范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:Promoting intercultural competence is an important objective in foreign language education. The main purpose of the study was to examine the effects of incorporating "noticing, comparing, reflecting, and interacting" teaching model in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) classroom. Data were collected from students’ reflective writing reports and semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the data revealed that this teaching practice could serve as an effective tool to develop students’ intercultural competence, particularly regarding intercultural knowledge, attitudes, and awareness.
摘要:Active listening is an essential communication technique that requires the listener to focus and provide feedback on what is heard. The ability to listen actively demonstrates sincerity, and assumes that nothing is being shrugged or taken for granted. As a result, active listeners strive to improve professional and personal relationships, decrease misinterpretation of information, strengthen compliance, and foster understanding. Likewise, active listening can foster trust, mutual respect, and patient compliance. This paper will explore vital connections between active listening and displaying emotionally competent behaviors. Additionally, analysis of a case study as a means of strengthening these connections while improving patient outcomes will be assessed.
摘要:Acquiring the language spoken in the host country is crucial for social inclusion of *** this perspective,illiteracy represents a social problem since it has repercussions on second-language acquisition/learning *** order to investigate the role of illiteracy in L2 Italian acquisition,the paper aims at analyzing the oral productions of L2 Italian learners with equal L1 but a different level of education,i.e.,low educated *** learners’productions are collected through semi-structured video *** the perspective of the conversational analysis,the interviews are transcribed and studied taking into account also non-verbal aspects of the oral *** learners belong to the specific category of the“unaccompanied foreign minors”.These minors are characterized by a particular sociolinguistic profile as they are often plurilinguals with a low,very low,or zero level of *** lack of previous schooling limits the competence in languages(including L1)to oral competence alone,and this has repercussions on second-language acquisition and,therefore,on social *** fact,a certain competence in writing and reading has an important impact on mental *** low or zero familiarity with written texts has inevitable consequences in the second-language acquisition process,in terms of lack of meta-textual and meta-linguistic *** the comparison of the interviews,the characteristics of the learners’interlanguages show that the learners deal with the non-inflectional initial phase of the second-language acquisition process:Their linguistic varieties are certainly basic ***,data show significant differences in the learners’performance depending on(il)literacy,which is the only parameter differentiating the learners’*** particular,literacy,namely a certain,albeit low,level of education and proficiency in writing skills,has positive repercussions on the performance in terms of a greater aw
摘要:70年代初,社会语言学家海姆斯(Hymes)针对乔姆斯基的语言能力(Linguistic co-mpetence)学说,提出了交际能力(communicative competence)和言语活动(Ling-uistic event)概念,为交际法大纲奠定了语言理论基础;韩礼德(Halliday)根据语段分析(discourse analysis)理论,为大纲确定选择教学内容的标准提供了理论依据;而威尔金斯(Wilkins)则在意念大纲的具体设计与制定上作出了贡献。80年代之后。
摘要:70年代初.社会语言学家海姆斯(Hymes)针对乔姆斯基的语言能力(linguisticcompetence)学说,提出了交际能力(communicative competence)和言语活动(linguistic event)概念,为交际法大纲奠定了语言理论基础;韩礼德(Halliday)根据语段分析(discourseanalysis)理论.为大纲确定选择教学内容的标准提供了理论依据,而威尔金斯(Wilkins)则在意念大纲的具体设计与制定上作出了贡献。80年代之后,交际法在理论和实践上得到进一步发展,分化出多种流派.如 Roberts 所讲的英派与美派,Howatt 的强式与弱式。
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