节目“60秒改进世界”(Sixty Second Idea to Improve the World)推出了“改进建筑60秒”栏目,每期将在世界范围内采访两位人物,请他们就建筑、城市,景观、技术等相关问题在60秒的时间里讲出一个或两个有启发性,批...
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