范例一:(K=图书馆学 OR K=情报学) AND A=范并思 AND Y=1982-2016
范例二:P=计算机应用与软件 AND (U=C++ OR U=Basic) NOT K=Visual AND Y=2011-2016
摘要:We report the design of a wide-range energy material beamline(E-line) with multiple experimental techniques at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation *** undulators consisted of an elliptically polarizing undulator and in-vacuum undulator that generate the soft and hard X-rays, respectively. The beamline covered a wide energy range from 130 to 18 ke V with both a high photon flux([ 10^(12) phs/s with exit silt 30 lm in soft X-ray and [ 5 9 10^(12) phs/s in hard X-ray within 0.1%BW bandwidth) and promising resolving power(maximum E/DE [ 15,000 in soft X-ray with exit silt 30 lm and [6000 in hard X-ray). Moreover, the beam spots from the soft and hard X-rays were focused to the same sample position with a high overlap ratio, so that the surfaces, interfaces, and bulk properties were characterized in situ by changing the probing depth.
摘要:Molten salt pebble bed reactor is one of the sixth-generation Ⅳ reactor types. To investigate the mechanical behavior of the fuel pebbles in the core, a visualization experiment facility of pebble bed(VEFPB) is designed. To obtain a uniform flow field of the core and analyze the influence of the flow field on the structure of the pebble bed, computational fluid dynamics software Fluent is used to simulate the flow field distribution of the core of VEFPB. The simulation results show that the disturbance at the bottom of the pebble bed is proportional to the flow velocity of the inlet pipe, and the flow velocity close to the inlet side is more significant than that in other parts; the design of the cylinder bottom plate with holes of different sizes can effectively reduce the flow velocity and the disturbance at the bottom of the pebble bed. In addition,according to the velocity contours of the core of VEFPB, it is observed that the flow field distribution of the core is considerably uniform except at the bottom of the pebble bed. This ensures the stability of the pebble bed and verifies the rationality of the design of VEFPB. This study provides the technical support and reference for the flow field analysis of the core of molten salt pebble bed reactor.
摘要:The reliability of facility location problem has aroused wide concern recently. Many researchers focus on reliable and robust facility systems design under component failures and have obtained promising performance. However, the target and reliability of a facility system are to a large degree adversely affected by the edge failures in the network, which remains a deep study. In this paper, we focus on facility systems’ reliability subject to edge failures. For a facility location system, we formulate two models based on classical uncapacitated fixed-charge location problem under deterministic and stochastic cases. For a specific example, location decisions and the comparison of reliability under different location models are given. Extensive experiments verify that significant improvements in reliability can be attained simply by increasing the amount of operating cost.
摘要:The use of Animal House Facilities of IPEN-CNEN/SP (Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute-National Nuclear Energy Commission/SP, Brazil) has provided rats and mice with controlled sanitary quality for research and quality control in the production of radiopharmaceuticals lots, produced at IPEN, following rules of CONCEA-Brazilian National Council for Animal Experimentation Control and approved in CEUA (Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals), before they are sent to hospitals and clinics spread out in Brazil, for use in nuclear medicine. The production and the supply of high quality laboratory animals have fundamental importance for the accomplishment of vanguard scientific research, with reproducibility and universality. The quality of those animals depends, largely, on the available facilities for their production and lodging, to assure the demanded sanitary control and animal's welfare, in agreement with the ethical principles that control the activity. Therefore, the facilities design is of vital importance so that the mentioned requirements can be reached. Nevertheless, pigs and miniature pigs have gained importance as large animal models in medicine. With their size, organ capacity, and physiology resembling in several aspects that of humans, pigs are well suited for preclinical experiments and long-term safety studies. Minipigs will be used for preclinical testing of radiopharmaceuticals and assays radioactive materials for cardiac tests. This paper describes the premises and preliminary activities that have been performed at IPEN for the design of new Animal House Facilities dedicated to keeping minipigs taking into account fundamental aspects such as: animal's welfare, sanitation, genetic, in agreement with the ethical principles that control the activity and environmental concerns.
摘要:With China's rapid development of the construction of modern campus,the school's increasing popularity and status as well as the growing number of foreign *** campus information,human development has gradually become a new issue on the development and construction of *** article through the analyzing on design features of the modern Campus Sign System to meet the needs of different groups,and the information can be effective used through the modern Campus Sign System between peoples and *** that in their daily life,work and other needs are fully met.
摘要:In this thesis, the design in construction management is defined as the design meets the requirements of the constructor. There are a range of definitions of design, but in this paper "design" refers to something, which has been planned and made and a pattern for decorating in something in the term of construction. Rumane says (2010)the design involves two processes. The first thing is analyzing and designing components and structure on the basis of recognized codes and standards of safety. The other is that designers conduct the information in the form
摘要:业主:徐汇发展公司面积:云馆190平方米;配套设施馆240平方米Client:Xuhui Development Corporation Area:The Cloud pavilion 190 m2;Support facility pavilions 240 m2施密特·汉莫·拉森建筑师事务所对西岸2013年建筑与当代艺术双年展的贡献包括一个艺术装置展馆"云"和包含咖啡厅、画廊、书店等配套设施的综合展馆。展馆比邻徐汇西岸滨江的两个工业起重机之中的一个。
招生:0574-88222065 88222066