
检索条件"主题词=global warming"
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Projections of ocean climate for northwestern Pacific Ocean
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《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》2005年 第1期24卷 134-145页
作者:CHOI Byung Ho KIM Dong Hoon CHOI Young Jin YUK Jin HeeDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sungkyunkwan University Suwon KoreaAbiko Research Laboratory Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry JapanResearch Institute of Applied Mechanics Kyushu University JapanDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sungkyunkwan University Suwon Korea 
The long-term adjustment processes of atmosphere and ocean in response to gradually increased atmospheric CO2 concentration have been analyzed in 70 and 140 a integrations with NCAR fully-coupled climate system model ...
Future Projections of Precipitation Characteristics in East Asia Simulated by the MRI CGCM2
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《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》2005年 第4期22卷 467-478页
作者:AkioKITOH MasahiroHOSAKA YukimasaADACHI KenjiKAMIGUCHIMeteorologicalResearchInstituteTsukuba305-0052Japan 
Projected changes in precipitation characteristics around the mid-21stcentury and end-of-the-century are analyzed using the daily precipitation output of the 3-memberensemble Meteorological Research Institute global o...
The Southwest Indian Ocean Thermocline Dome in CMIP5 Models:Historical Simulation and Future Projection
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《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》2016年 第4期33卷 489-503页
作者:Xiao-Tong ZHENG Lihui GAO Gen LI Yan DUKey Laboratory of Physical Oceanography Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of Ocean–Atmosphere Interaction and Climate in Universities of Shandong Ocean University of China Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology Ocean University of China State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography South China Sea Institute of OceanologyChinese Academy of Sciences 
Using 20 models of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), the simulation of the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) thermocline dome is evaluated and its role in shaping the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB...
North Pacific Eastern Subtropical Mode Water simulation and future projection
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《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》2015年 第3期34卷 25-30页
作者:XIA Ruibin LIU Qinyu XU Lixiao LU YiqunPhysical Oceanography Laboratory/Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate in Universities of ShandongOcean University of China 
The present climate simulation and future projection of the Eastern Subtropical Mode Water (ESTMW) in the North Pacific are investigated based on the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Earth System Model (GFDL-E...
Projection of global mean surface air temperature changes in next 40 years: Uncertainties of climate models and an alternative approach
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《Science China Earth Sciences》2011年 第9期54卷 1400-1406页
作者:FU CongBin QIAN Cheng WU ZhaoHuaInstitute for Climate and Global Change Research School of Atmospheric Sciences Nanjing University Nanjing 210093 China Key Laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment for Temperate East Asia Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China Department of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Science & Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies Florida State University Tallahassee F132308 USA 
The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that the climate projection using climate models that took account of both human and natural factors provided credib...
Advancing Climate Dynamics Toward Reliable Regional Climate Projections
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《Journal of Ocean University of China》2013年 第2期12卷 191-200页
作者:XIE Shang-PingPhysical Oceanography Laboratory and Key Laboratory of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate in Universities of ShandongOcean University of China Scripps Institution of OceanographyUniversity of California at San DiegoLa JollaCA 92093-0230USA International Pacific Research Center and Department of MeteorologyUniversity of HawaiiHonoluluHI 96822USA 
With a scientific consensus reached regarding the anthropogenic effect on global mean temperature, developing reliable regional climate projections has emerged as a new challenge for climate science. A national projec...
Model Projections of East Asian Summer Climate under the ‘Free Arctic’ Scenario
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《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》2010年 第3期3卷 176-180页
作者:Wang Hui-Jun Zhang YingNansen-Zhu International Research Center Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China Climate Change Research Center Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China 
This paper addresses the ‘ice-free Arctic’ issue under the future global warming scenario. Four coupled climate models used in the third phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3) were selected to pr...
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